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66 mustang

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Cabin Fever


Wow I saw about 5 mins of that and it looked a crock of shit.


One of the more unoriginal films out there but alright :tumbsup:

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Fantastic 4 - Rise Of The Silver Surfer.



Way too short at 89 mins, but man does that Silver Surfer kick arse!


Makes Spidey's villains look like amateurs.


I liked this film, used to have the Silver Surfer comics when I was a youngster, nostalgia grabbed me B)

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Went and saw Journey to the Center of the Earth over the weekend... damn if 3D hasn't come a long way since I was kid... :P The movie itself was just so-so, but the 3D made it fun for the whole family. :tumbsup:

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Into The Blue.............Jessica looks real good in a bikini....


She would look even better out of one!!!

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DOOMSDAY "Unrated"--directed by Neil Marshall of The Descent. Fast-paced, overly bloody, and a good looking dame as the lead character. What more can you ask for in a movie.

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The Game


Great film.


Awesome mindfuck of a film. Michael Douglas' finest hour.


Agreed Richie, different kind of film but very good :tumbsup:

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I`m watching Borat this evening as I`ve borrowed it from a lady who I work with and she says it`s really funny :unsure:

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National Treasure 2: Book Of Secrets


a load of garbage, typical Disney cashing in on the successof a previous film (you notice that whenever Disney hasa succesful film they make sequels until they kill it? i believe this is the same case with Pirates Of The Carribean)


it was basically National Treasure 1 with a different prize...


the main story arc was pretty much the same, some scenes were almost identical to the first, and add to that it had really bad writing, a bunch of bad plot holes and characters doing things when theres a much better option open that anyone with common sense would take (the ending for instance, they coulda gotten out of that one alot better)


thats it now, im done with Disney films....ive given them a chance recently because they involve actors i like (Depp, Cage etc) but its just a load of garbage these days

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