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66 mustang

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"To All a Goodnight" (1980)

A group of private-school girls (and their boyfriends) staying behind in the dorm during Christmas break are picked off by a killer in a Santa suit.  This cheap but effective knock-off of "Black Christmas" and "Friday the 13th" pre-dates the notorious "Silent Night, Deadly Night" by a couple of years but isn't nearly as well known. It gets off to a rip roarin' start and piles up a bunch of bodies early on, but the midsection is a slow slog until the killer's I.D. (which most viewers will have figured out way before the characters do) is revealed in the last quarter. Directed by David Hess of "Last House on the Left" fame, this is far from a top drawer slasher but it was sleazy and entertaining enough for me.

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Recently bit the bullet on netflix and we have been binge watching:

Stranger Things season 2 = good stuff. One time watcher only but lot's of 80's goodness in this series.

13 Reasons = this was surprisingly excellent. The topic extremely terse and depressing but well done.

American Vandal (dumb as dumb but we had to watch as my daughter auditioned for season 2).

The Ridiculous 6 = Adam Sandler film parody as you;d expect from him and his cast of usual's.

The Babysitter = Good comedy horror and Bella Thorne if she were a president she would be Babraham Lincoln.


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"Contamination" (aka "Alien Contamination," 1980)

A ship drifts into New York harbor with no one left alive on board - and a cargo of extra-terrestrial eggs full of goo that makes people's bodies explode. A government investigative team traces the ship's trail to South America, where an alien life form has taken over a coffee plantation (?) for use as its home base to colonize our planet. Yikes!
Luigi "StarCrash" Cozzi directed this earth-bound Italian "Alien" variant, which doesn't even try to hide the fact that it's a rip-off... but it's fun, comic book nonsense with lotsa cool gory special effects. Worth a look if you need a Euro-trash horror fix.

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hmm Contamination looks interesting..... 

I watched a few old horror flicks myself. Dead & Buried (1980) and one with young Sharon Stone called "Deadly Blessing" (1981). Not much gore but ok suspense, Dead & Buried is the better of the two, pretty creepy imho..

made me think I need to re-watch original Swamp Thing.... I loved it as a teenager, but it's been a long time

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hmm Contamination looks interesting.....

As far as cheap, poorly dubbed Italian "Alien" knock offs go (there are several others) it's actually one of the better ones :D

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"Blood Beach" (1981)

A Southern California seaside area is plagued by a series of sudden disappearances. Eventually some cops and a Harbor Patrol officer figure out that the missing people are being devoured by an unseen creature that lives beneath the sand. Yikes!
This land-locked "Jaws" variant stars some familiar B-Movie faces like John Saxon and Burt ("Rocky") Young, which may give it some cult-movie cred but overall it's pretty dull. "Blood Beach" spends way too much time on the police-procedural elements (and a budding romance between Harbor Patrol Guy and the foxy daughter of the first victim), and not nearly enough on the monster mayhem. When you finally do get to see the extremely cheap looking monster (five minutes before the movie ends) it looks like a jumbo sized marital aid. 
If you absolutely have to watch every "Jaws" inspired knock-off ever made, go nuts, but otherwise you can skip a trip to this "Beach."

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revisited Red Sun (1971) with Charles Bronson, Toshiro Mifune, and Alain Delon, good Western flick as I remembered it. Good buddy movie with East meets West theme.  And Ursula Andress is so beautiful.

now I'm thinking of locating some other Delon/Bronson flick Farewell Friend, not sure if I've ever seen that one


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"Almost Human" (aka "The Death Dealer," 1974)

A low-level Italian hood, tired of making small scores while working for others, hatches a plan to kidnap the daughter of a wealthy businessman for a big ransom payment. In the course of carrying out the plot, lots of other people are murdered, raped, and tortured, while a tough police inspector (Henry Silva) races against time to rescue the girl. 
A primo slice of sleazy, ultra-violent "Polizzioteschi" Eurocrime action from the always dependable Umberto Lenzi of "Cannibal Ferox" and "Nightmare City" fame. 

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"The New Gladiators" (aka "Rome 2072 AD: The New Gladiators," 1984)


It's the year 2072, and the highest rated TV program on Earth is a live broadcast from the Roman Coliseum, where death row inmates from around the world battle it out in a kill-or-be-killed contest to gain their freedom...which, naturally, is fixed so nobody actually "wins." 
Lucio "Zombie" Fulci directed this enjoyably cheesy, ultra-violent post apocalytic mash-up of "Death Race 2000," "Knightriders" and "Rollerball" which features hilariously cheap special effects and costumes. Your mileage may vary depending on your tolerance for Italian Z-Movie silliness.

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"Psycho Cop" (1989)


Six obnoxious college kids having a party weekend at a secluded vacation home are picked off one by one by a serial killing police officer/Satanist for no apparent reason whatsoever. Yup, that's the whole plot.
This dumb-as-dirt, direct-to-video schlocker seems to be trying for a tongue-in-cheek horror/comedy vibe, but it isn't gory, sleazy, or funny enough to pull it off. It's pointless, poorly acted, and generic as they come. Stick with the far superior "Maniac Cop" series to get your fix of cop-related carnage. 

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"Hardcore Henry" (2016)

A cybernetic assassin is brought back from the dead and proceeds to run, jump, fight, and shoot his way across Moscow's underworld in this virtually plotless Russian/American co-production. This non-stop action flick's big gimmick is that the movie is shot from "Henry's" point of view, which is kind of neat at first, but eventually it feels like you're watching someone else play a first-person-shooter video game. 
My ten year old loved this but I was bored stiff within fifteen minutes. 

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"Tenebre" (aka "Tenebrae," 1982)

An author comes to Rome to promote his latest horror novel, and someone begins murdering his close associates in ways that mirror the death scenes in his book. 
Dario Argento directed this artsy, oh-so-'80s giallo/slasher flick, which features lotsa pretty girls and plenty of splashy gore, but the story is weak and the performances and dubbing are awkward at best - in other words, it's a pretty typical Italian horror flick. Unca Dario has done way way better but I've seen lots worse.

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Took the kids to see Coco the new Pixar movie,quite enjoyable and a good few laughs plus the necessary cry your eyes out bit :) and it looked absolutely stunning visually to my wee eyes.

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"Atomic Blonde" (2017)

This slick, stylish, ultra violent spy flick stars Charlize Theron as an MI6 agent sent to East Germany, where she has to escort a Russian defector who possesses an important document to the West before the Berlin Wall comes down. Charlize is a babe, of course, and it's tons of sadistic fun watching her beat the ever lovin' crap out of every bad guy who crosses her path. Not a must-see, but an entertaining butt kicker with some impressive stunt work and a great soundtrack of '80s Euro-pop (incl. Nena, Re-Flex, Depeche Mode, Peter Schilling, David Bowie, and more).

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