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Fucketty-ay... my oh fuckin my, what a wonderful fuckin day...

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Fucketty-ay... my oh fuckin my, what a wonderful fuckin day...

My fuckin' theme tune.... :whistle:


Fuckin' catchy!! :tumbsup:

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Fucketty-ay... my oh fuckin my, what a wonderful fuckin day...

My fuckin' theme tune.... :whistle:


Fuckin' catchy!! :tumbsup:

With fluffiness undertones.Fuck yeah.......

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Fucketty-ay... my oh fuckin my, what a wonderful fuckin day...

My fuckin' theme tune.... :whistle:


Fuckin' catchy!! :tumbsup:

With fluffiness undertones.Fuck yeah.......



yay for fuckin fluffy undertones! :nyanya:

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Eric could really fuckin' be Mary fuckin' Poppins...... :yikes:

:rofl2: ...Ian don't fuckin tell anyone...

Oh Gor' fuckin' blimey guvnor Chim Chiminey fuckin' Oh god !!!!!!!!! :crying::crying:

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What's the time Mr Wolf? More to the point, how do you know what the fucking time is? Is it because you're reading it from my fucking watch? That you stole? Well, somebody's got my fucking watch and it's not me. Where the fuck is it?

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Eric could really fuckin' be Mary fuckin' Poppins...... :yikes:

:rofl2: ...Ian don't fuckin tell anyone...

Oh Gor' fuckin' blimey guvnor Chim Chiminey fuckin' Oh god !!!!!!!!! :crying::crying:




someone forgot the fuckin magic word! :yikes:

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Can I get a fuckin' hell yeah?



I will give you that, and raise you a fuckin HELL YEAH! :banana:


Can I get a fuckin HALLELUJAH??


How bout a fuckin JALAPENO?


(Have I done that fuckin joke around here already? I think I may have. Fuck.)

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