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Uncle Buck





Yeah,let my kids watch it tonight :) always loved john candy flicks




We have been introducing the kids to the great JC, already shown them Uncle Buck, Armed and Dangerous, Harry Crumb...


Really want to show them The Great Outdoors.

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The Martian


SPOILER ALERT-entertaining but to me the film never created any feeling of dread. As a viewer I never believed that he may in fact die or be in any threat at all.


I felt the same. I prefer my Sci-Fi with more Fiction, and less Science, so some kind of creature would have been nice.


Don't mind the science and I think the lack of a predator in this was on purpose which was OK.


Just wish Ridley could have turned up the doom factor. I suspect this one was meant to be fluffy ala Armageddon.

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The Martian


SPOILER ALERT-entertaining but to me the film never created any feeling of dread. As a viewer I never believed that he may in fact die or be in any threat at all.

I felt the same. I prefer my Sci-Fi with more Fiction, and less Science, so some kind of creature would have been nice.

I gave up on the book after 70 pages of growing potatoes



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  • My Little Pony



The Martian


SPOILER ALERT-entertaining but to me the film never created any feeling of dread. As a viewer I never believed that he may in fact die or be in any threat at all.

I felt the same. I prefer my Sci-Fi with more Fiction, and less Science, so some kind of creature would have been nice.

I gave up on the book after 70 pages of growing potatoes





Didn't even know it was a book. This is why I don't read.

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"Everly" (2014)

A call girl (Salma Hayek) turns state's evidence on her Yakuza boyfriend, which naturally marks her for death... so she has to shoot her way out of an apartment building crawling with hired killers in order to save her little daughter.
The plot of this flick was probably written on a cocktail napkin but it's an entertaining little shoot'em up, kinda like a "Die Hard" variant with better cleavage. Your mileage may vary depending on how much you perv on Salma Hayek. I would watch her read the phone book, so therefore I was entertained.

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  • My Little Pony

"Everly" (2014)



A call girl (Salma Hayek) turns state's evidence on her Yakuza boyfriend, which naturally marks her for death... so she has to shoot her way out of an apartment building crawling with hired killers in order to save her little daughter.

The plot of this flick was probably written on a cocktail napkin but it's an entertaining little shoot'em up, kinda like a "Die Hard" variant with better cleavage. Your mileage may vary depending on how much you perv on Salma Hayek. I would watch her read the phone book, so therefore I was entertained.

I thought this was a great Shoot 'em Up flick. Kinda like a reverse "The Raid," or "Dredd."

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The Martian


SPOILER ALERT-entertaining but to me the film never created any feeling of dread. As a viewer I never believed that he may in fact die or be in any threat at all.

I felt the same. I prefer my Sci-Fi with more Fiction, and less Science, so some kind of creature would have been nice.


I gave up on the book after 70 pages of growing potatoes




Didn't even know it was a book. This is why I don't read.


Just because the book 'The Martian' is a turkey is no excuse not to read.


I would say out of all the films I have ever seen in 99% of cases the book(s) is / are better.

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Just a few recent / big names to support my argument -

Hunger Games - liked the films - books are way better
Mazerunner - great film - book is way better
Harry Potter - really like all the films - books are way better
Game of Thrones - love the series - books are still better (excellent in fact....if he ever finishes them!)
Star Wars series - excellent films, but the books are way more detailed

and perhaps my biggest gripe of all time -

Golden Compass - film was shite......books (The Dark Materials trilogy) are superb

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I saw 12 Years A Slave last night. Me and the missus settled in to what i thought was going to be an epic judging by the amount of awards it won.


The missus was asleep inside of an hour and i was getting bored. My conclusion at the end was it was a pike of shit. They managed to make what is a fantastic story in to 2 and a quarter hours of drivel. There is no sense of time in the film! He could have been a slave for 3 weeks, the only reference to the length he was in an unfortunate predicament is the films title! The timeline was unnecessarily jumbled about at the beginning and i thought the disc had got stuck at one point because the camera focused on the leading character staring in to space for minutes on end for no apparent reason. This film is utter garbage but i am interested in the plight of the subject so will hunt down the book and read it.

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Oh and i've just finished all of the Breaking Bad series which i thoroughly enjoyed. I reckon it's the best non-comedy series i've ever seen in fact.

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  • My Little Pony





The Martian


SPOILER ALERT-entertaining but to me the film never created any feeling of dread. As a viewer I never believed that he may in fact die or be in any threat at all.

I felt the same. I prefer my Sci-Fi with more Fiction, and less Science, so some kind of creature would have been nice.


I gave up on the book after 70 pages of growing potatoes




Didn't even know it was a book. This is why I don't read.


Just because the book 'The Martian' is a turkey is no excuse not to read.


I would say out of all the films I have ever seen in 99% of cases the book(s) is / are better.



