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The F*%K Thread


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I have made a few pretty major fuck-ups since I've been back at work from my honeymoon. Some super fucked up ones came to light today. It's not sitting too fuckin' well with me (or any other fucker), to be honest.


To be honest furthermore, actually, I've barely had a fuckin' decent moment of life since returning from our honeymoon. Fuck it all.

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In my opinion Indian food fuckin' blows.............everyone is certainly entitled to a fuckin' opinion contrary to mine! Then again...I'm a really fuckin' picky eater....

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Indian Food's fucking awesome. I love the butter chicken. What's your fuckin' fave, Pete? I love the naan bread too. It's like heaven, but in form of a fuckin' bread.


They call it fuckin' Butter Chicken there too? That's my wife's fuckin' favorite by far. I'm a Lamb Vindaloo kinda guy, the hotter the better. :angryfire:


Keef, how's the fuckin' Thai place up by you? That's by far my favorite cuisine, although sometimes I like Mexican a little bit more.

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Keef, how's the fuckin' Thai place up by you? That's by far my favorite cuisine, although sometimes I like Mexican a little bit more.


Haven't tried the fuckin' Thai place up by me yet, Pete... partially cuz it's fairly new (only been there a month or so) and partially cuz I am un-fuckin-familiar with Thai cuisine and therefore don't know whether I'd fuckin' dig it or not. My wife is not a real big fan of "ethnic" cuisines so she's not in any hurry to fuckin' investigate it, either.


By the fuckin' way, goooooood fuckin' morning y'all!

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Keef, how's the fuckin' Thai place up by you? That's by far my favorite cuisine, although sometimes I like Mexican a little bit more.


Haven't tried the fuckin' Thai place up by me yet, Pete... partially cuz it's fairly new (only been there a month or so) and partially cuz I am un-fuckin-familiar with Thai cuisine and therefore don't know whether I'd fuckin' dig it or not. My wife is not a real big fan of "ethnic" cuisines so she's not in any hurry to fuckin' investigate it, either.


By the fuckin' way, goooooood fuckin' morning y'all!


Quick fuckin' Thai primer:


Think Chinese meets Indian and you're getting close. Good curries with coconut milk, as well as a multitude of stir fried dishes, grilled meats, fried fish, lots of stuff to choose from and they usually have a sliding scale of heat in most places I've been, using a star rating system. I've seen most with between 1 and 5 stars. Word to the wise, do NOT go beyond 3 or 4 stars if you are not sure how hot you like things. My wife gets 0 stars, I go for 4, sometimes 5 can be beyond edible (and I like it fuckin' HOT baby!). Thai is one of the only cusines where I've found it to be occasionally too hot. very fuckin' unusual for me... :anon:

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Thanx for the fuckin' tips Pete. Sounds like Thai would be more up my alley than my wife's. She's not a spicy/hot food fan, sounds like this stuff would be fuckin' torture for her....but I may investigate on my fuckin' own at some point...

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Thanx for the fuckin' tips Pete. Sounds like Thai would be more up my alley than my wife's. She's not a spicy/hot food fan, sounds like this stuff would be fuckin' torture for her....but I may investigate on my fuckin' own at some point...


Cool, let me know how you like it. It's always a big fuckin' dilemma for my wife because she loves the flavors but can't take the heat. You know how when you're in a restaurant and you ask "is this spicy?" and they say "no, not really, it's not hot." WRONG! Too hot for the wife, black pepper is too hot for the wife.... many a sad and silent dinner has been had when Mr. Charvel makes things a wee too fuckin' spicy... :(

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Yea, we're supposed to get a fuckin' cold snap out this-a-fuckin'-way by the weekend too...


Get fuckin' ready for it, Keef....it's a comin' your way........ I just got home from Children's Hospital and I drove straight into the front! I swear the temperature fuckin' dropped like twenty degrees! :yikes: Brrrrrrrrrrr.......

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Yea, we're supposed to get a fuckin' cold snap out this-a-fuckin'-way by the weekend too...


Get fuckin' ready for it, Keef....it's a comin' your way........ I just got home from Children's Hospital and I drove straight into the front! I swear the temperature fuckin' dropped like twenty degrees! :yikes: Brrrrrrrrrrr.......


Fuckin'A, suddenly I'm fuckin' glad I don't have to go anywhere tonight...


The fucking temp has dropped at least 25 degrees here in the last 4 or 5 hours.


