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The F*%K Thread


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Fucking work, interferring with my time here. Not that either option is very fucking busy at the moment. But it's still a reason to say fuck.



Weren't we supposed to save all the FUCK'S for the Metal Jay thread?

Maybe there's enough to go around for both threads.

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Gimme an F

Gimme a U

Gimme a C

Gimme a K

Whatcha got? FUCK!!


Seriously, I am righteously pissed the fuck off right now. The wife and I came home from work last night and noticed a funky fuckin' odor permeating the house. Said funky fuckin' odor appears to be emanating from our fuckin' basement and it appears to be fuckin' septic tank related. Dunno how many of you fuckers have septic tanks but y'ever have a couple of days of real heavy rain, and after that the ground is all fuckin' saturated? Apparently if the ground can't handle any more fuckin' moisture, the fuckin' septic water has gotta go fuckin' SOMEWHERE, and in this case it's going into my (thankfully UNfinished) fuckin' basement. So in other words, there's water leaking into my basement that smells like ass and it's funking up the rest of the fuckin' house too. Of fuckin' course, when I called a Septic Tank Guy to come take a fuckin' look at it, the earliest he could fuckin' show up is TOMORROW some time... never mind the fact that I'm off TODAY, which woulda been perfect, now I gotta take at least part of tomorrow off to sit around and wait for this fuckin' schmuck. So yea, I'm a little bit pissed the fuck off right now. We have windows open and scented candles burning to fight off the funky odor but so far it seems to be a losing fuckn' battle. This is going to be a long fucking night.

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Fucking work, interferring with my time here. Not that either option is very fucking busy at the moment. But it's still a reason to say fuck.



Weren't we supposed to save all the FUCK'S for the Metal Jay thread?

Maybe there's enough to go around for both threads.



I only have fucks for this thread... no other. The Metal Jay thread is too pure to taint with fucks.




Sorry to hear about the fuck up at the house, Keith. Is it okay if I come around for tea tomorrow afternoon instead of today? Not really a fan of fuckin' odours that don't stem from nice things... like flowers, love and vaginas.

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Okay, so I just found another fucking thread worthy of having the word fuck sprawled all over the fucking thing. Poison, those lazy fuckers, are releasing a fucking covers album. I'd rather listen to the fucking bees buzzing around my fucking head when I glue honey to my eyelashes every Thursday fucking night.


What the fuck is going through their fucking minds? Surely Def Leppard have all but ruined their already dwindling careers with the fucking heap of shit they just did, Gunners did it... there is no fucking success stories with covers albums, but a fucking heap of fucking wreckage. Success or not, it's a fucking weak option and when you haven't released a fucking new CD for a heap of years and the last one was a fucking heap of fucking horseshit... surely you'd try and release a fucking cracking new disc... unless they've just admitted defeat and they have nothing left in the fucking gas tank. I'm a fucking sad man today. :(

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Here I fuckin' sit, waiting for the fuckin' Septic Tank Guy to fuckin' call me and let me know when he's gonna be able to come by and investigate our fuckin' funky odor problem. I was hoping to have fuckin' heard from him by now. Fuckin' stinks around here. I have the fuckin' screen door open even tho it's fuckin' cold outside just to get some fuckin' fresh air in here.


In addition, I found another fuckin' mouse in one of the fuckin' glue traps in our fuckin' kitchen, bringing this weeks' Mouse Total up to two. I wonder if these two events are fuckin' related. Maybe the mice are fuckin' with the septic tank in revenge for what I've done to their fuckin' brothers. Scary fuckin' thought.

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Here I fuckin' sit, waiting for the fuckin' Septic Tank Guy to fuckin' call me and let me know when he's gonna be able to come by and investigate our fuckin' funky odor problem. I was hoping to have fuckin' heard from him by now. Fuckin' stinks around here. I have the fuckin' screen door open even tho it's fuckin' cold outside just to get some fuckin' fresh air in here.


In addition, I found another fuckin' mouse in one of the fuckin' glue traps in our fuckin' kitchen, bringing this weeks' Mouse Total up to two. I wonder if these two events are fuckin' related. Maybe the mice are fuckin' with the septic tank in revenge for what I've done to their fuckin' brothers. Scary fuckin' thought.


I fucking told you, their smart little bastards. Mouse Hunt I'm telling ya.

