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66 mustang

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Avengers Assemble


Oh, yeah, that's what they're calling this across the pond. What a shitty title, but how was the film? I need to see this.

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Fire Down Below

Pretty good Steven Seagal movie


Bad Teacher

Good comedy with Cameron Diaz

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Rum Diaries

With Johnny Depp, Amber Heard and Aaron Eckart. Based on a Hunter S. Thompson book about a writer(Johnny Depp) who moves to Puerto Rico in 1960 to work for a newspaper and gets mixed up with a rich devloper(Eckart) and his fiance(Heard) and from there it is just about him liking this woman and screwing up connections with the rich people due to feeling bad for the locals that are getting screwed out of their ocean front views to build new hotels to bring more Americans in to spend money. Basically outside of a few funny drunken scenes the movie was a pile of shit and a two hour waste of my life.

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i can see how this movie about dead people searching divides people. Some condemn this for being too slow and ultimately boring, while the other think it's very artsy, moving, and deep. While I fall in the former category, I think there are some points that's really great with this movie which is the great acting by almost every persons involved, some various topics that they're chatting, and see how the different emotion was formed after some conversations.


But I don't think only a few that will appreciate this movie, and perhaps if you're into some rare unusual lengthy movies, you might want to give this a try, otherwise avoid or you'll be trapped into a painful 2.5 hours

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The Hunger Games........good movie, quite entertaining.

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Avengers Assemble


Oh, yeah, that's what they're calling this across the pond. What a shitty title, but how was the film? I need to see this.


Yes they're calling it that here in case we somehow get it confused with the Avengers film released in 1998!! For f**ks sake.......


Me & my son really enjoyed it although 2 1/2 hours is a little excessive.

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  • My Little Pony

Avengers Assemble


Oh, yeah, that's what they're calling this across the pond. What a shitty title, but how was the film? I need to see this.


Yes they're calling it that here in case we somehow get it confused with the Avengers film released in 1998!! For f**ks sake.......


Me & my son really enjoyed it although 2 1/2 hours is a little excessive.


Just getting home from the midnight premier. I really enjoyed this one. Gotta stay to the end. Joss Whedon did an excellent job!--obviously he kills someone. Spoiler? Nah, it's Joss Whedon. It's expected. Now to get 4 hours sleep and fight through Friday.

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Hard To Kill

Usual excellent early era Seagal film



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Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time


Little Red Riding Hood

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I've been slackin' on the movie watching these past few weeks. Time to get back into the groove again. Today's feature presentation:

"Star Crash" (1979)


I've professed my love for Luigi Cozzi's deliriously awesome "Star Wars" wanna-be around here before. Space hottie Stella Star and her faithful, white-boy Afro'd companion Akton must rescue a lost Prince (David freakin' Hasselhoff!!)and save the universe from the machinations of the evil Count Zartharn (Booo! Hissss!). Over the top action, bad dialogue and charmingly cheesy special effects ensue.


This is the flick that got me into B-Movies as a teen, and it's stil a hoot nearly 30 years later. In short: if you see only one low budget, late '70s Italian sci-fi mish-mosh starring David Hasselhoff this year,make sure it's this one!!

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  • My Little Pony

Darkest Hour - not as bad as the IMDB rating says. I'd give it about a 6.5 out of 10.


I think that's a fair rating. It had so much potential, though.

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