It's also been raining like fucking cats and dogs, so I'm sure we can expect some ice tonight.


Fuckin' YAY! The weather outlook keeps looking better and fuckin' better! (sarcasm mode "on")

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Yeah.... tonight's fucking football game between my Baltimore Ravens and the fucking Cincinnati Bengals ought to be a sloppy mess. Weather forecast is for wind-driven thinderstorms around game time and temperatures falling rapidly.

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I needed that as I'm having a bit of a shitty fuckin' day. Sorry, won't fuckin' happen again.

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I needed that as I'm having a bit of a shitty fuckin' day. Sorry, won't fuckin' happen again.




No need to apoligize, IMO the more often you say the word FUCK the better.




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I've had a fuckin GREAT day today :dance:


sorry Keef :lol:


Other than my rant above, I have had a pretty fuckin great day too.


What she said Keef.


Well, what the fuck can I say, I guess it was my fuckin' turn today huh??

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Indian Food's fucking awesome. I love the butter chicken. What's your fuckin' fave, Pete? I love the naan bread too. It's like heaven, but in form of a fuckin' bread.


They call it fuckin' Butter Chicken there too? That's my wife's fuckin' favorite by far. I'm a Lamb Vindaloo kinda guy, the hotter the better. :angryfire:


Keef, how's the fuckin' Thai place up by you? That's by far my favorite cuisine, although sometimes I like Mexican a little bit more.


Hey Pete. Yeah, I'd assume they call the fuckin' stuff on the menu the same thing worldwide, I'd fuckin' assume. My wife's fave by far is also Butter Chicken and I have admit I'm the same. She hates hot fuckin' stuff, which is great for me because I get all the stuff like Beef or Lamb fuckin' Vindaloo to myself. The entrees we have are always fuckin' amazing too. I haven't had a peice of Indian I fuckin' dislike yet.


Speaking of Thai and Mexican... in Thailand we had a few fuckin' Thai buffets and they were fucking insane. Some beatuiful food, and some of it is so fuckin' hot it's ridiculous. I fuckin' loved it. Not so much my girl, because even the mild (to Thai people) was pretty fuckin' hot by her standards.


There was also a Mexican buffet one night (easily my fave kind of food) and I literally ate myself into a fuckin' comatose. All I could do was stumble back to the room and lie on the bed, completely fuckin' unable to move. Fuck me was that some good eatin'.

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The fucking temp has dropped at least 25 degrees here in the last 4 or 5 hours.


It's also been raining like fucking cats and dogs, so I'm sure we can expect some ice tonight.

Gonna be 83 here tomorrow and the weekend...

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

Good fuckin' friday mornin' everyone! It's Dec. 1st! The fuckin' countdown is Ohfuckinfinally on......only so many days/hours/minutes.....oh, fuck it......nevermind! The fuckin' hot coffee is over there......brewin' up a fuckin' a big vat for ya'all later! Enjoy! :drink::P

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Indian Food's fucking awesome. I love the butter chicken. What's your fuckin' fave, Pete? I love the naan bread too. It's like heaven, but in form of a fuckin' bread.


They call it fuckin' Butter Chicken there too? That's my wife's fuckin' favorite by far. I'm a Lamb Vindaloo kinda guy, the hotter the better. :angryfire:


Keef, how's the fuckin' Thai place up by you? That's by far my favorite cuisine, although sometimes I like Mexican a little bit more.


Hey Pete. Yeah, I'd assume they call the fuckin' stuff on the menu the same thing worldwide, I'd fuckin' assume. My wife's fave by far is also Butter Chicken and I have admit I'm the same. She hates hot fuckin' stuff, which is great for me because I get all the stuff like Beef or Lamb fuckin' Vindaloo to myself. The entrees we have are always fuckin' amazing too. I haven't had a peice of Indian I fuckin' dislike yet.


Speaking of Thai and Mexican... in Thailand we had a few fuckin' Thai buffets and they were fucking insane. Some beatuiful food, and some of it is so fuckin' hot it's ridiculous. I fuckin' loved it. Not so much my girl, because even the mild (to Thai people) was pretty fuckin' hot by her standards.


There was also a Mexican buffet one night (easily my fave kind of food) and I literally ate myself into a fuckin' comatose. All I could do was stumble back to the room and lie on the bed, completely fuckin' unable to move. Fuck me was that some good eatin'.


If I do end up coming over to fuckin' Oz, we are goin' out to eat m'man. :drink:

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