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66 mustang

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"Jurassic Park III" (2001)




After sitting out the 2nd film in the "JP" series, Sam Neill returns as Dr. Alan Grant, who gets shanghaiied into returning to the dinosaur-infested Costa Rican island by a couple searching for their missing child. As usual, hordes of Raptors, T-Rexes, and Spinosauruses do their best to turn the humans into Dino-Chow.


...a totally unnecessary, but still fun and action packed sequel. I like this one better than the 2nd film due to the complete and total lack of Jeff Goldblum (who irritates me).

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Over the last three nights we watched the "Lord Of The Rings" trilogy. Finally. Never had the urge to before.


I'll never be able to say the word "Precious" the same again... :blink:


I've been meaning to do that for quite awhile, still only seen the first and part of the 2nd.


a big fan of these series, i think i have watched the trilogy for over 10 times :D

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Double feature last night...


"Witchslayer Gretl" (2012)



Silly SyFy Channel crap that feels like some 14 year old girl's fairy tale fan-fiction gone horribly wrong. "Hansel and Gretl" are now all grown up. Problem is, Gretl's body has been taken over by a witch, and Hansel, now a Witch Slayer, has to either save or destroy her. So yeah, the title doesn't make any sense (Hansel is the Witch Slayer, not Gretl!) but believe me, that's the least of this flick's problems. The acting is terrible, the dialogue is pure Medieval Times nonsense, the special effects are hilariously cheap, and the male lead looks like a slightly less portly Kevin Smith. Worst of all, the main reason I tuned into this piece of crap was to see Shannen Doherty as the evil witch queen, cuz I've had a crush on her since I was 14....aaaaand... let's just say time is finally catching up to the poor girl. Sigh. Make no mistake, this flick was bad, and not even the usual SyFy Channel "good" kind of "bad."


"Ghost Rider" (2007)



Nicolas Cage stars as Marvel Comics' demonic biker Johnny Blaze, who makes a deal with the devil and ends up working as Satan's flame-headed errand boy. When the Devil's wayward son Blackheart decides it's his turn to take over the world,, G.R. has to show him who's the boss.. Total b-movie cheez but still lotsa good goofy fun!!!

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'Unthinkable' ; good movie about US personnel torturing a muslim terrorist to gather info about bombs planted around the US. Things get wild when his wife and kids get involved at the hands of the torturer, played by Samuel L Jackson... good film.

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Apollo 18 - why oh why. awful


Yeah that one's dog-shit.

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"The Legend of Sorrow Creek" (2006)



Irritating "Blair Witch" wanna-bee in which a quartet of twentysomethings staying at a secluded cabin in the woods are menaced by mysterious, mostly-unseen spooks. Cheap shot on video crap starring a cast of untalented nobodies. Fortunately the run time was short (74 minutes) so my suffering was minimal.

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i was amazed with the stunning animation, the picture is very realistic, kudos on that. The story itself is how on the comic book style, so if you like the book, I bet you will like this as well, and still there are some funny scenes with Haddock as usual. Pretty good movie!

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"Ghost Rider" (2007)



Nicolas Cage stars as Marvel Comics' demonic biker Johnny Blaze, who makes a deal with the devil and ends up working as Satan's flame-headed errand boy. When the Devil's wayward son Blackheart decides it's his turn to take over the world,, G.R. has to show him who's the boss.. Total b-movie cheez but still lotsa good goofy fun!!!


Caught this one last night because I love the comic (albeit the Dan Ketch version, rather than Johnny Blaze). Yet again film makers have all but ruined a Ghost Rider film with shoddy writing. I just don't understand why they can't use writers of the comic who understand the character and put together exciting, engaging stories. On the plus side, the special effects are great, Ghost Rider looks good and Violante Placido is very easy on the eye. Fairly enjoyable watch, but could have been so much better.

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Caught the new GHOST RIDER, at the movies, liked it pretty well. More "serious" than the first, but had a few comic moments. Kind of a lower budget Euro look to the film, but fx still looked good. Nice cameo by HIGHLANDER Chris Lambert, though Cage is getting a little old to pull off the action stuff (in human form at least). Recommend :)

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"Meridian" (1990)



Odd mix of Gothic romance and creature feature from Charles "Puppet Master" Band. A very young, very hot Sherilyn Fenn ("Twin Peaks") plays an American college girl who inherits an Italian castle, which comes complete with ghosts and an ancient curse.


Almost like a softcore "Beauty and the Beast," the story doesn't make much sense but Fenn spends about a quarter of the film topless so therefore I was entertained. :lol:

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"Decadent Evil" (2005)




Yet another gore-and-boobs quickie from Charles "Puppet Master" Band, in which a midget vampire hunter (Phil Fondacaro, who must be the busiest short guy in the B-movie industry) tracks down a group of shapely vampires who work as strippers.


An extremely quick film (around 70 minutes, including beginning and end credits!) made this one feel more like an episode of "Tales From the Crypt" rather than a legitimate feature release. But hey, it had blood, it had T&A, it had a weird puppet creature in a bird cage, I was entertained.

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"Decadent Evil" (2005)




Yet another gore-and-boobs quickie from Charles "Puppet Master" Band, in which a midget vampire hunter (Phil Fondacaro, who must be the busiest short guy in the B-movie industry) tracks down a group of shapely vampires who work as strippers.


An extremely quick film (around 70 minutes, including beginning and end credits!) made this one feel more like an episode of "Tales From the Crypt" rather than a legitimate feature release. But hey, it had blood, it had T&A, it had a weird puppet creature in a bird cage, I was entertained.


I have not seen this, but I'm assuming it is a Full Moon film. Which if it is you can't go wrong veiwing any of their "gore and boobs" catalogue.

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I have not seen this, but I'm assuming it is a Full Moon film. Which if it is you can't go wrong veiwing any of their "gore and boobs" catalogue.


Oh yeah, it was a hoot. I can think of worse ways to kill 70 minutes. :lol:


Technically it's not a "Full Moon" flick (as it was released under one of Charlie's post-Full Moon labels, "Wizard Entertainment") but yeah, it's got all of the old F.M. trademarks, i.e. lots of T&A, cheap gore, and ugly puppet monsters. Plus Phil Fondacaro has appeared in at least half of Full Moon's catalog over the years. :lol: I understand Charlie has resurrected the Full Moon banner since he made this flick anywhoo, so I guess it counts.


This flick also ties into Full Moon's old "Subspecies" series of vampire films somehow or other -- the prologue of this movie is a montage of clips from those... apparently the stripper vampires in this flick are supposed to be an offshoot from the "Subspecies" clan. For whatever that's worth. I haven't seen any of the "SubSpecies" films in years and didn't even realize those clips had been recycled from 'em till I read it on IMDb. Haha.


Terry, If you wanna see this one real cheap, it can be found on a 8-movie budget DVD pack called "The Midnight Horror Collection" that I found at the supermarket for five bucks. It also includes several other Charles Band/Full Moon goodies ("Evil Bong," "Demonic Toys," and "Meridian") along with a couple of other random non-Band flicks. In my book, "Demonic Toys" was worth the five bucks all by itself! :beerbang:

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"20 Million Miles to Earth" (1957)




The first ever manned rocket to Venus crash-lands in the ocean near Italy upon its return to Earth, accidentally releasing a Venusian "specimen" which then menaces the Italian countryside. The U.S. and Italian military chase it around for a while before there's a final showdown at the Coliseum in Rome.


Cheesy '50s sci-fi fun that owes much to the original "King Kong," the story and acting are no great shakes but the old school stop motion creature effects by the great Ray Harryhausen are still cool as hell.

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