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The Uninteresting Thread


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Less then 2 hrs till trains... joy.

Only one hour now. The smile my face carries knows this.





I learnt yesterday that one of the dudes I work with is gay. This dude is so un-gay it's not funny. First impressions I thought he was gay. Several extremely hetrosexual conversations later I was convinced he wasn't. And everything since has indicated he is super straight. However, he never comes out to work functions and keeps very much to himself, except when out on the tins that time and I swear he wasn't gay. He is so intent on hiding it too (apparently) as there are no other gay guys in this company.


(Aside from me)




great story.



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Less then 2 hrs till trains... joy.

Only one hour now. The smile my face carries knows this.





I learnt yesterday that one of the dudes I work with is gay. This dude is so un-gay it's not funny. First impressions I thought he was gay. Several extremely hetrosexual conversations later I was convinced he wasn't. And everything since has indicated he is super straight. However, he never comes out to work functions and keeps very much to himself, except when out on the tins that time and I swear he wasn't gay. He is so intent on hiding it too (apparently) as there are no other gay guys in this company.


(Aside from me)




great story.




I had a gay manager once. I knew he was gay straight away. But then it kinda wore off and i didnt know. But then when i found out he was it was a big shock. I think its the only time in a guys life you can strrut around knowing someone wants you, but cant get you... unless your Geoff...

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I had a gay manager once. I knew he was gay straight away. But then it kinda wore off and i didnt know. But then when i found out he was it was a big shock. I think its the only time in a guys life you can strrut around knowing someone wants you, but cant get you... unless your Geoff...



I haven't met a man yet who wasn't into me. Sexually.



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I'm home for lunch(that's one awesome thing about working 3 blocks from where you live) but now I'm about to head back to work.

That's awesome, God. I always wanted to do that. I'd probably fall asleep every day, though. No, actually, the dogs would probably eat me alive. In summer I'd be all over the pool, though.

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I'm home for lunch(that's one awesome thing about working 3 blocks from where you live) but now I'm about to head back to work.

That's awesome, God. I always wanted to do that. I'd probably fall asleep every day, though. No, actually, the dogs would probably eat me alive. In summer I'd be all over the pool, though.


The dogs just stare at my food when I eat.

In some ways it's quite uncomfortable.

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I'm home for lunch(that's one awesome thing about working 3 blocks from where you live) but now I'm about to head back to work.

That's awesome, God. I always wanted to do that. I'd probably fall asleep every day, though. No, actually, the dogs would probably eat me alive. In summer I'd be all over the pool, though.


The dogs just stare at my food when I eat.

In some ways it's quite uncomfortable.

We usually eat dinner on the lounge at night watching TV. If the puppies are not staring at you from the floor, they're sitting on your lap, or your knee, just watching you eat. It is uncomfortable in every way I can think of. They're such creeps.

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I had toast today!

I had Marmite on my toast this morning.............


I had an English muffin with butter and strawberry preserves topping it. Yumm-O.

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I had toast today!

I had Marmite on my toast this morning.............


I had an English muffin with butter and strawberry preserves topping it. Yumm-O.

But toast rocks................. :whistle:

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I had toast today!

I had Marmite on my toast this morning.............


I had an English muffin with butter and strawberry preserves topping it. Yumm-O.

But toast rocks................. :whistle:


Cheese on toast rocks even more :lol:

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I had toast today!

I had Marmite on my toast this morning.............


I had an English muffin with butter and strawberry preserves topping it. Yumm-O.

But toast rocks................. :whistle:


English muffins totally slay toast. They've got nooks and crannies!! Toast got nuthin'!!

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I had toast today!

I had Marmite on my toast this morning.............


I had an English muffin with butter and strawberry preserves topping it. Yumm-O.

But toast rocks................. :whistle:


English muffins totally slay toast. They've got nooks and crannies!! Toast got nuthin'!!

You're probably right.........

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I had toast today!

I had Marmite on my toast this morning.............


I had an English muffin with butter and strawberry preserves topping it. Yumm-O.

But toast rocks................. :whistle:


English muffins totally slay toast. They've got nooks and crannies!! Toast got nuthin'!!

You're probably right.........

It's all eclipsed by the power of marmite though, right Nick?

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What the hell is Marmite? It sounds like a small animal of some sort. Do you eat small animals for breakfast over there in Merrie Olde, Wot? Are they crunchy?

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