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The F*%K Thread


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Why the fuck is it so fucking impossible to look at a fucking TV guide for Sydney online? Seriously, for fuck's sake... what's the fucking problem here because I've tried about 18 links and they're all fucked.

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We had a fucking thunderstorm at 5 fuckin 30 this morning. Scared the fuckin' shit out of my five year old but the baby slept right through it.

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We had a fucking thunderstorm at 5 fuckin 30 this morning. Scared the fuckin' shit out of my five year old but the baby slept right through it.



we had a fucker of a hail storm last nite too, i felt sorry for the poor fuck bikers at the campgrounds.

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Fuck...beware of the 1 post request gremlins that pop up after 2 years.. :blink:

It's just a bit weird.. :wacko:

Fuckin' o-kay :unsure:

Keith and I responded to a 1 count post request this am only to have

requester pop up after a 2 1/2 year rest....and that was fucking


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Fuck...beware of the 1 post request gremlins that pop up after 2 years.. :blink:

It's just a bit weird.. :wacko:

Fuckin' o-kay :unsure:

Keith and I responded to a 1 count post request this am only to have

requester pop up after a 2 1/2 year rest....and that was fucking



Someone is a fucking lurking!!

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The devon sandwich I'm eating now is being let down by a pretty fucking average slice of bread. Too hard, even if the other slice is soft and fresh.

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I still don't know what the fuck I am doing here. :unsure:

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On Earth, or on the boards? I still have no fucking idea either way. All I know is I like nachos and breasts.

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On Earth, or on the boards. I still have no fucking idea either way. All I know is I like nachos and breasts.


Both are pretty fucking good to nibble on.


Fuckin backed 100%

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Fuck the DMV. Just fuck them all to hell.

Fuckin' pretty much the same in every fuckin' state from what I hear... :(



I dunno, the wyoming DMV is perticulary fuckin evil.


You only say that cuz you never had to deal with the fuckin Jersey DMV back in the day. They've cleaned up their fuckin act somewhat but for a LONG time the fuckin Jersey DMV was better known as the Ninth Circle of Hell.

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Fuck the DMV. Just fuck them all to hell.

Fuckin' pretty much the same in every fuckin' state from what I hear... :(



I dunno, the wyoming DMV is perticulary fuckin evil.


You only say that cuz you never had to deal with the fuckin Jersey DMV back in the day. They've cleaned up their fuckin act somewhat but for a LONG time the fuckin Jersey DMV was better known as the Ninth Circle of Hell.

Jersey is where fuckin' Wyoming comes to get training.

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