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66 mustang

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Pacific Rim - incredible silliness but a lot of fun...


The Lone Ranger - more silliness but not as much fun...still better than I was expecting considering the bad reviews...

Agree. I will watch again(eventually)

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  • My Little Pony


My friend worked on that film. He couldn't talk about, but another friend guessed on his first try. His face was hilarious; both "how the hell did you know?!" and "I'm not saying anything" at the same time. Had to wait a year and a half to finally confirm. Great film.

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A great drama of a bitter portrait of a deceitful relationship and painful truth. All 4 are amazing actors and each has a strong character attached, and even if this drama did nothing to you, at least seeing Natalie Portman in a sexy stripper thong might mean something :D

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I'm having computer issues at home so I haven't been able to post my last couple of viewings.. here's some real quick capsule updates....


Inside Deep Throat (2005): Intriguing documentary about the infamous 1972 adult film that ever so briefly made porn "chic," made Linda Lovelace a household name, and became a lightning rod for discussions about censorship, obscenity and free speech.

Batman (1989): Tim Burton's Goth-pop rendition of the Dark Knight still holds up pretty well. Jack Nicholson totally steals the movie with his over-the-top portrayal of the Joker.

Unauthorized and Proud Of It: The Story of Rock N Roll Comics (2010)... Interesting documentary about upstart comics publisher Todd Loren, who became a symbol of the battle for Free Speech after his Revolutionary Comics line battled numerous copyright infringement lawsuits from rock stars...before he was mysteriously murdered in 1992 (a crime which remains unsolved). Interviewees include rockers like Alice Cooper and Mojo Nixon as well as a host of comics professionals.

Lovelace (2013): Amanda Seyfried portrays "Deep Throat" star Linda Lovelace in this bio-pic which can't decide if it wants to be a candy-coated 70s period piece about a plucky all-American gal's brief foray into porn stardom, or a gritty, tragic drama about domestic violence and spousal abuse. Great performances all around but the film never finds the right "tone."

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Vantage Point

Love hoodwinked,.Was hoping the 2nd was going to be just as good, but was just ok.

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"Machete Maidens Unleashed" -- hilarious documentary about the rise of the Filipino exploitation movie industry of the 70s, when U.S. filmmakers like Roger Corman and other schlock-meisters discovered that the islands' natural beauty (and low costs) made it the perfect place to crank out dozens of sleazy, t&a filled horror, action, kung fu and women-in-prison flicks. Tons of clips of boobs, decapitations, and stuff blowing up accompanies interviews with B movie royalty like John Landis, Dick Miller, Sid Haig and Corman himself. After watching this doc I added about a dozen titles I'd never heard of before to my "I gotta see that!" list.

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Batman (1989): Tim Burton's Goth-pop rendition of the Dark Knight still holds up pretty well. Jack Nicholson totally steals the movie with his over-the-top portrayal of the Joker.




Interesting...I just watched it again for the first time in about 15 years and I thought the exact opposite...I don't think it has held up very well...I'll take Batman Returns any day over Batman...

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Batman (1989): Tim Burton's Goth-pop rendition of the Dark Knight still holds up pretty well. Jack Nicholson totally steals the movie with his over-the-top portrayal of the Joker.




Interesting...I just watched it again for the first time in about 15 years and I thought the exact opposite...I don't think it has held up very well...I'll take Batman Returns any day over Batman...


To be honest I've seen both of Burton's "Batman" flicks so many times now that I'm kinda burnt out on them, but I happened to be watching this one with my sons, who were seeing it for the first time ever (my 11 year old got the DVD for Christmas) and they both LOVED it. They were laughing at all of the Joker's stupid stunts, cheering whenever Batman punched out a goon, going "WHOAAA!" when he crashed thru a skylight or swooped off a rooftop, etc... so I enjoyed watching it through 'their' eyes way more than I probably would've if I were watching it yet again by myself.

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Batman (1989): Tim Burton's Goth-pop rendition of the Dark Knight still holds up pretty well. Jack Nicholson totally steals the movie with his over-the-top portrayal of the Joker.




Interesting...I just watched it again for the first time in about 15 years and I thought the exact opposite...I don't think it has held up very well...I'll take Batman Returns any day over Batman...


To be honest I've seen both of Burton's "Batman" flicks so many times now that I'm kinda burnt out on them, but I happened to be watching this one with my sons, who were seeing it for the first time ever (my 11 year old got the DVD for Christmas) and they both LOVED it. They were laughing at all of the Joker's stupid stunts, cheering whenever Batman punched out a goon, going "WHOAAA!" when he crashed thru a skylight or swooped off a rooftop, etc... so I enjoyed watching it through 'their' eyes way more than I probably would've if I were watching it yet again by myself.



I think that Keaton's acting was the worse part which is strange as I don.t remember it being that bad...he seemed very out of place...Nicholson was still very good...

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