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The F*%K Thread


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That sounds like fucking fun Freddy, poor old fucking me has to put up with my wife's fucking Grandmother this fucking weekend. :doh:


Fuck, bro, hope you load up on fuckin' beer beforehand. Sounds like you're gonna fucking need it



Thanks for the fucking reminder because I'm low on beer.

Maybe I'll breakdown and buy some fucking Newcastle or Goose Island this week.

Or I might buy some fucking Bass Ale.


Never heard of fucking Goose Island, but either that fucking Newcastle or fucking Bass Ale sound fucking sweet to me.

For my fucking RV weekend I'll probably choose fucking quantity over fucking quality and just get a 30 pack of fucking Red Dog or Genesee Cream Ale.


Goose Island is from Chicago I think. I've never fucking heard of Genesee Cream Ale.

I was just next door at the fucking liquor store on my lunch break and spotted a good deal on Newcastle.

They had it $14.99 for a 12 pack, while a 6 pack is $9. I think I might have to take advantage of that fucking sale.

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Genesee Fucking Cream Ale is brewed in Rochester, New York. It's widely available in New York Fucking State and Northern New Fucking Jersey. It's just a good, tasty, cheap fucking beer. A fucking 30 pack will run ya about ten bucks, give or take


We should move this fucking discussion to the fucking beer thread, although it wont' be as much fucking fun without all the fucking "fucks"

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My Fuckin workday has ended and WHY the fuck am I still up? Gotta watch my kid who is fucking asleep by the way per order of the motherfuckin wife.....ah I love her.

This fucking sucks gotta do the fuckin job all over again tonight

3rd shift is a fucking bitch!!!!

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Got down to 12 mutherfuckin' degrees celcius yesterday, in the middle of the day. Was the coldest fuckin' day in June in 11 years. I think it was the coldest winter day in something like 3 fucking years. I'm really not liking this fucking nonsense. Tired, rain and cold do not mix. The fact that, like Freddy, I have a long fucking weekend ahead of me does mix. Monday is a public motherfuckin' holiday and I'm mildly fuckin' excited... to put it mildly. I think the weather's going to be fucked, though. I'm getting pretty sick of rain pretty fuckin' quick.

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This day fucking sucked so fucking bad. We have 4 people in the fucking office I work in but today we only had 2 so it was busy as fuck.

To top it all off I'm in the process of drinking my last fucking beer.


At least I have 15 or 20 bottles of wine on hand.

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Got down to 12 mutherfuckin' degrees celcius yesterday, in the middle of the day. Was the coldest fuckin' day in June in 11 years. I think it was the coldest winter day in something like 3 fucking years. I'm really not liking this fucking nonsense. Tired, rain and cold do not mix. The fact that, like Freddy, I have a long fucking weekend ahead of me does mix. Monday is a public motherfuckin' holiday and I'm mildly fuckin' excited... to put it mildly. I think the weather's going to be fucked, though. I'm getting pretty sick of rain pretty fuckin' quick.


Fuck man, no wonder you don't wear fuckin' shoes. That's like a really fucking warm Winter day for us. in fact it was 13 fuckin' degrees Celsius this morning and it'll be fuckin' Summer in less than three weeks. :banana:

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It's fucking cold over here as well ! So I'm eating some fucking hot thai lunch right now to get a little warm inside. :flame:


Where is the fucking summer ?!?!?!?

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So I'm eating some fucking hot thai lunch right now to get a little warm inside. :flame:


Fuckin' sweet Bernd, what's her name? ;)


Seriously, I fuckin' LOVE Thai food. I swear I can't get enough of the fucking stuff. I really can't even fucking bother with Chinese food any more, it's too fuckin' boring compared to Thai.

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Nice fucking surprise this morning. I was up at 3am so I was on the computer for a bit. I kept hearing it make this odd clicking noise. So I shut the fucker down. This morning I start it up and the checkdisc program thing comes on and says there are errors on the fucking computer but just relax and everything will be fucking fine. So I sit there while it does it's thing and then reboots. It shows the Windows screen, then everything goes black and a box pops up with a bunch of crap about LCASS.EXE or LSASS.EXE or some fucking thing and won't boot up. I tried that lame excuse of a system restore program, didn't work. Tried a few other things with no luck so I had to reformat the whole damn thing. I lost A LOT of stuff and needless to say, I am very fucking pissed at Bill fucking Gates right now. :2up:

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Fuck, Rick, that fuckin' sucks. Technology fuckin' blows sometimes doesn't it?

By the way, the fuckin' mailman delivered the fucking Kix demos CD today, so big fuckin' thanks for that, I can't wait to fuckin listen to it!


I've been having a pretty good fucking day. I took my fucking car back to the fucking DMV for re-inspection this morning and it fucking passed this time. I went to a different fucking DMV station this time and even the fucking agent looked surprised when he saw my fucking paperwork and said "They failed you for your WIPER BLADES?" I sez, "Yea, for real. My fuckin' tax dollars at work eh?"

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That's good news Keith! Things are fucking lookin' up on my day as well. I have recovered most of what I fucking lost and just have to find a few more things I'd really like to get back and I should be good to fucking go.

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I'm ready to take a fuckin break from civilization. I need somewhere with white sands, blue water and a light breeze... oh and an ice chest full of fuckin cervezas. Yeah a fuckin Corona commercial. Get away from these grumpy, meaner-than-me fuckin people who need to fuckin lighten up.

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Sounds pretty fuckin' good Lisa but forget the fuckin' Corona... get some REAL fuckin' beer!

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I'm ready to take a fuckin break from civilization. I need somewhere with white sands, blue water and a light breeze... oh and an ice chest full of fuckin cervezas. Yeah a fuckin Corona commercial. Get away from these grumpy, meaner-than-me fuckin people who need to fuckin lighten up.


The wife and I are fucking heading out to Guam on the 20th of this month. It's only 4 days, but it's 4 days of no fucking work, nice beaches and cold beers. I may even drink a fucking drink a pink cocktail for Geoff. :lol:

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Sounds pretty fuckin' good Lisa but forget the fuckin' Corona... get some REAL fuckin' beer!
If I wouldn't get so fuckin twisted, it would be Jack :P


Unless you've got a better fuckin suggestion, Corona's the only fuckin beer I've found that doesn't make me feel all fuckin bloated. -_-

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I'll be fucking camping in the fucking Poconos this fucking weekend with as many 30 packs of beer as my fucking credit card will allow so I'm fucking psyched :)

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The wife and I are fucking heading out to Guam on the 20th of this month. It's only 4 days, but it's 4 days of no fucking work, nice beaches and cold beers. I may even drink a fucking drink a pink cocktail for Geoff. :lol:
I fuckin hate you <_<



I mean, have a fuckin blast and bring us all back sumthin' :lol:

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One of my Horses fuckin separated it's fuckin flexor tendons in it's

fuckin knee...OUCHFUCKOUCHFUCK...so FUCK....But I do have

Friday off so... Fuckin Amen!!!


You don't have to shoot the fuckin' horse do ya? I fuckin' hope not

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One of my Horses fuckin separated it's fuckin flexor tendons in it's

fuckin knee...OUCHFUCKOUCHFUCK...so FUCK....But I do have

Friday off so... Fuckin Amen!!!


You don't have to shoot the fuckin' horse do ya? I fuckin' hope not

Thanks and Fuck no!!Fuckin modern medicine fuckin helps fuckin out!!! Fuck I'm ready for lunch!!!

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