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kkkkkk.......................fuck fuck fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Nearly 1 PM and still no fuckin' sign of Septic Tank Guy! I am not only bored out of my fuckin' skull by this point but I'm getting seriously pissed the fuck off too!!

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Yeah but when you're waiting for the fuckin' septic tank guy, don't you kind of expect shit to go fuckin' wrong? Hasn't it already gone wrong if you're calling the fucker in the first place? ;)


Seriously though, I feel for ya. Fortunately the fucker that owned our house up until last March had to pay for us to put in a whole new system when it failed during inspection. :woot:


Nice to have a new one, but what a fuckin' bitch to have going on, and it made our yard look real fuckin' purdy.... <_<

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Yeah but when you're waiting for the fuckin' septic tank guy, don't you kind of expect shit to go fuckin' wrong? Hasn't it already gone wrong if you're calling the fucker in the first place? ;)


Seriously though, I feel for ya. Fortunately the fucker that owned our house up until last March had to pay for us to put in a whole new system when it failed during inspection. :woot:


Nice to have a new one, but what a fuckin' bitch to have going on, and it made our yard look real fuckin' purdy.... <_<


I am really fuckin' hoping it doesn't come to that, brother... the system is fairly new(ish). We moved into the house in 99 and we were under the fuckin' impression that the entire system had been totally replaced the year before we moved in... cuz they weren't allowed to sell the fucking place without updating it.


This waiting is FUCKING killing me!!!! :angry:

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Hmmm... nice pic Pete! Didja go up in a fuckin' airplane and take that fuckin' shot yourself?

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Hmmm... nice pic Pete! Didja go up in a fuckin' airplane and take that fuckin' shot yourself?


I'm a lot fuckin' taller in person. ;)


My wife's Uncle has a fuckin' plane and he snapped a few while buzzing over our house one day.

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Very fuckin' cool. Too bad I don't have any airplane pilots in the fuckin' family, so I could post a snap of my little piece of the American Fuckin' Dream... :)


If it turns out that my yard has to get all dug up, there will be a few fuckin' positives... like you said, lawn mowing will take NO fuckin' time, and my son would have LOADS of fuckin' dirt to play in with his fuckin' Tonka trucks... sounds like a fuckin' win-win to me

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Can someone please Fucking explain in simple fucking English, how to upload pictures when replying to posts????It never works for me when I try to Fucking do it.


For example the link I used above I tried to insert but it didn't Fucking work. Doh

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Can someone please Fucking explain in simple fucking English, how to upload pictures when replying to posts????It never works for me when I try to Fucking do it.


For example the link I used above I tried to insert but it didn't Fucking work. Doh


That link is to the page where the fucking image is located, as opposed to the actual image itself. Right-click on the image and you can either save it and upload to fuckin' PhotoBucket or some such, or you can do the impolite thing and just right-click and select Properties to get the URL of that fucker and then just paste that into the image location field.

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Did the fuckin' guy come, Keith? Is it all fixed the fuck up?


Woke up this fucking morning with a headache and sore eyes. I'm wondering if I'm spending too much fucking time in front of the computer. Thinking of cutting the fuck back.

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Did the fuckin' guy come, Keith? Is it all fixed the fuck up?


Yea, the fucker finally showed up about 3 fuckin' PM yesterday. Fortunately it turns out it's not QUITE as fuckin' bad as it could've been, but it's still a fuckin' pain in the ass. Turns out the water leakage is not from MY septic tank, thank God (cuz if that fucker had a leak then it would cost mucho fuckin' dinero to repair/replace the entire fuckin' tank and system), but it's apparently coming from an OLDER tank (probably from the house's original fuckin' owner) that was never properly "abandoned." Seems that when you "abandon" a fuckin' tank like that you're supposed to fuckin' empty it out, fill it in with dirt or stones and seal off any and all fuckin' pipes from the house. It appears that the fuckers just capped it and sealed off the fuckin' pipe, which now after many years that fuckin' seal is starting to fuckin' break down and that's what's causing the leakage. So now I gotta have somebody come to my fuckin' house and start diggin' around in that area and find out where the fuck this thing is and get fuckin' rid of it. Needless to say, I am somewhat fuckin' relieved, but still fuckin' pissed off at the same fuckin time.

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