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66 mustang

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color me stunned that Mr. Movie hasn't seen this yet.!?


It's been on my "list" of stuff to check out forever 'n' ever!! :rofl2:

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A double shot of grindhouse goodness for my day off today...

"Satan's School For Girls" (1973)

Irresistibly schlocky made-for-TV cheese produced by Aaron Spelling and starring two of his future "Charlie's Angels" (Kate Jackson and Cheryl Ladd). When her sister commits suicide, a woman investigates a series of similarly mysterious deaths at the exclusive girls' academy they all attend. Naturally she discovers something sinister goin' on behind the scenes. Cheap, silly and full of over-acting eye candy.

"The Deadly Spawn" (aka "Return of the Alien's Deadly Spawn," 1983)

A hungry alien parasite crash-lands on earth on a meteor, sets up shop in a suburban basement, and eventually starts munching on the neighbors. Hilarity, naturally, ensues. This ultra-cheap, ultra-gory monster mash was filmed in my home state of New Jersey on a shoe string budget (supposedly around $25K) and it's better than it has any right to be!
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Showed the kids Law Abiding Citizen as they saw the preview during out Final Destination week and were excited by the movie.

They loved it - really is a great movie.

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"The Penguins of Madagascar" (2014)

In their debut full-length adventure, the paramilitary penguins face off against a supervillain octopus who has an axe to grind with all of penguin-kind. Essentially this is an animated "Mission: Impossible" flick with an all-funny-animal cast. Lots of cartoon mayhem, fun for kids, painless for their parents.
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"Hero and the Terror" (1988)

A blander-than-usual late '80s entry for Chuck Norris. The Mighty Bearded One plays a typically bad-ass L.A. cop who hunts for a serial woman-strangler while dealing with romantic issues and impending fatherhood on the home front. Skip it.
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"Crowley" aka "Chemical Wedding" (2008)

Bruce Dickinson produced and co-wrote this oddball horror concoction, in which an experiment gone wrong results in the spirit of the infamous occultist Aleister Crowley possessing the body of a modern-day British professor. Naturally ol' Al wastes no time in picking up where he left off with his series of strange magick rituals, which naturally require lots of attractive naked women and plenty of blood.

The movie's a little over complicated and feels like it's about fifteen minutes too long, but there was so much weirdness and gratuitious nudity goin' on that I was never bored. "Crowley" may not be particularly GOOD but it's certainly an interesting curiosity, especially for Iron Maiden fans.
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Zero Dark Thirty

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"The Last Shark" (aka "Great White," 1981)

A seaside resort town is menaced by a giant man-eating shark, so two square jawed tough guys (Vic Morrow and James Franciscus) head out to sea in a creaky boat to kill it.

...sound familiar?

When this Italian "Jaws" knock-off was released in the U.S. as "Great White" in early '82, Universal Studios quickly sued it out of existence, accusing it of being a carbon copy of their shark movie. Well, duh. They probably didn't need to go to all that trouble cuz this is a typical Z-grade Italian movie with bad dubbing, an awkward script and unconvincing FX that would've been quickly forgotten if it weren't for the controversy.
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A fist full of movies thus far on this holiday weekend:

"Olympus Has Fallen" (2013)

A "Die Hard" variant starring Gerard Butler as a disgraced Secret Service agent who (of course) becomes the President's only hope when North Korean terrorists take over the White House. Empty headed shoot'em up, blow'em up fun, entertaining in a generic sort of way. Not to be confused with the very similar "White House Down" which was released around the same time.

"Trancers" (1985)

Charles Band's enjoyably silly cult classic mashes up "Blade Runner" and "The Terminator" on a six-pack budget, with Tim Thomerson as square jawed 23rd century cop Jack Deth, who gets sent back through time to 1985 L.A. to stop a bad guy from altering the future. Future Oscar and Emmy winner Helen Hunt (who looks like she was barely old enough to drink when she made this!) plays the sidekick/love interest/ damsel-in-distress role.

"We Bought A Zoo" (2011)

Cameron ("Almost Famous") Crowe directed this good natured dramedy about a recent widower (Matt Damon) who finds the path to heal his troubled family when they take over a run-down animal park in need of saving. Yes, it's sappy as hell but in all the right ways.
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Not sure what the title references.

Just a Rocky rehash.

2 hours long and weird disjointed things happen during it that don't really have much bearing.

Enjoyable enough to watch, but nothing all that new.

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"Sixpack Annie" (1975)

Vintage "hicksploitation" comedy about Annie, a well-endowed hillbilly gal whose Aunt is about to lose her small town diner to foreclosure. Annie and her pal Mary Lou head off to Miami on a mission to raise the money by finding a rich "sugar daddy."
Basically this is a slightly raunchier version of the "Lil' Abner" or "Beverly Hillbillies" formula (i.e. fish out of water country folk in the big city), with lots of silly slapstick humor and female eye candy. It was probably considered "dirty" for 1975 but it'll barely raise an eyebrow now.
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Not sure what the title references.

Just a Rocky rehash.

2 hours long and weird disjointed things happen during it that don't really have much bearing.

Enjoyable enough to watch, but nothing all that new.


A 'southpaw' is a left-handed boxer :)

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A 'southpaw' is a left-handed boxer :)



Yeeah I got that.

For me it was kinda lame before I turned the movie on, and it was a bit too much "Rocky"

What then confused me was that there seemed to be only one very small reference to southpaw in the movie, and it seemed irrelevant to the movie, let alone being the name of the movie...

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"The Last Shark" (aka "Great White," 1981)



A seaside resort town is menaced by a giant man-eating shark, so two square jawed tough guys (Vic Morrow and James Franciscus) head out to sea in a creaky boat to kill it.


...sound familiar?


When this Italian "Jaws" knock-off was released in the U.S. as "Great White" in early '82, Universal Studios quickly sued it out of existence, accusing it of being a carbon copy of their shark movie. Well, duh. They probably didn't need to go to all that trouble cuz this is a typical Z-grade Italian movie with bad dubbing, an awkward script and unconvincing FX that would've been quickly forgotten if it weren't for the controversy.


zomfg. That shark is doing an awful lot of screaming (or roaring?). But, I guess that's what sharks do, right?


Looks so horrible I would love to see it! ;)

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A 'southpaw' is a left-handed boxer :)



Yeeah I got that.

For me it was kinda lame before I turned the movie on, and it was a bit too much "Rocky"

What then confused me was that there seemed to be only one very small reference to southpaw in the movie, and it seemed irrelevant to the movie, let alone being the name of the movie...



It's probably all they were left with ... every article I've ever read about the film just bangs on about how Jake Gyllenhaal had to bulk up for the role ...


*SPOILER ALERT* ... a quick look on Wikipedia suggests that the film takes its title from the punch thrown at the end ... so now we know ...

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zomfg. That shark is doing an awful lot of screaming (or roaring?). But, I guess that's what sharks do, right?


Looks so horrible I would love to see it!



Do you get "The Grindhouse Channel" down under, Geoff (that's where I watched it)? If not, there appear to be several copies of it on good ol' YouTube, tho they vary widely in terms of picture/sound quality...this one looks like the best of the lot.


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