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I'll make it happen. 3... 2 ... 1 - GO!


What did you have, Wes?



Paper. What do you got?

Oh cousin! I got scissors. Sorry mate, I win. Best of 3?


Okay, 3... 2 ... 1 - GO!

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I bought the new issue of Metal Maniacs magazine today. It sucks.

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I bought the new issue of Metal Maniacs magazine today. It sucks.




It always sucks. My rule of thumb with Metal Maniacs is they better have 2 or 3 interviews of bands that I really really like or I won't buy it, because the rest of it is all about Death and Black Metal crap.

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I bought the new issue of Metal Maniacs magazine today. It sucks.




It always sucks. My rule of thumb with Metal Maniacs is they better have 2 or 3 interviews of bands that I really really like or I won't buy it, because the rest of it is all about Death and Black Metal crap.


It's fun to sit back and laugh at those black/death metal bands. Goatwhore, that cracks me up.


By the way, I have a subscription. :anon:

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I bought the new issue of Metal Maniacs magazine today. It sucks.




It always sucks. My rule of thumb with Metal Maniacs is they better have 2 or 3 interviews of bands that I really really like or I won't buy it, because the rest of it is all about Death and Black Metal crap.


It's fun to sit back and laugh at those black/death metal bands. Goatwhore, that cracks me up.


By the way, I have a subscription. :anon:



I had a subscription of Metal Edge for a long time but I didn't renew because it started to suck.

The only Mag I buy on a regular basis is Classic Rock.

I would buy that Fireworks Mag if you could find it in America.

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I hate all metal mags these days... but like Wes said I'd love to get the Fireworks one if it was available worldwide. The only music mags I've ever bought are back-issues from "back in the day". Okay, I lie... I used to buy Metal Edge about a decade ago, for maybe 2 years and then I stopped. I lead a hectic lifestyle.

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I hate all metal mags these days... but like Wes said I'd love to get the Fireworks one if it was available worldwide. The only music mags I've ever bought are back-issues from "back in the day". Okay, I lie... I used to buy Metal Edge about a decade ago, for maybe 2 years and then I stopped. I lead a hectic lifestyle.


I haven't bought a metal magazine since high school, Circus was my metal mag of choice.

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I just stopped my subscription for Classic Rock, I got fed up of Led Zep on the cover every other f**kin' month and the stupid mistakes that turn up every issue that drive a boring trainspotter type like me nuts!

I'll pick it up instead at the newsagents if anything in it takes my fancy, some of the issues I received took me about 10 minutes to read as there was nothing that interested me.


Fireworks is great...I usually pick a copy up once in a while from Muse Music in Hebden Bridge if the shop has it in...but usually they have sold out by the time I get around to going. More often than not Bruce the editor brings a few copies around. He hasn't visited for quite a while (about 12 months or more) but I spoke to him about a month back and he reckons he has about 6 or 7 issues put to one side for me! :tumbsup:

Problem is working out when we're both off at the same time!!!!

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Couple of things I’ve found out during my boring afternoon: Fahrenheit simply does not make sense. The average temperature in Sydney for the entire year is 21.5 degrees Celsius. It is actually higher in Los Angeles – at 23.25 degrees Celsius. The average temperature in London for a year is 13.8 degrees Celsius. I grinned at that. Yeah, you can kick out asses in cricket by the looks of it (like everyone else at the moment), but enjoy your frostbite kids! :P And it’s pretty much 31 degrees all year round in Singapore. Amazing? Yes, I was amazed too.

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I kinda knew you would be... just like everyone else will be.


I just did a full session of exercise, including the run I just concluded. No I guess I have to cook dinner.

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I bought the new issue of Metal Maniacs magazine today. It sucks.




It always sucks. My rule of thumb with Metal Maniacs is they better have 2 or 3 interviews of bands that I really really like or I won't buy it, because the rest of it is all about Death and Black Metal crap.


It's fun to sit back and laugh at those black/death metal bands. Goatwhore, that cracks me up.


By the way, I have a subscription. :anon:


I used to have a subscription to Maniacs but I let it lapse a couple of years ago for whatever reason and never renewed it. So now like a doofus I drive twenty minutes to a Borders Books and buy it when a new issue comes out. (at least it gets me outta the house...) I was thinking about re-upping my subscription cuz it would save me $$ (not to mention wear and tear on my tires) but over the past year or so there hasn't been much in it that interests me anyway. I think I keep buying it more out of habit nowadays.


I do love reading some of the interviews with those facepainted "troo grimm kult blakk mettle" goon squads cuz they're so full of themselves (and probably shouldn't be walking around loose) but even those get stale after awhile, so I don't think it's too much to ask to see at least ONE band I give a shit about in each issue...but this current one doesn't even have that much...

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Couple of things I’ve found out during my boring afternoon: Fahrenheit simply does not make sense. The average temperature in Sydney for the entire year is 21.5 degrees Celsius. It is actually higher in Los Angeles – at 23.25 degrees Celsius. The average temperature in London for a year is 13.8 degrees Celsius. I grinned at that. Yeah, you can kick out asses in cricket by the looks of it (like everyone else at the moment), but enjoy your frostbite kids! :P And it’s pretty much 31 degrees all year round in Singapore. Amazing? Yes, I was amazed too.


