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Last movie you watched?

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We had the power out on Sunday, so I gave a couple of my kids a verbal recital of The Terminator.
They actually paid attention throughout, and one wanted to watch it when the power came back on lol

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24 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

We had the power out on Sunday, so I gave a couple of my kids a verbal recital of The Terminator.
They actually paid attention throughout, and one wanted to watch it when the power came back on lol

time travel can be confusing, I hope your kids understood it. I mean if Kyle Reese dies in T1, how can he still be alive in the future to be sent back to the past?

on a different note I watched Collide (2016), fun action flick about robbers with lots of car chases, starring Ben Kingsley and Anthony Hopkins

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6 hours ago, martinsane said:

Wasted 90 minutes watching The Belko Experiment. Can not even fathom why something like this is made, encouraged, etc... Pure drivel. A throwaway to avoided at ALL costs.

I thought it was cool.

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6 hours ago, Invisible_man said:

time travel can be confusing, I hope your kids understood it. I mean if Kyle Reese dies in T1, how can he still be alive in the future to be sent back to the past?

The kids in question are 18 and 20, and I think they had both seen the movie before.

It was meant to me an annoying dad thing to do which kind of backfired when they listened right through my drivel.

weird, in that normally they would tell me to shup up and leave rolling their eyes.

Must have also been pretty bored I guess...

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
On 20/11/2017 at 8:29 AM, CureTheSane said:

We had the power out on Sunday, so I gave a couple of my kids a verbal recital of The Terminator.
They actually paid attention throughout, and one wanted to watch it when the power came back on lol

That is hilarious. I guess if we ever go through an "Escape From L.A." style global EMP situation, then those stories will become our Folklore and Mythology. I wish you had recorded it.

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3 hours ago, Darkstone said:

We had the power out on Sunday, so I gave a couple of my kids a verbal recital of The Terminator.
They actually paid attention throughout, and one wanted to watch it when the power came back on lol

I always thought T2 was a better movie. I would have loved to watch you recite it though. Any other movies? I can do the same thing with The Lost Boys lol

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3 hours ago, AmMaLaYa said:

ght T2 was a better movie. I would have loved to watch you recite it though. Any other m

Like me, you'd probably be surprised at how well you can recite it.

Scary how bored you get with the power out all day, no AC on a hot day, phones dying because no charge, no TV or music>
Not sure why they decided to do maintenance or whatever on a Sunday.
Next time maybe we'll plan ahead and go to the actual movie cinema lol

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7 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Like me, you'd probably be surprised at how well you can recite it.

Scary how bored you get with the power out all day, no AC on a hot day, phones dying because no charge, no TV or music>
Not sure why they decided to do maintenance or whatever on a Sunday.
Next time maybe we'll plan ahead and go to the actual movie cinema lol

I hate not having the power on. I am so used to being able to use my computer phone and tv all at once, I go insane when I can't use atleast one of them. It's surprising how well I know most of the lines from alot of different movies. I guess after seeing them so many times it kind of gets stuck permanently in your head lol 

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"Black Sabbath" (1963)

A cool, colorful horror anthology by Italian director Mario Bava, featuring the great Boris Karloff as your host for three spooky tales (he also stars in one): a nurse learns why you shouldn't steal from the dead, a woman is stalked via telephone, and an outsider learns of a family's vampire curse. Fun stuff, and of course it also inspired the name of a certain band you might have heard of.

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Cars 3 = very nice comeback to the franchise. The filtering in of Paul Newman dialogue was a Rogue 1 moment for sure.


Valerian = Well done big budget sci fi film. Panned by critics but like always the box office does not dictate content quality.

Binged the latest season of Shameless and it is still an excellent series.


Also plowing through the final season of Workaholics. Funny show that has progressively gotten over the top and the guest stars are a nice touch especially Dennis Quade and Cary Elwes.

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12 hours ago, Fat Freddy said:

"Black Sabbath" (1963)

A cool, colorful horror anthology by Italian director Mario Bava, featuring the great Boris Karloff as your host for three spooky tales (he also stars in one): a nurse learns why you shouldn't steal from the dead, a woman is stalked via telephone, and an outsider learns of a family's vampire curse. Fun stuff, and of course it also inspired the name of a certain band you might have heard of.

