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The F*%K Thread


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I got no fuckin' mail today. Nothing. Not even a fucking sales flyer or piece of junk mail. Did somebody else get my fucking mail? I can't believe that I had NO fucking mail whatsoever. Not even junk! What the fucking fuck?

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Nice to fucking here from ya Doksdad. How the fuck are ya? I am a fellow Dokken-head. I fucking think George Lynch is fucking God.

Fuck yeah rob, Lynch fucking tears it up. I wish he would just fuckin cower to Don and we could be back Rokken with Dokken. Or vice versa. Make some more fuckin Dokken music! :banger:

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I got no fuckin' mail today. Nothing. Not even a fucking sales flyer or piece of junk mail. Did somebody else get my fucking mail? I can't believe that I had NO fucking mail whatsoever. Not even junk! What the fucking fuck?


I am fucking stoked. I got a package from Aussie Land with a bunch of fucking tunes in it. Listening material for months and months. Gracias to the armadillo fucker.

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I got no fuckin' mail today. Nothing. Not even a fucking sales flyer or piece of junk mail. Did somebody else get my fucking mail? I can't believe that I had NO fucking mail whatsoever. Not even junk! What the fucking fuck?




I didn't get any fucking mail either. It don't fucking bother though, because that means I didn't get any fucking bills.

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I'm fuckin headed out for my run.. I'll check the fuckin mail when I get back & see if I can top what JJ got today. I fuckin doubt it tho.


JJ gets the fuckin gold star of the day.... I only had fuckin junk mail <_<



At least you didn't get any fucking bills. :bananamac:

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I wish I'd been in Nick's fuckin' room timing that hand stand so I could have picked up the fuckin' phone in his awesome stead, abused the fucker trying to fuck up his dreams and let Nick continue his quest for fuckin' glory undisturbed. Fuck it! Some fuckers just don't want people to smile.

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I wish I'd been in Nick's fuckin' room timing that hand stand so I could have picked up the fuckin' phone in his awesome stead, abused the fucker trying to fuck up his dreams and let Nick continue his quest for fuckin' glory undisturbed. Fuck it! Some fuckers just don't want people to smile.



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Someone should have slapped that fucker who called Nick. Hard. Broken his fucking dialing fingers too.


The worst part is, the fucker was calling from your cell phone.


Now that's fucking funny.




That's very fucking funny.

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Someone should have slapped that fucker who called Nick. Hard. Broken his fucking dialing fingers too.


The worst part is, the fucker was calling from your cell phone.


Now that's fucking funny.




That's very fucking funny.


I have to fuckin' agree. In that case, I wish the fuckin' phone had exploded before he'd made the call - blown half his fuckin' head off.

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I fucking wrenched my fucking ankle Friday fucking evening, I have fuckin enough to walk on one fuckin' leg ! FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCK !!!!!

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Another fuckin' day in the fuckin' hell-fuckin'-hole with that fat fuckin' arse-hole fuckin'Jabba.That fuckin' twat has fuckin' eaten the European fuckin' food mountain on his fuckin' own.Then he fuckin' says "I'm fuckin' losing fuckin' weight,I'm only 26 fuckin' stone"Oh my fuckin' lord ".Footnote :: He's fuckin' 11 fuckin' stone heavier than me !!! What a fat fucker :P:P:P:P:P

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I thought I once heard that a fuckin 'stone' is 20 lbs...? If that's right, Jabba is fuckin 520 lbs :blink:

Lisa.There are 14 pounds in a stone........


I thought I once heard that a fuckin 'stone' is 20 lbs...? If that's right, Jabba is fuckin 520 lbs :blink:

Lisa.There are 14 pounds in a stone........

Sorry,there are fuckin' 14 pounds in a fuckin' stone !!!!

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