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The F*%K Thread


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I am so fucking sick of fucking rain.


Our problem here in Oz is that we are not FUCKIN' getting any of it.....We are in a FUCKIN' drought and it is getting FUCKIN' real bad.

We are just about to hit stage 4 restrictions and that means you can not use a hose outside for any reasons.

Already you are not even allowed to wash your FUCKIN' car and you are only allowed to water your garden {not lawns} 2 days a week from 6am in the morning to 8am <_< .

Who the Fuck wants to get up at 6am on Sunday morning to water the FUCKIN' garden with a hangover <_< .

Not FUCKIN' me :puke:




Sorry to hear about the fucking drought Dave.

I remember back about 5 years ago when I was living in Colorado we had one of those droughts that had all kinds of crazy fucking restrictions on water usage similar to what you said above.

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I am so fucking sick of fucking rain.


Our problem here in Oz is that we are not FUCKIN' getting any of it.....We are in a FUCKIN' drought and it is getting FUCKIN' real bad.

We are just about to hit stage 4 restrictions and that means you can not use a hose outside for any reasons.

Already you are not even allowed to wash your FUCKIN' car and you are only allowed to water your garden {not lawns} 2 days a week from 6am in the morning to 8am <_< .

Who the Fuck wants to get up at 6am on Sunday morning to water the FUCKIN' garden with a hangover <_< .

Not FUCKIN' me :puke:




Sorry to hear about the fucking drought Dave.

I remember back about 5 years ago when I was living in Colorado we had one of those droughts that had all kinds of crazy fucking restrictions on water usage similar to what you said above.


Yeah mate, it's a FUCKIN' pain in the :butt: .

Geoff, what is the FUCKIN' situation up New South Wales way.....I know Brisbane are pretty well FUCKED and only have about 20% left in their dams.

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We're off to see the fuckin'Chuckle Brothers in fuckin' Kings Lynn later.Oh my fuckin' God !! I can't fuckin' wait !! :angry:



Ian, I'm fucking guessing that was "the enemy's" idea?

You fuckin' know it Wes...

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I fucking gotta start a new fucking job tomorrow!

Well Rob I wish you the best of fucking luck!! Go break some fucking balls!!

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MotherFUCK, what a fuckin' storm we had this fuckin' weekend. Some areas of Jersey got close to 7 fuckin' inches of fuckin' rain. And at least an inch of that wound up in my fuckin' basement!! :angry:

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MotherFUCK, what a fuckin' storm we had this fuckin' weekend. Some areas of Jersey got close to 7 fuckin' inches of fuckin' rain. And at least an inch of that wound up in my fuckin' basement!! :angry:


Well, after hearing some fuckin' stories about some of my co-fuckin-workers' experiences with this storm, I don't feel quite so bad about the aforementioned fuckin' inch of water in my fuckin' basement. One kid who works here lives (or should I say lived) in a basement fuckin' apartment and it got totally flooded the fuck out yesterday, he lost every-fuckin'-thing. Poor fucker. I'll stop fuckin' complaining now.

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Broke my fucking right hand on the weekend. Can't do fuckin' anything. Seriously. Every post takes seven fuckin' hours. No fucking surfing for 6 weeks. :( And I'm going up the fuckin' coast in 2 weeks. :(

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I can't believe you punched a fucking cement wall? You couldn't have taken out your fucking frustrations on the fucking rubber wall in your rubber room?? :blink:<_<:screwy:

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:lol: Thanks Lisa :wub: and Widow Fucker :P And yeah, Chris... sadly this incident happened on one of my fuckin' day releases from the asylum. :(
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That fuckin' sucks about your fuckin' hand Geoff!! Why the fuck were you punching a fuckin' cement wall? Were you THAT fuckin' pissed??

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That fuckin' sucks about your fuckin' hand Geoff!! Why the fuck were you punching a fuckin' cement wall? Were you THAT fuckin' pissed??



He finally fucking realised that Def Leppard's X was horrible and he couldn't control his rage.

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That fuckin' sucks about your fuckin' hand Geoff!! Why the fuck were you punching a fuckin' cement wall? Were you THAT fuckin' pissed??



He finally fucking realised that Def Leppard's X was horrible and he couldn't control his rage.


Fuckin' :rofl2:

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