I love these old school horror anthologies. 

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On 8/13/2017 at 7:16 AM, Dead Planet said:

The Mummy (2017) - I enjoy action flicks with well done cgi and this one delivers....assuming you don't mind Tom Cruise

I did not like this new Mummy with Cruise, plot was not interesting to me... I think the ones with Brendan Fraser were much better and more engaging..

9th Company - A Russian war-drama about Soviet war in Afghanistan in the 80's. Nice movie, not as good as some classics like Platoon, Saving Private Ryan, or Full Metal Jacket ... but still nice. 

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Bored on a Sunday and I don;t watch sports lol

Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) One of my favorite movies

Road House (1988) RIP Patrick Swayze

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"Comix: Beyond the Comic Book Pages" (2016)

This documentary examines the long history of the comic book industry and its impact on other forms of pop culture. Interviewees include Stan "The Man" Lee, Frank Miller, Neal Adams, John Romita Jr. and many more. There's nothing here that comic fans haven't seen in dozens of similar docs already, but I could listen to Stan tell stories of the old Marvel Bullpen forever so I enjoyed this. 

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Jeepers Creepers 3 (2017)

I had no idea they were making another one. This one apparently takes place between the first and second. It's kinda meh. I really enjoyed the first one, It was alot creepier. Now I feel like it's lost it's originality. Another horror series that's going to drag on forever.  I do like The Creeper though. If only to watch him kill people is worth watching these movies LOL

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2 hours ago, AmMaLaYa said:

Jeepers Creepers 3 (2017)

I had no idea they were making another one. This one apparently takes place between the first and second. It's kinda meh. I really enjoyed the first one, It was alot creepier. Now I feel like it's lost it's originality. Another horror series that's going to drag on forever.  I do like The Creeper though. If only to watch him kill people is worth watching these movies LOL

the first half of the first movie was indeed creepy and suspenseful... up until they showed who was driving the truck, and then it kind of lost its suspense for me

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2 hours ago, Invisible_man said:

the first half of the first movie was indeed creepy and suspenseful... up until they showed who was driving the truck, and then it kind of lost its suspense for me

Agreed! If they left the movie at just the first one I think it would have been better. I don't want a whole storyline on The Creeper. I'd rather not know anything and just watch him slaughter everyone

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"Too Funny To Fail" (2017)

A behind-the-scenes look at the strange saga of 1996's "The Dana Carvey Show," which tried to bring hip, late-night style counterculture sketch comedy to prime time... and failed miserably. After its legendary crash-and-burn, though, many of the show's young, unknown supporting cast and staff members ended up going on to much bigger things in the 2000s, like Steve Carell, Louis C.K. and Stephen Colbert. I had only the vaguest memories of the "Dana Carvey Show," but this doc is packed with plenty of clips from the program to fill in the gap. "Too Funny to Fail" is an entertaining study of a show that was too hip for the room in '96 but would probably be a pretty big hit if it premiered today.

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"The Image Revolution" (2014)

In 1992, seven of Marvel Comics' most popular artists abruptly left to start their own independent company - Image Comics. Todd McFarlane, Rob Liefeld, Marc Silvestri and the rest changed the comic book industry landscape forever when titles like Spawn, Youngblood, WildC.A.T.S., The Savage Dragon, and CyberForce became instant best sellers and left "the big two" companies eating Image's dust. 
The ride didn't last forever, though, and this documentary shows not only their rapid rise, but their near-collapse in the late 90s and subsequent rebirth in the '00s thanks to new series like The Walking Dead.  Overall this is a cool, entertaining history lesson for comic fanboys.

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Saw Geostorm the other day.Average, but better than I was led to believe.
Great cast though.
Worth a watch.

Also saw Daddy's Home 2.
As usual the best bit were on the trailer, but still a fair movie.
About the same enjoyment as the first one, but more predictable.

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