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I can't wait to see what punishment the Pakistan Cricket Board hand out to Shoaib and Asif for taking the steroids.

This would be like Osama Bin Laden going on trial and the remaining members of al-Qaida being on the jury

Everyone is saying they should hit them really hard and make a huge example of them with most saying a 2 year ban.

I reckon the punishment will be that they have to go to bed straight after dinner and no watching television :lol:


As an Aussie after Mummy boy Warne's M&M problem perhaps you're not best placed to comment on that one. Oh and the 'weather forecast' money.


Fistly i think that you need to be informed that a diuretic is not a steroid.

Secondly a diuretic has no performance enhancing effect.

Thirdly , steroids would not have enhanced his recovery from his shoulder injury.

Yes , what he took is a banned substance and he got suspended for doing so.

Make no mistake , Warnie does not need to take anything that is performance enhancing when playing your mob and the weather forcast is something your guys look for when trying to save a match <_<


And professional sportspeople hydrate before doing sport not take tablets that dehydrate.


Nice sidestep but do you seriously believe that they recieved money for only weather and pitch condition information?


No side step there mate. Weather he inadvertently took it or not, he was guilty of taking a banned substance and suspended and that, rightly so and there was no outcry from anyone here because they are the rules.

The Mark Waugh one, well who the hell knows and who ever will but it did not involve throwing a game or taking a banned substance so if you think you might have to refer back to your wikepedia or whatever you call it for some more facts, while you are at it , you might like to look up the one in the 70's when Australia vs England in England and Australia were in an unbeatable position in one of the Tests and the odds for an English win were huge so Dennis Lillee and Rod Marsh put some money on a Pommy win {mid game that is} and guess what :yikes: . Yep , the Poms won.

Bloody Lillee and Marsh , they threw the game...............WELL THEY MUST HAVE <_<

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I can't wait to see what punishment the Pakistan Cricket Board hand out to Shoaib and Asif for taking the steroids.

This would be like Osama Bin Laden going on trial and the remaining members of al-Qaida being on the jury

Everyone is saying they should hit them really hard and make a huge example of them with most saying a 2 year ban.

I reckon the punishment will be that they have to go to bed straight after dinner and no watching television :lol:


As an Aussie after Mummy boy Warne's M&M problem perhaps you're not best placed to comment on that one. Oh and the 'weather forecast' money.


Fistly i think that you need to be informed that a diuretic is not a steroid.

Secondly a diuretic has no performance enhancing effect.

Thirdly , steroids would not have enhanced his recovery from his shoulder injury.

Yes , what he took is a banned substance and he got suspended for doing so.

Make no mistake , Warnie does not need to take anything that is performance enhancing when playing your mob and the weather forcast is something your guys look for when trying to save a match <_<


And professional sportspeople hydrate before doing sport not take tablets that dehydrate.


Nice sidestep but do you seriously believe that they recieved money for only weather and pitch condition information?


No side step there mate. Weather he inadvertently took it or not, he was guilty of taking a banned substance and suspended and that, rightly so and there was no outcry from anyone here because they are the rules.

The Mark Waugh one, well who the hell knows and who ever will but it did not involve throwing a game or taking a banned substance so if you think you might have to refer back to your wikepedia or whatever you call it for some more facts, while you are at it , you might like to look up the one in the 70's when Australia vs England in England and Australia were in an unbeatable position in one of the Tests and the odds for an English win were huge so Dennis Lillee and Rod Marsh put some money on a Pommy win {mid game that is} and guess what :yikes: . Yep , the Poms won.

Bloody Lillee and Marsh , they threw the game...............WELL THEY MUST HAVE <_<


I used to play cricket with the guy that put the money on for Lillie and Marsh (Antony Lawson). His son now plays for Yorkshire.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Good to see we shut that idiotic mouth of that moronic South African captain by severely kickin' their arse in the first Test :fu: .

He is a f :censored:k wit.

Pollock should be Captain of that side.


And yet again.You would think this clown would learn to shut his oversized mouth and do his talking with the bat for once :fu: .

Oh , all these things they were going to do to these over the hill Aussies :rofl2: .