And this is also why I don't read. ;}

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Just a few recent / big names to support my argument -


Hunger Games - liked the films - books are way better

Mazerunner - great film - book is way better

Harry Potter - really like all the films - books are way better

Game of Thrones - love the series - books are still better (excellent in fact....if he ever finishes them!)

Star Wars series - excellent films, but the books are way more detailed


and perhaps my biggest gripe of all time -


Golden Compass - film was shite......books (The Dark Materials trilogy) are superb

Completely agree with these. Well said.


You could throw in everything Steve King wrote.

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"009-1: The End of the Beginning" (2013)

Japanese action/sci-fi flick based on a long running manga comic/anime series (with which I am unfamiliar), about a female cyborg secret agent who starts digging into her past to recover her lost memories. Mayhem follows her every step of the way until she's mixed up with mad scientists, zombies, and a plot to destroy the world.

Honestly this flick didn't make a lick of sense but it was so insanely ultra-violent and packed with female eye candy and gore that it didn't even matter, it was a boat load of fun to watch.

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Just a few recent / big names to support my argument -


Hunger Games - liked the films - books are way better

Mazerunner - great film - book is way better

Harry Potter - really like all the films - books are way better

Game of Thrones - love the series - books are still better (excellent in fact....if he ever finishes them!)

Star Wars series - excellent films, but the books are way more detailed


and perhaps my biggest gripe of all time -


Golden Compass - film was shite......books (The Dark Materials trilogy) are superb

Completely agree with these. Well said.


You could throw in everything Steve King wrote.



Apart from the ones Frank Darabont directed. They were pretty much accurate to the books

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Top Gun. Held up surprisingly well.
Probably the sunsettingest movie I've ever seen.
My wife selected the movie for "family movie night" and they all thought it was pretty good which is a big wrap from a bunch of kids aged 14 to 19 I guess.
Interesting Tom Cruise has aged pretty well, Val Kilmer, not so much....

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"Everly" (2014)



A call girl (Salma Hayek) turns state's evidence on her Yakuza boyfriend, which naturally marks her for death... so she has to shoot her way out of an apartment building crawling with hired killers in order to save her little daughter.

The plot of this flick was probably written on a cocktail napkin but it's an entertaining little shoot'em up, kinda like a "Die Hard" variant with better cleavage. Your mileage may vary depending on how much you perv on Salma Hayek. I would watch her read the phone book, so therefore I was entertained.

I thought this was a great Shoot 'em Up flick. Kinda like a reverse "The Raid," or "Dredd."



From that still, this looks like it might fall in the 1% where the film is better than the book ;-)

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Just a few recent / big names to support my argument -


Hunger Games - liked the films - books are way better

Mazerunner - great film - book is way better

Harry Potter - really like all the films - books are way better

Game of Thrones - love the series - books are still better (excellent in fact....if he ever finishes them!)

Star Wars series - excellent films, but the books are way more detailed


and perhaps my biggest gripe of all time -


Golden Compass - film was shite......books (The Dark Materials trilogy) are superb

Completely agree with these. Well said.


You could throw in everything Steve King wrote.

Apart from the ones Frank Darabont directed. They were pretty much accurate to the books

Did he direct Cujo? That one is quite different from the movie. And they my have "followed" but always seem to fall flat, or the book is superior to the film.

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Nah, he only did The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile and The Mist (which i haven't seen) but the first two of those are very close to the book and brilliant films. All other King adaptations i agree fall flat.

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Bridge of Spies - always enjoy Hanks, although I found the flick to be rather slow , it was worth watching...I did expect more from Hanks and Spielberg though....


Spectre - decent Bond film...not one of the better ones though....


Solomon Kane - decent sword and sorcery flick

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"Light Blast" (aka "Neon Killer," 1985)

Enjoyably cheesy Italian action flick with a sci-fi twist. A tough San Francisco cop (Erik Estrada of "C.H.i.P.S" fame) has to track down a mad scientist who has invented a laser beam weapon that melts humans, and is threatening to destroy the city with it unless they pay him a $10 million ransom.
Aside from the hilariously gory scenes of people "melting" when the laser is used on them, this is pretty standard cop-movie stuff, with lots of car chases, gun battles and stuff blowin' up. At least "Ponch" gets to shoot his gun in this movie - I don't think he ever drew his weapon once during all his years on "C.H.i.P.S." :D
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"Popcorn" (1991)


College film students rent out a theater for a fund raising "all night horror-thon" of gimmicky '50s schlock movies. Unfortunately, someone who might be connected to a deranged avant-garde film director from years past is stalking them and picking them off one by one during the show.

This early '90s video store & cable favorite is pretty dated now but it's still a fun watch, particularly for the jokey "films within the film" being shown in the theater. Plus, there's even a throwaway joke about Iron Maiden (the band) for us metal nerds!

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