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What's a spinnin' in your CD player?

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Right now I'm listening to Heathen's BREAKING THE SILENCE and VICTIMS OF DECEPTION... two classic Bay Area Thrash albums. For anyone who might be interested, the band has all the tracks available for download from their web site (http://www.heathenmetal.com) which was very nice of them cuz both albums are long OOP and ridiculously hard to find on CD (for me anyway)... so now I can finally send my tired cassette copies of both albums off to a well deserved rest. Sleep well, my metal brothers. :headbanger:

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Kino - Picture

Kino - Cutting Room Floor

Deathstars - Termination Bliss




And  Dave - Sir Paul is indeed God  :bowdown:


I knew an intelligent man like yourself Jez would think like Bluey and myself :lol:

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Right now I'm listening to Heathen's BREAKING THE SILENCE and VICTIMS OF DECEPTION... two classic Bay Area Thrash albums. For anyone who might be interested, the band has all the tracks available for download from their web site (http://www.heathenmetal.com) which was very nice of them cuz both albums are long OOP and ridiculously hard to find on CD (for me anyway)... so now I can finally send my tired cassette copies of both albums off to a well deserved rest. Sleep well, my metal brothers. :headbanger:


Thanks for the info, been looking for these two CDs myself. I loved (& truly miss) the whole Bay Area Thrash scene...


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Thanks to those discussing the band on this site, as I'd never heard of them & now have to buy everything they've done & just can't remove this disc from my player...

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Now onto:


PLATITUDE - Silence Speaks


Us Melodic Metal fans need to have deep pockets at the moment, but this is another truly essential CD. Layers of keys all over this, & way nearer to AOR than most M.M release are, but a killer release.

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Right now I'm listening to a couple of tracks I downloaded from "Beatallica," a parody band from Milwaukee that combines the sounds/titles of Metallica and The Beatles.

I just read about'em in the new ish of Metal Maniacs and it sounded so NUTS that I had to go check it out. The article sez that at one point Sony Music (owner of the Beatles catalog) threatened these dudes with legal action until Lars Ulrich himself stepped in on their behalf. Anyway, this stuff is ABSOLUTELY HYSTERICAL. The singer is a total dead-on Hetfield impressionist and the lyrics are a hoot too! ! I am fuckin' rolling while I'm listening to this... if this sounds interesting to you, hit their site ( www.beatallica.com ) for some hits like "Hey Dude," "Leper Madonna" (HA!), "Garage Dayz Nite," "Everybody's Got A Ticket To Ride Except Me And My Lightning," and many others... they've got about a dozen different MP3s for download. You can even download cover art and everything, it's totally freebie stuff. Enjoy and have a good laugh!!

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Rufio - 'Comfort of home' ; these guys really are pretty cool if you like the 'nu-breed' sort of stuff.


Bon Jovi - demos ; hmmmmm

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Gotthard ~ LipService......."I Can't Stop" :bananamac:


Haha...I just had to laugh...the name of the track..and that damn banana dancing!! :lol:



To stay on topic:


De/Vision ~ "World Without End"

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