Eat shit dickhead :loser:


I really can't do with Smith. He just doesn't know when to shut up and I'm pretty sure it means he ends up being targeted. Talks the talk but doesn't often walk the walk. Ugly to watch bat as well.


This fuckin' knob jockey is at it again. He is worried about the amount of abuse Monty is going to get when the Ashes start because he is speaking from his experience in Oz last year.He states"I was chatting to some of our team just the other day and we all shivered at the prospect of what he could be in for".

Memo to Captain fucknuckle. You deserve every bit of abuse you get because you have never learnt to shut your moronic fuckin' trap time and time again. So mind your own fuckin' buisness cockhead and don't be jealous that your bunch of rabble are not anywhere close to the standard of these two sides and never will be while you lead the team so just sit back and watch a high standard of cricket that you and your team will never reach :2up::lame::loser::ahole:

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I take it you don't like him them??? :lol::lol: People don't need to worry about Monty - He'll be OK.


Hate him with a passion :2up::ahole::lol:

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  • 1 month later...
i cant wait till the ashes to hit our shores this year....i think its a 1 horse race..with the aussies gunna run riot over the POMS this summer...it was a fluke the last time the poms won it..aussies batting was a disgrace the last ashes series...with the likes off LEE..MC GRATH..WARNIE in the bowling ranks ..and the batting power off GILCHRIST..PONTING...HUSSEY and Co..mate the game is in the bag...go the aussies...


:bowdown: From here on in, when Seduced-By-Metal speaks, one must listen :lol:

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  • 6 months later...

I see the Indians are trying to rough up the English boys :lol:

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They are learning from the Aussies to pay no respect :lol:

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Lucky toss and you know it.


Who'd have thought we'd be the ones struggling because of the great british summer.


Pete, who is this new guy in your team who can move the ball a huge amount off the pitch :unsure: . I think his name is Jelly Beans or something like that :lol:

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Lucky toss and you know it.


Who'd have thought we'd be the ones struggling because of the great british summer.


Pete, who is this new guy in your team who can move the ball a huge amount off the pitch :unsure: . I think his name is Jelly Beans or something like that :lol:



I Love Jelly Beans - they rock!!! Mr. Bean is his name and you need him in your team Dave He's amazing :lol:

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Lucky toss and you know it.


Who'd have thought we'd be the ones struggling because of the great british summer.


Pete, who is this new guy in your team who can move the ball a huge amount off the pitch :unsure: . I think his name is Jelly Beans or something like that :lol:



I Love Jelly Beans - they rock!!! Mr. Bean is his name and you need him in your team Dave He's amazing :lol:


The old jelly beans.........They must be able to produce more sticky spit than the mints the English guys are very well known for sucking on during Test matches that they seem to apply to the red cherry on one side only, quiet often :whistle:......... Not to much avail these days :lol:

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No wonder you English boys are very keen to get the new soccer thread going again especially whilst the Indians are giving you plenty of "curry" at the moment :lol:

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Did you know that previous to beating England in England very recently :lol: , the Indians have only ever won one other Test series outside of the sub continent and guess who that was against.... :unsure::whistle: ......That's right, it was against England again ;):lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just happen to be reading the ICC AWARDS WINNERS LIST and guess what.......No English Players good enough obviously, not even for the WOMEN'S CRICKETER OF THE YEAR....... :unsure: I'm positive I saw a fair few of them late last year and early this year that could have easily qualified for that category......All they needed was a skirt and they would have been major contenders :lol:

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With the worry of another break out of foot and mouth disease within the livestock of England, there seems to be a break out of another disease that sounds very familiar called foot in mouth disease and who is the culprit who has let this disease out of the bag :unsure: .....None other than Kevin "FIGJAM" Pietersen.

Not that I give a flying toss about 20/20 Cricket, also known as "SLOG & GIGGLE" but it must be something about Sth Africans....... :unsure: {Hang on you might say, I thought we are talking about an English Cricketer :unsure: ....Well we are, but he really is a Sth African, it is just that the English sides usually always contain a Sth African or two due to the lack of local talent ;) }... :whistle: ...Oh anyway, like his fellow country man Graeme Smith, they both have a bad habit of shooting from the lip and not the hip and are then made look like fools, like Kevvy has done yet again.


