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The F*%K Thread


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Wotty, your fuckin' day can't be any more fuckin' boring than mine... I just dismantled my entire fuckin' vacuum cleaner cuz it was making weird fuckin' noises, cleaned out a bunch of the parts and filters, and put everything the fuck back together!!


When the FUCK did I become so fuckin' domesticated? :blink:

You wanna fuckin'bet Keef.I fuckin' got up,did my fuckin' exercises,switched the fuckin' computer on,had to put up with fuckin' daytime tele,had a fuckin' little cry,had to fuckin' ask to put my fuckin' cds on,had fuckin' lunch,more fuckin' exercises,another fuckin' cry,more fuckin' music then no more fuckin' music cos she wanted the fuckin' tele on,had fuckin' tea,more fuckin' tele and just waiting for fuckin' bed.Now that's fuckin' anarchy....

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You wanna fuckin'bet Keef.I fuckin' got up,did my fuckin' exercises,switched the fuckin' computer on,had to put up with fuckin' daytime tele,had a fuckin' little cry,had to fuckin' ask to put my fuckin' cds on,had fuckin' lunch,more fuckin' exercises,another fuckin' cry,more fuckin' music then no more fuckin' music cos she wanted the fuckin' tele on,had fuckin' tea,more fuckin' tele and just waiting for fuckin' bed.Now that's fuckin' anarchy....


Whoa! I stand fuckin' corrected. <_<

Sounds to me like someone needs to get you a fuckin' Discman with some fuckin' headphones so you can listen to your fuckin' tunes while "the enemy" wants to watch the fuckin' telly!! Just a fuckin' thought.

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Wotty, your fuckin' day can't be any more fuckin' boring than mine... I just dismantled my entire fuckin' vacuum cleaner cuz it was making weird fuckin' noises, cleaned out a bunch of the parts and filters, and put everything the fuck back together!!


When the FUCK did I become so fuckin' domesticated? :blink:


Now the mice are attacking your fuckin' vacuum cleaner.


Fuck the mice. Haven't seen any of those fuzzy little fuckers in a while now. I think they realize that I am no longer fuckin' around with them...


So those little fuckers finally got theirs.

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So those little fuckers finally got theirs.


Fuck yea, you'd be surprised how fuckin' effective those fuckin' sticky traps are .

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So those little fuckers finally got theirs.


Fuck yea, you'd be surprised how fuckin' effective those fuckin' sticky traps are .

An old friend of mine was a sadistic fuck with those glue traps. He would throw it in the fucking toilet with the mouse on it and fucking flush....

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Finally back the fuck online, but everything else is still fucked. Had a day off today which was o-fuckin'-kay but the weather was fucking awful. Puppy's still cute - that's about all that's not fucked. I'm such a ray of fuckin' light. :)

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For some reason I'm really fucking tired today, must be because of all the rain the last couple of days.


Fuckin' rain here too.....my fuckin' head's about to explode. BUT....I'm off today....so all is fuckin' good!!! :dance:

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It's official: this fuckin' place is driving me batshit fuckin' crazy :crazy:

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Fuckity-fuck-fuck - it'a almost fuckin Friday! :banana:


And not a fuckin' moment too fuckin' soon, I'd say!!




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It's been raining like fuckin' hell here too. A lot of it has fallen on my heart, but equal amounts have belted all that fuckin' surrounds me.


On another fucked up note, I forgot my enchilladas for lunch and I was really fuckin' looking forward to them. Guess I'll have to get one of those cheap as fuck $5 meals from Hungry Jacks instead. Yum, but fuck about having to spend the $$ and missing out on my fuckin' awesome enchinlladas.

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It's been raining like fuckin' hell here too.


Not fuckin' here it hasn't.They keep promising it but it never fuckin' comes......It's taking as long as the fuckin' second coming of Christ <_< ... :unsure::whistle: ...oops.....sorry :bowdown: Paul for using your name in vain. :lol:

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The Australian Government has cancelled Snoop Dogg's visa and told him to "FUCK OFF, YOU AIN'T COMIN' TO AUSTRALIA".

England also did it because of his previous criminal convictions.We did it not because of that, we did it because of his lack of FUCKIN' talent. :fu:

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The Australian Government has cancelled Snoop Dogg's visa and told him to "FUCK OFF, YOU AIN'T COMIN' TO AUSTRALIA".

England also did it because of his previous criminal convictions.We did it not because of that, we did it because of his lack of FUCKIN' talent. :fu:


That's it Dave, no fuckin' Gin and Juice for you. <_<



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The Australian Government has cancelled Snoop Dogg's visa and told him to "FUCK OFF, YOU AIN'T COMIN' TO AUSTRALIA".

England also did it because of his previous criminal convictions.We did it not because of that, we did it because of his lack of FUCKIN' talent. :fu:


That's it Dave, no fuckin' Gin and Juice for you. <_<




:lol: He is yours mate, you can keep that fuckin' hack over there.

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It's damp, chilly, and fuckin' raining, and my son is home with a nasty fuckin' sore throat and head cold. I fuckin' hate seeing him like that. :(

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