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The F*%K Thread


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Finally everyone is fucking gone from my fucking family BBQ. I didn't think they were ever gonna fucking leave.


I hope for your fucking sake that at least some of them brought some fucking beer.



No one brought any, but at least I had my trusty Icehouse.

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Finally everyone is fucking gone from my fucking family BBQ. I didn't think they were ever gonna fucking leave.


I hope for your fucking sake that at least some of them brought some fucking beer.



No one brought any, but at least I had my trusty Icehouse.


Nobody brought any fucking beer? That's fucking wrong. Rule Numero Fucking Uno at Casa Del Freddy: If you're coming to my fucking house and I'm BBQ'ing fucking burgers and fucking dogs for you while your kids destroy my fucking house and yard, at least hook me up with some fucking brewski for my fucking trouble!!


It's nearly 10 PM and it's still hot as fuck outside. Time to take a cool shower, chill out and watch some TV in the fucking AC and go the fuck to bed!


At least my long fucking weekend is extended one more fucking day cuz Tuesday is my regular day off from fucking work. Boo-fucking-ya. Good fuckin' night everyone

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Fuckin' hell Freddy, sounds like you're in fuckin' vacation heaven! I just found out we have a fucking public holiday in early June, which really makes me fucking happy. Really, really fucking happy.

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Fuckin' hell Freddy, sounds like you're in fuckin' vacation heaven! I just found out we have a fucking public holiday in early June, which really makes me fucking happy. Really, really fucking happy.


Fuckin'A, Geoff, we'll see how heavenly it is when my son wakes up. He had a long fucking weekend with no naps and late bed times, and I'm a little fuckin' petrified to see what kind of mood he's going to fucking wake up in this morning. Thankfully he's sleeping the fuck in this morning and I'm gonna fucking let him stay up there as long as he wants so I can get some other fucking stuff done around here.

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Fuckin'A, I was just outside in the yard with my son and he suddenly yells "Daddy, what's that fuzzy thing?" I go over to where he's fucking pointing and there's a dead fucking raccoon laying in the dirt on the side of my fucking house, all smelly and fly blown. He sure as fuck wasn't there yesterday cuz I was working on that side of the house and I would've obviously seen the fucking thing. Apparently something took a big ole fucking chomp out of the fucker cuz it wasn't even a WHOLE raccoon, if you catch my fucking drift, just the ass end. Fucking GROSS! I had to go get a fucking shovel and scoop the fucker up, then I walked over to the woods opposite my yard and pitched the fuckin' thing as far as I could into the fuckin' trees. Suddenly I don't have any appetite for fuckin' lunch...

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Fuckin'A, I was just outside in the yard with my son and he suddenly yells "Daddy, what's that fuzzy thing?" I go over to where he's fucking pointing and there's a dead fucking raccoon laying in the dirt on the side of my fucking house, all smelly and fly blown. He sure as fuck wasn't there yesterday cuz I was working on that side of the house and I would've obviously seen the fucking thing. Apparently something took a big ole fucking chomp out of the fucker cuz it wasn't even a WHOLE raccoon, if you catch my fucking drift, just the ass end. Fucking GROSS! I had to go get a fucking shovel and scoop the fucker up, then I walked over to the woods opposite my yard and pitched the fuckin' thing as far as I could into the fuckin' trees. Suddenly I don't have any appetite for fuckin' lunch...



One fucking time last fucking year my wife and I noticed something colorful laying up against our big Gumball tree in our front yard. When we fucking went out to see what it was it was a fucking bird missing it's fucking head and the rest of the body was stuck to tree. That was really fucking gross and it took a little effort to un stick the bird from the fucking tree.

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I think your fucking bird's head must've wound up in my fucking flower bed, H&H. Last fucking year during the winter I noticed something colorful in my front yard and it was the fucking severed head of a fucking chicken!! One of my fucking neighbors has chickens and I guess one got killed by a fucking cat, and he deposited the head in my yard. Gee, fuckin' thanks!!

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You better watch JLP, because Lisa is the fuck thread police.


If you forget to say the word fuck in this thread she'll let you fuckin know about it. :P

fuckin :P


No one brought any, but at least I had my trusty Icehouse.
me thinks that Wes just fuckin likes to get spanked ;)



I went fuckin rock climbing yesterday... and them rocks kicked my fuckin azz! :rolleyes: I won't be in any fuckin hurry to do that again. Ya'll can keep that fuckin mess. <_<


and what the fuck is a Gumball tree? I gotta pay a nickle to get a fuckin gumball & ya'll got 'em fuckin growing on trees? Ya got a fuckin Red Vine tree too? That's my fuckin fave :)

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in line...? fuckin never :wub:


I live only to fuckin harrass and torment :lol:


Fuck it. Any attention is better than no attention.


The fuckin' cool thing is...she does it with love in her heart...and a fuckin' smile on her face...!! :drink:

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Fuck it. Any attention is better than no attention.

I can start fuckin stalking you, if you like? w00tbrows.gif


The fuckin' cool thing is...she does it with love in her heart...and a fuckin' smile on her face...!! :drink:

dat's fuckin right... nuthin' but fuckin luuuuuuuv :D ...and yeah I'm nearly always fuckin smiling. Usually makes people fuckin think I'm up to no fuckin good though <_<


which I fuckin am :lol:

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in line...? fuckin never :wub:


I live only to fuckin harrass and torment :lol:


Fuck it. Any attention is better than no attention.


Especially if that fuckin' attention results in being touched... inappropriately.


Hi Lisa :wub:, how the fuck are you?

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Fuck it. Any attention is better than no attention.

I can start fuckin stalking you, if you like? w00tbrows.gif



Fuck! You mean you're not fuckin' doing that already? :o Who keeps driving that AMC Pacer by my fuckin' house?

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Hi Geoff inlove.gif

I'm fucking wonderful, thanks for fuckin asking :D


How the fuck have you been?


Hey Lisa :wub:


I've been fuckin' better, but I'm surviving. I am a fucking fighter, I guess.

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see now, I fuckin TOLD MJ she might want to do her fuckin drive-bys in a fuckin less conspicuous car!




Ya mean the lime green Pacer with big pink hearts saying.....




.....was a bit much???






Ooooops....almost forgot................FUCK!!!!

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Hey Lisa :wub:


I've been fuckin' better, but I'm surviving. I am a fucking fighter, I guess.


If I fuckin could.... I'd send ya some fuckin warm weather and some fuckin waves from Mavericks surf.gif


:wub: Any other day that would have made my fucking day, that cheeky little fucker on the surfboard. I fucking love it. Yeah, I can't tell you how much some fuckin' surf and nice fuckin' weather would be appreciated. :)

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Ya mean the lime green Pacer with big pink hearts saying.....




.....was a bit much???






Ooooops....almost forgot................FUCK!!!!

LMAO What better fuckin way to show your love, than with a fuckin lime green car?


:wub: Any other day that would have made my fucking day, that cheeky little fucker on the surfboard. I fucking love it. Yeah, I can't tell you how much some fuckin' surf and nice fuckin' weather would be appreciated. :)

Fuckin hang in there, Geoff :wub: When you finally get that fuckin helicopter finished, you can fuckin zip out here during your winter fuckin weekends.

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Fuckin' raining like fuckin' hell here right now... good, maybe it'll finally crack this fuckin' early summer heat wave we've had for the past couple of fucking days. It's been so humid that I feel like a fucking three minute egg

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