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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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'City of Ember' ; so painfully shithouse I did sleep through most of it, but I was awake for enough of it to declare a hatred for this drab, dull and uninspired piece of nonsense.

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Started watching a pretty cool documentary I recorded off the Biography Channel a few days ago called "Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy." It's a VERY in depth look at the creation and evolution of the "Nightmare on Elm Street" film series. Virtually anyone who's had anything to do with the Elm Street saga - cast, crew, producers, FX guys, directors, etc., etc. -- is interviewed and there's been tons of cool behind-the-scenes scoop and Geek Trivia. It's four hours long (!! - well, more like three hours and change minus all the commercial breaks) so I turned it off after the segment on the third film ("Dream Warriors") and most likely will pick up where I left off tonight.



I SO wanna see that!! It's on DVD at Amazon and I keep looking at it thinking.. One day...... :tumbsup:


Geez, you buy every damn thing. You ever heard of Netflix? :lol:


Seriously tho, it's probably not something I would buy... I mean, realistically, how many times would you watch something like this? Twice? Three times, tops?


Either way, it's cool stuff for Nightmare geeks.



I HAVE Netflix.. It's not there Damnit... Least not for instant viewing.. :tumbsup: And I;d watch if more than once or twice.. Hell I have that box set of the first 8 Friday the 13th Movies along with a bonus disc of interviews and shit.. I watched that at least a dozen times or more.. SO yea I would watch the Nightmare thing a bunch of times too.... :dance:

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Hell I have that box set of the first 8 Friday the 13th Movies along with a bonus disc of interviews and shit.. I watched that at least a dozen times or more.. SO yea I would watch the Nightmare thing a bunch of times too.... :dance:



Dude, with all due respect...you really, really, REALLY need to get out of the house more.

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101 Days of Summer - Totally confused about the meaning of the title of the film, as there was nothing significant about the 101st day in the film... I don't think it was even mentioned in the flashbacks? I dunno, I don't get it, but it was a good film. Another one a million would be bored with, but a pretty nice story if you ask me. I enjoyed it.

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Rocky V

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finished BoonDock Saints and the new Robin Hood. I give both 2.5 our of 5 stars. both were just OK to me. I didn't too much care for the Robin Hood story. I'm ok with the "every story has a begining" stuff but just wish they could have gotten more into the Robin Hood story we all know and love.

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  • My Little Pony

finished BoonDock Saints and the new Robin Hood. I give both 2.5 our of 5 stars. both were just OK to me. I didn't too much care for the Robin Hood story. I'm ok with the "every story has a begining" stuff but just wish they could have gotten more into the Robin Hood story we all know and love.


Robin Hood: understandable, but I how can you not LOVE Boondock Saints?

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finished BoonDock Saints and the new Robin Hood. I give both 2.5 our of 5 stars. both were just OK to me. I didn't too much care for the Robin Hood story. I'm ok with the "every story has a begining" stuff but just wish they could have gotten more into the Robin Hood story we all know and love.


Robin Hood: understandable, but I how can you not LOVE Boondock Saints?

Boondock Saints was ok for me. I don't feel I wasted my time watching it or anything and would consider watching part 2 one day. I just don't think I'd ever rewatch the movie. when I feel I don't know if I'd rewatch the movie, I just can't give it higher than 3 out 5. Now taking everything into account, I did't get to sit down and watch the thing start to finish. it was broken up into about 4 different watching segments. Plus I hate Pulp Fiction and others seem to love it. I watched about 20 minutes and turned it off and took it back to the rental store the next day.

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  • My Little Pony

finished BoonDock Saints and the new Robin Hood. I give both 2.5 our of 5 stars. both were just OK to me. I didn't too much care for the Robin Hood story. I'm ok with the "every story has a begining" stuff but just wish they could have gotten more into the Robin Hood story we all know and love.


Robin Hood: understandable, but I how can you not LOVE Boondock Saints?

Boondock Saints was ok for me. I don't feel I wasted my time watching it or anything and would consider watching part 2 one day. I just don't think I'd ever rewatch the movie. when I feel I don't know if I'd rewatch the movie, I just can't give it higher than 3 out 5. Now taking everything into account, I did't get to sit down and watch the thing start to finish. it was broken up into about 4 different watching segments. Plus I hate Pulp Fiction and others seem to love it. I watched about 20 minutes and turned it off and took it back to the rental store the next day.

I was gonna say if you didn't like the first you wouldn't like the second, but that would suggest that they're similar. A lot of people don't really care for "All Saints Day" because it's not the same, but, for that reason alone, you may actually find it interesting.

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  • My Little Pony

Revenge of the Ninja, Ninja III: The Domination, and Streets of Fire. Bit of an unusual marathon. Interesting, nonetheless.

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Read so many reviews on this fim, wasn`t bad, was hoping it would be scary, for me it wasn`t, don`t think I`ve ever watched a scary film.

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"Hidden Agenda" -

a pretty poor espionage tale starring Kevin Dillon (Matt's less famous brother) as an American who goes to Berlin when his brother is killed. Turns out his bro was working for the CIA, and he had some important computer discs that some bad guys want. Said bad guys now assume said computer discs are in Kevin's possession so they chase him and some cute blonde chick all over Germany, blah blah blah. Technically well made, but very talky, slow moving and dull. Yawn.


here's the only YouTube clip I could find from this flick. I'm not even sure what language this is in...the film I watched was in English anyway :lol:




For some odd reason this movie was part of 4-Film "Sci-Fi Collector's Set" DVD, even though it has absolutely no "sci-fi" leanings whatsoever. It's a straight up spy caper flick.

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here's the only YouTube clip I could find from this flick. I'm not even sure what language this is in...the film I watched was in English anyway :lol:



It's in Italian, Keef. ;)


As for me I watched a low budged, predictable and most of all boring thriller called 'For Sale By Owner' with one of the ugliest actresses I've ever seen. Totally waste of time.


Okay, here's the trailer but don't forget sometimes trailers are better than the movie itself... :lol:



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88 Minutes ; would like to see some other reports on this. My wife didn't mind it but I thought it was absolutely terrible. As in one of the worst I've seen. The script and actual plot itself was dreadful. The acting, even from Deniro, was shameful. Sure there were sexy young sluts all over the place, including an edible redhead for our buddy Terry, but the film was just so terrible. Everything that happened in it just annoyed me. What a poor, poor story and execution of it. Huge thumbs down.


An Inconvenient Truth ; I thought I'd turn it off in minutes, but what do you know, I stuck around. Not a movie as such, but a docu. Not knowing many exact details about global warming I actually found it quite interesting.


Anvil: The Stoty of Anvil ; Finally, been wanting to see this forever. I actually found it very sad. I hope the movie and the attention it brought them finally gives the guys some level of success. To be honest, based on the music I heard in the film, I can kind of see why they never really made it, but that said I'm sure their early stuff is about the quality of metal at the time. The vocals sounded pretty freakin' harsh on the new material, though. :lol: Interesting movie for sure, but it was sad.

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