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The F*%K Thread


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Ah fuck this shit....

Geoff, :wub: did you fuckin piss off rych?


Hey Lisa, :wub: I don't have fuckin' time to piss people off. The fuckin' clock's counting down.

Nah Geoff doesn't have it in him to fucking piss me off... :whistle:

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I'd never fuckin' piss anyone off. I'm too fuckin' nice and cheery for that. Plus, everybody's on the hero's side as he fucking desperately tries to take Lisa's (:wub:) vacation from her... the fuckin' clock ticks and the ideas run fuckin' thin.

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I don't give a fuck. I needed to fuckin' vent. Thanks for fuckin' listening!!!


No fuckin Problem Bud, We are here to fuckin listen to everyones venting. I know how fucking frustrating that crap can be, I hope its better soon.



I wonder how many fuckin' times I used the fuckin' magic word in this fuckin' long ass post?




The answer is 75 times. I'm Fucking Proud of ya!!!! :headbanger:

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I wonder how many fuckin' times I used the fuckin' magic word in this fuckin' long ass post?




The answer is 75 times. I'm Fucking Proud of ya!!!! :headbanger:


That's a lot of fuckin' times.....How long did it fuckin' take to fuckin' count it up.

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Why the fuck i hear the sound of fucking Drums of War everywhere ?! :lol:

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:rofl: You fuckin' hearing those too? ;)


Yeah mate, it's fucking scared me !

Do you think it's the fucking sound of the apocalypse ?

*boum* boum* *boum*.....

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:rofl: You fuckin' hearing those too? ;)


Yeah mate, it's fucking scared me !

Do you think it's the fucking sound of the apocalypse ?

*boum* boum* *boum*.....


Quite possibly, I'm gonna keep a fuckin' eye out for the four horsemen.

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I wonder how many fuckin' times I used the fuckin' magic word in this fuckin' long ass post?




The answer is 75 times. I'm Fucking Proud of ya!!!! :headbanger:


Holy fuckin' crap! You actually bothered to fuckin' count'em all! That's fuckin' cool! I wonder if that's a fuckin' record for # of "fucks" in one fuckin' post??


Now, of fuckin' course, I gotta out-do my fuckin' self next time I rant and beat my fuckin' personal best!!


By the way, good fuckin' morning y'all

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Goooooooooooooood fucking morning to all the HH boarders !


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I wonder how many fuckin' times I used the fuckin' magic word in this fuckin' long ass post?




The answer is 75 times. I'm Fucking Proud of ya!!!! :headbanger:


Holy fuckin' crap! You actually bothered to fuckin' count'em all! That's fuckin' cool! I wonder if that's a fuckin' record for # of "fucks" in one fuckin' post??


Now, of fuckin' course, I gotta out-do my fuckin' self next time I rant and beat my fuckin' personal best!!


By the way, good fuckin' morning y'all


Here ya go, Keef.... :lol:


















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if you fuckin' think I'm gonna fuckin' count all of those to see if you beat my fuckin' record of 75, you're outta your fuckin' mind... I'll take your fuckin' word for it... :lol:

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:rofl: You fuckin' hearing those too? ;)


Yeah mate, it's fucking scared me !

Do you think it's the fucking sound of the apocalypse ?

*boum* boum* *boum*.....


Quite possibly, I'm gonna keep a fuckin' eye out for the four horsemen.


That was too fuckin' funny!!

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Fuckin' pissing it down with rain today ... but I thought "Fuck it I'm going out on the old push bike". Gotta keep fuckin fit. I was fuckin enjoying it and the rain was bouncing everywhere, even fuckin roads were turning to fuckin' rivers in places. Anyway I fuckin stopped for a fuckin' second to have a drink and looked down at my fuckin' tyre where I could see a little fucking twig stuck in the fuckin' tread...so I pulled it out......pppppsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss......It only had a fuckin' thorn on it so the tyre was flat in about 20 fuckin' seconds.

"No biggie" I thought as I've got a spare tube on the bike. Took the fuckin wheel off, took the fuckin' innertube out and put the new one in. The fucker won't inflate :angry: the valve was fucked on it.

By now the fuckin' heavens have opened and I'm about 3 and a half fuckin' miles from fuckin' home .

Fuck it!!! Started walking and reached a point where it's just under two fuckin' miles from my house as the crow flies but it's down an old dirt track which is fuckin' muddy at the best of times. Today MUDDY isn't the word...quagmire might be....I gave up trying to walk round puddles and was wading through them up to my fuckin' knees ( I kid not!). Towards the end (less than half a mile) I thought I'd go a quicker way that I'd never been before but from where I was stood / sinking it looked good. Come to the end of the path and theres a fuckin' 15 foot muddy embankment to climb. So I gamely fuckin started up it only to fuckin' slip back down it on my fuckin' knees :doh: . I kinda threw the fuckin' bike up (no mean feat in itself) and scrambled up covered in mud. The missus was just leaving the house and laughed her fuckin' head off!!!!!

I thought nothing would fuckin' cheer me up ... but the new Funny Money CD arrived and it fuckin' rocks!

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