Wow! You really have the spirit of this thread captured.

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Thanks Jason. I'll try and get some more temperature stats for you this afternoon. Anyone want to know why the wall is white while I'm at it? I'll investigate that too and let you know what I find out.

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I bought the new issue of Metal Maniacs magazine today. It sucks.




It always sucks. My rule of thumb with Metal Maniacs is they better have 2 or 3 interviews of bands that I really really like or I won't buy it, because the rest of it is all about Death and Black Metal crap.


It's fun to sit back and laugh at those black/death metal bands. Goatwhore, that cracks me up.


By the way, I have a subscription. :anon:


I used to have a subscription to Maniacs but I let it lapse a couple of years ago for whatever reason and never renewed it. So now like a doofus I drive twenty minutes to a Borders Books and buy it when a new issue comes out. (at least it gets me outta the house...) I was thinking about re-upping my subscription cuz it would save me $$ (not to mention wear and tear on my tires) but over the past year or so there hasn't been much in it that interests me anyway. I think I keep buying it more out of habit nowadays.


I do love reading some of the interviews with those facepainted "troo grimm kult blakk mettle" goon squads cuz they're so full of themselves (and probably shouldn't be walking around loose) but even those get stale after awhile, so I don't think it's too much to ask to see at least ONE band I give a shit about in each issue...but this current one doesn't even have that much...


How embarrassing, I have lots of subscriptions:



Bon Appetit

Motor Trend

Car & Driver

Cooks Monthly


I should probably get at least one metal mag in there, so's I don't lose my "street cred" and such... :anon:

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I bought the new issue of Metal Maniacs magazine today. It sucks.




It always sucks. My rule of thumb with Metal Maniacs is they better have 2 or 3 interviews of bands that I really really like or I won't buy it, because the rest of it is all about Death and Black Metal crap.


It's fun to sit back and laugh at those black/death metal bands. Goatwhore, that cracks me up.


By the way, I have a subscription. :anon:


I used to have a subscription to Maniacs but I let it lapse a couple of years ago for whatever reason and never renewed it. So now like a doofus I drive twenty minutes to a Borders Books and buy it when a new issue comes out. (at least it gets me outta the house...) I was thinking about re-upping my subscription cuz it would save me $$ (not to mention wear and tear on my tires) but over the past year or so there hasn't been much in it that interests me anyway. I think I keep buying it more out of habit nowadays.


I do love reading some of the interviews with those facepainted "troo grimm kult blakk mettle" goon squads cuz they're so full of themselves (and probably shouldn't be walking around loose) but even those get stale after awhile, so I don't think it's too much to ask to see at least ONE band I give a shit about in each issue...but this current one doesn't even have that much...


How embarrassing, I have lots of subscriptions:



Bon Appetit

Motor Trend

Car & Driver

Cooks Monthly


I should probably get at least one metal mag in there, so's I don't lose my "street cred" and such... :anon:

'Pete's Sexy Bum' is the only magazine I still subscribe too. I should probably get a few more metal publications coming through the door too... though he does have buns of steel. Does that count?

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I bought the new issue of Metal Maniacs magazine today. It sucks.




It always sucks. My rule of thumb with Metal Maniacs is they better have 2 or 3 interviews of bands that I really really like or I won't buy it, because the rest of it is all about Death and Black Metal crap.


It's fun to sit back and laugh at those black/death metal bands. Goatwhore, that cracks me up.


By the way, I have a subscription. :anon:


I used to have a subscription to Maniacs but I let it lapse a couple of years ago for whatever reason and never renewed it. So now like a doofus I drive twenty minutes to a Borders Books and buy it when a new issue comes out. (at least it gets me outta the house...) I was thinking about re-upping my subscription cuz it would save me $$ (not to mention wear and tear on my tires) but over the past year or so there hasn't been much in it that interests me anyway. I think I keep buying it more out of habit nowadays.


I do love reading some of the interviews with those facepainted "troo grimm kult blakk mettle" goon squads cuz they're so full of themselves (and probably shouldn't be walking around loose) but even those get stale after awhile, so I don't think it's too much to ask to see at least ONE band I give a shit about in each issue...but this current one doesn't even have that much...


How embarrassing, I have lots of subscriptions:



Bon Appetit

Motor Trend

Car & Driver

Cooks Monthly


I should probably get at least one metal mag in there, so's I don't lose my "street cred" and such... :anon:

'Pete's Sexy Bum' is the only magazine I still subscribe too. I should probably get a few more metal publications coming through the door too... though he does have buns of steel. Does that count?


Not just steel, STAINLESS steel brother. :banana:

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How embarrassing, I have lots of subscriptions:



Bon Appetit

Motor Trend

Car & Driver

Cooks Monthly


I should probably get at least one metal mag in there, so's I don't lose my "street cred" and such... :anon:


No "Day By Day With Rachael Ray" subscription, Pete? I'm disappointed. :(

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How embarrassing, I have lots of subscriptions:



Bon Appetit

Motor Trend

Car & Driver

Cooks Monthly


I should probably get at least one metal mag in there, so's I don't lose my "street cred" and such... :anon:


No "Day By Day With Rachael Ray" subscription, Pete? I'm disappointed. :(


Oh, I didn't know that was out yet... ;)

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