QUOTE.....KEVIN PIETERSON. {After England defeated Zimbabwe, who had previously beaten Australia}


We were humiliated by Australia in the Ashes series {That bit is true :lol: }, and now we are in a position of strength where we can pretty much humiliate them....It's an opportunity of a lifetime.


Memo to Kev....Yet again, you are the one who has been humiliated, only due to the dribble that spews from your oversized trap :fu:

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With the worry of another break out of foot and mouth disease within the livestock of England, there seems to be a break out of another disease that sounds very familiar called foot in mouth disease and who is the culprit who has let this disease out of the bag :unsure: .....None other than Kevin "FIGJAM" Pietersen.

Not that I give a flying toss about 20/20 Cricket, also known as "SLOG & GIGGLE" but it must be something about Sth Africans....... :unsure: {Hang on you might say, I thought we are talking about an English Cricketer :unsure: ....Well we are, but he really is a Sth African, it is just that the English sides usually always contain a Sth African or two due to the lack of local talent ;) }... :whistle: ...Oh anyway, like his fellow country man Graeme Smith, they both have a bad habit of shooting from the lip and not the hip and are then made look like fools, like Kevvy has done yet again.


QUOTE.....KEVIN PIETERSON. {After England defeated Zimbabwe, who had previously beaten Australia}


We were humiliated by Australia in the Ashes series {That bit is true :lol: }, and now we are in a position of strength where we can pretty much humiliate them....It's an opportunity of a lifetime.


Memo to Kev....Yet again, you are the one who has been humiliated, only due to the dribble that spews from your oversized trap :fu:


...Maybe, but you still wish had him in your side???Speaking of oversized 'Traps' - have a gander at the Aussie side in general - we have one or two loudmouths maybe, you have a whole team of 'em. Oh and By the way KP is half English, just like half of your squad!!! :lol:

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With the worry of another break out of foot and mouth disease within the livestock of England, there seems to be a break out of another disease that sounds very familiar called foot in mouth disease and who is the culprit who has let this disease out of the bag :unsure: .....None other than Kevin "FIGJAM" Pietersen.

Not that I give a flying toss about 20/20 Cricket, also known as "SLOG & GIGGLE" but it must be something about Sth Africans....... :unsure: {Hang on you might say, I thought we are talking about an English Cricketer :unsure: ....Well we are, but he really is a Sth African, it is just that the English sides usually always contain a Sth African or two due to the lack of local talent ;) }... :whistle: ...Oh anyway, like his fellow country man Graeme Smith, they both have a bad habit of shooting from the lip and not the hip and are then made look like fools, like Kevvy has done yet again.


QUOTE.....KEVIN PIETERSON. {After England defeated Zimbabwe, who had previously beaten Australia}


We were humiliated by Australia in the Ashes series {That bit is true :lol: }, and now we are in a position of strength where we can pretty much humiliate them....It's an opportunity of a lifetime.


Memo to Kev....Yet again, you are the one who has been humiliated, only due to the dribble that spews from your oversized trap :fu:


...Maybe, but you still wish had him in your side???Speaking of oversized 'Traps' - have a gander at the Aussie side in general - we have one or two loudmouths maybe, you have a whole team of 'em. Oh and By the way KP is half English, just like half of your squad!!! :lol:


You can afford to be loudmouths when you are and have been the best for many a years :butt: Just stick at it and one day you might get to see what it's like :lol:;)

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With the worry of another break out of foot and mouth disease within the livestock of England, there seems to be a break out of another disease that sounds very familiar called foot in mouth disease and who is the culprit who has let this disease out of the bag :unsure: .....None other than Kevin "FIGJAM" Pietersen.

Not that I give a flying toss about 20/20 Cricket, also known as "SLOG & GIGGLE" but it must be something about Sth Africans....... :unsure: {Hang on you might say, I thought we are talking about an English Cricketer :unsure: ....Well we are, but he really is a Sth African, it is just that the English sides usually always contain a Sth African or two due to the lack of local talent ;) }... :whistle: ...Oh anyway, like his fellow country man Graeme Smith, they both have a bad habit of shooting from the lip and not the hip and are then made look like fools, like Kevvy has done yet again.


