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The F*%K Thread


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England and Paraguay are currently playing before my fucking eyes. I'm not a fan of soccer, but hey, what the fuck else am I meant to do here? It's too early for sleep, in my fucking opinion.

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Night before last my poor baby broke his arm, straddling the hallway....climbing up to the ceiling like fucking Spiderman. :( BOOM.......snap. Two bones fucking broken.....


Four fucking hours in the emergency room....


Nice big red fucking full arm cast.


Fucks his summer up big time...


Can I get a collective "awwwwwwwwwwwwww" for my baby??? :crying:



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Wow MJ, very fucking sorry to hear about that. Poor kid. :( You're going to have to sit him down pretty soon and make him aware of the fact that there is only room for one fuckin' superhero in the world, and that I have filled that fucking vacancy.


Seriously, though, hope he gets better soon.


I was just about to come on here and fucking tear to fucking shreds technology, my fucking Ipod, my fucking computer... just fucking everything. All I want to do is put some fucking songs on it tonight, for the first time in 20 fucking years, and the fucking thing is fucking frozen on me. Fuck it all.


But yeah, doesn't really compare to MJ and her poor broken armed baby. :( Hope the both of you are feeling better pretty fucking soon.

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FUCKIN' OUCH! :yikes:


Sorry to hear about the youngin' MJ! :( Youngin's do like to climb on just about fuckin' everything. Hope he gets better soon & yer summer isn't totally fuckin' messed up. :)



Was goin' to say FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKK! as I misplaced one of my Tyketto cd's & to :bowdown: for mercy! ;) Maybe I'll get fuckin' lucky and be spared the fuckin' :whip: , at least for a while? ;) I fuckin' promise to fuckin' find it & play it many times & FUCKIN' loud, too! :bananamac:

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Night before last my poor baby broke his arm, straddling the hallway....climbing up to the ceiling like fucking Spiderman. :( BOOM.......snap. Two bones fucking broken.....


Four fucking hours in the emergency room....


Nice big red fucking full arm cast.


Fucks his summer up big time...


Can I get a collective "awwwwwwwwwwwwww" for my baby??? :crying:






Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! That fuckin sucks Darlin! Hope he gets well soon!

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:D Awwwwwww..........thanks, you guys!!! :D


He's feeling better. Sure is fuckin' sleeping a lot though......guess that's a good thing.... -_-


He wants all y'all to come over and sign his cast :lol:

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Fuck!!! Will it ever end?? Can't a person's life just cruise along smoothly for longer than a week without some fucking shit pie springing up and slapping you in the face? We get home today from an enjoyable morning shopping to find the fucking refrigerator broken. Then I call Sears and I have to give my life story to 3 people before they transfer me to someone that tells me the soonest they can be out is Thursday. At least I found someone that can come out this afternoon. But it's $70 just for them to walk in the front door. Isn't life fucking grand sometimes? :bananamac:

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Fuck!!! Will it ever end?? Can't a person's life just cruise along smoothly for longer than a week without some fucking shit pie spring up and slapping you in the face? We get home today from and enjoyable morning shopping to find the fucking refrigerator broken. Then I call Sears and I have to give my life story to 3 people before they transfer me to someone that tells me the soonest they can be out is Thursday. At least I found someone that can come out this afternoon. But it's $70 just for them to walk in the front door. Isn't life fucking grand sometimes?



Life fucking sucks dude.

I kinda know how you feel because my fucking washing machine is not working right so it looks like I might be buying a new one. FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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DAMN.....this shit's fuckin' contagious!!! I just walked out to my laundry room and guess what??? Fuckin' water all over the fuckin' floor. :angry:


Not sure if it's coming from the hot water heater or the washer...



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DAMN.....this shit's fuckin' contagious!!! I just walked out to my laundry room and guess what??? Fuckin' water all over the fuckin' floor. :angry:


Not sure if it's coming from the hot water heater or the washer...



I think you're right. I hope it's an easy fix though MJ. Our water heater bit it last year and it was a mess. Luckily the fucking thing was still under warranty.


The repair guy just left to get the part needed. It's not going to be as bad as I thought, luckily it doesn't appear to be the compressor, just a bad relay, which means a difference of about $500 in repair costs.

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DAMN.....this shit's fuckin' contagious!!! I just walked out to my laundry room and guess what??? Fuckin' water all over the fuckin' floor. :angry:


Not sure if it's coming from the hot water heater or the washer...



I think you're right. I hope it's an easy fix though MJ. Our water heater bit it last year and it was a mess. Luckily the fucking thing was still under warranty.


The repair guy just left to get the part needed. It's not going to be as bad as I thought, luckily it doesn't appear to be the compressor, just a bad relay, which means a difference of about $500 in repair costs.


Cool biz......you got some good news then!! :D My good news.....my laundry room floor got mopped. :unsure::lol:




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Night before last my poor baby broke his arm, straddling the hallway....climbing up to the ceiling like fucking Spiderman. :( BOOM.......snap. Two bones fucking broken.....


Four fucking hours in the emergency room....


Nice big red fucking full arm cast.


Fucks his summer up big time...


Can I get a collective "awwwwwwwwwwwwww" for my baby??? :crying:



That fuckin' sucks MJ. I hope Shane is back on the road to recovery! ;)

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Night before last my poor baby broke his arm, straddling the hallway....climbing up to the ceiling like fucking Spiderman. :( BOOM.......snap. Two bones fucking broken.....