QUOTE.....KEVIN PIETERSON. {After England defeated Zimbabwe, who had previously beaten Australia}


We were humiliated by Australia in the Ashes series {That bit is true :lol: }, and now we are in a position of strength where we can pretty much humiliate them....It's an opportunity of a lifetime.


Memo to Kev....Yet again, you are the one who has been humiliated, only due to the dribble that spews from your oversized trap :fu:


...Maybe, but you still wish had him in your side???Speaking of oversized 'Traps' - have a gander at the Aussie side in general - we have one or two loudmouths maybe, you have a whole team of 'em. Oh and By the way KP is half English, just like half of your squad!!! :lol:


You can afford to be loudmouths when you are and have been the best for many a years :butt: Just stick at it and one day you might get to see what it's like :lol:;)



Give it a few years matey and You could be right. The day will come I assure you. :drink:

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With the worry of another break out of foot and mouth disease within the livestock of England, there seems to be a break out of another disease that sounds very familiar called foot in mouth disease and who is the culprit who has let this disease out of the bag :unsure: .....None other than Kevin "FIGJAM" Pietersen.

Not that I give a flying toss about 20/20 Cricket, also known as "SLOG & GIGGLE" but it must be something about Sth Africans....... :unsure: {Hang on you might say, I thought we are talking about an English Cricketer :unsure: ....Well we are, but he really is a Sth African, it is just that the English sides usually always contain a Sth African or two due to the lack of local talent ;) }... :whistle: ...Oh anyway, like his fellow country man Graeme Smith, they both have a bad habit of shooting from the lip and not the hip and are then made look like fools, like Kevvy has done yet again.


QUOTE.....KEVIN PIETERSON. {After England defeated Zimbabwe, who had previously beaten Australia}


We were humiliated by Australia in the Ashes series {That bit is true :lol: }, and now we are in a position of strength where we can pretty much humiliate them....It's an opportunity of a lifetime.


Memo to Kev....Yet again, you are the one who has been humiliated, only due to the dribble that spews from your oversized trap :fu:


...Maybe, but you still wish had him in your side???Speaking of oversized 'Traps' - have a gander at the Aussie side in general - we have one or two loudmouths maybe, you have a whole team of 'em. Oh and By the way KP is half English, just like half of your squad!!! :lol:


You can afford to be loudmouths when you are and have been the best for many a years :butt: Just stick at it and one day you might get to see what it's like :lol:;)



Give it a few years matey and You could be right. The day will come I assure you. :drink:


Why do you think I am making the most of it while I can :lol: .........The famous saying goes "Make hay while the sun shines".

With Warne and McGrath gone, we will come back to the pack alot quicker than you think.

We will still make alot of runs but we will also have alot of runs made against us.

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India beat Pakistan in the 20/20 to become the champs.Quite entertaining !!!!!!!!!!!!


Good game Ian. Probaby the best team in the tournament won in the end. At least the damn Aussies didn't win!!!

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India beat Pakistan in the 20/20 to become the champs.Quite entertaining !!!!!!!!!!!!


At least the damn Aussies didn't win!!!


:unsure: win a tournament of "Slog and Giggle" or wipe our :butt: with the English 5 - Zip in an Ashes series.

We know where our priorities lie :lol:

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India beat Pakistan in the 20/20 to become the champs.Quite entertaining !!!!!!!!!!!!


At least the damn Aussies didn't win!!!


:unsure: win a tournament of "Slog and Giggle" or wipe our :butt: with the English 5 - Zip in an Ashes series.

We know where our priorities lie :lol:


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India beat Pakistan in the 20/20 to become the champs.Quite entertaining !!!!!!!!!!!!


At least the damn Aussies didn't win!!!


:unsure: win a tournament of "Slog and Giggle" or wipe our :butt: with the English 5 - Zip in an Ashes series.

We know where our priorities lie :lol:




You wouldn't be saying that if you had won now would ya??? I like it when Ponting doesn't play, as you don't win very often in any form without him.

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