Four fucking hours in the emergency room....


Nice big red fucking full arm cast.


Fucks his summer up big time...


Can I get a collective "awwwwwwwwwwwwww" for my baby??? :crying:



Fuck, I'm sorry to hear that. Just remember kids heal super fast so it might suck now but those bones will be stronger than before the break when all is said and done. But maybe this will help him realize he's closer to Peter Parker than he is Spiderman. :lol:

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Fuckin' stayed up till the wee hours of the morning watching the soccer, but it was worth it to see Australia fucking nail Japan's fuckin' ass!!! Soccer still shits me to tears and I hate the fuckin' pansies in the game, but I'm proud to say that the Aussies limited their shitty fuckin' carry on and were the most aggressive team I've seen yet. I'd love them, even if I wasn't Aussie. Come on you fuckers, let's bring this fuckin' cup home!!! :lol:

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I'm currently on my biggest ever fuckin' absence from the beach... over a month now - I've seriously not been absent for this fucking long for as long as I can remember, so being the pain-inducing fucker I am I decide to have a look at what the fuck I'm missing out on. Well, as though I was kicked in the balls by a wooden foot, here is what the fuck I see:



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DAMN.....this shit's fuckin' contagious!!! I just walked out to my laundry room and guess what??? Fuckin' water all over the fuckin' floor. :angry:


Not sure if it's coming from the hot water heater or the washer...



I think you're right. I hope it's an easy fix though MJ. Our water heater bit it last year and it was a mess. Luckily the fucking thing was still under warranty.


The repair guy just left to get the part needed. It's not going to be as bad as I thought, luckily it doesn't appear to be the compressor, just a bad relay, which means a difference of about $500 in repair costs.


Cool biz......you got some good news then!! :D My good news.....my laundry room floor got mopped. :unsure::lol:





Wow, fuckin' sorry to hear about y'alls fuckin' water/laundry/appliance issues. Fucking water's a pain in the fuckin' ass. A few years ago my wife and I were in fucking California and I get this urgent call from my mom, who was sitting the fuckin' dogs. "Your fucking washing machine hose broke and your house is filled with fucking water!" And no, my mom didn't say "fuck", but I have to obey the thread rules right? Our fucking laundry room was on the second fucking floor, so it ruined that room and the fucking kitchen below it. Fuckin' 6 months of drying out the house, spraying for mold, replacing the fucking plaster (yes plaster, we had an old house <_< ) with drywall. Really fucking awesome all around.


Also, fuckin' sorry to hear about Shane MJ, glad to hear he's fuckin' okay. That sucks about the cast for the summer though. My fuckin' heart goes out to him. :(

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Indeed MJ, allow me to add my fuckin' voice to the fucking chorus of peeps saying "DUDE, that fuckin' sucks, sorry about your son's arm." I feel for him having to spend Summer in a fuckin' cast. My brother broke his arm when we were kids and had a cast right thru the fuckin' summer, drove him stir crazy. I wouldn't fuckin' wish that on any kid. The universe is a fuckin cruel entity!!

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Good fuckin mornin to you too Wes.



I was heading down the fuckin walkway to my car this morning and there's a big-azz raccoon coming straight at me and not stopping for fuckin nuthin. I make a bee-line back into the house & as I'm trying to get the fuckin door open I look over my shoulder and that fucker is 3 feet from me, standing up on its hind legs & giving me the evil fuckin eye. I scramble in and slam the fuckin door. Open the door a minute later and the fucker is still on the porch. It took about 5 minutes for the fucker to leave & I head out to the car again... just in time to see her two babies run out from under my car & run across the fuckin street.

Mama woulda fucked me up if I hadn't have seen her :unsure:


Needless to say, I'm awake and ready to fuckin take on the fuckin day.... as long as there's no more fuckin raccoons involved.

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Good fuckin mornin to you too Wes.



I was heading down the fuckin walkway to my car this morning and there's a big-azz raccoon coming straight at me and not stopping for fuckin nuthin. I make a bee-line back into the house & as I'm trying to get the fuckin door open I look over my shoulder and that fucker is 3 feet from me, standing up on its hind legs & giving me the evil fuckin eye. I scramble in and slam the fuckin door. Open the door a minute later and the fucker is still on the porch. It took about 5 minutes for the fucker to leave & I head out to the car again... just in time to see her two babies run out from under my car & run across the fuckin street.

Mama woulda fucked me up if I hadn't have seen her :unsure:


Needless to say, I'm awake and ready to fuckin take on the fuckin day.... as long as there's no more fuckin raccoons involved.

Yikes! :yikes: I'd be reaching for the fuckin .22!

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OH man..........no doubt. Raccoons are SO cute....but mean mutha fuckers!! I used to have two little ones....."Skeezer" and "Bandit".....they were so fuckin' sweet........until Skeezer bit my finger..... :angry: bitch.



Hey......thanks to every one for the well wishes for my baby.....he's doing fine now....bored as fuckin' hell though....lol.


Amazing how fuckin' HELPLESS the child has become, suddenly.... :blink::lol:



OH..........good fuckin' mornin' all y'all!!! :D

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