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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Iron Giant


Watched with the kids. Great animated film.


Never NEVER EVER ask my wife about MY reaction to this film, It's years and years since I first saw it and she still mocks me now she told Ben (my son) and now he laughs in my face too!!!! Here's a clue.... :crying:

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Iron Giant


Watched with the kids. Great animated film.


Never NEVER EVER ask my wife about MY reaction to this film, It's years and years since I first saw it and she still mocks me now she told Ben (my son) and now he laughs in my face too!!!! Here's a clue.... :crying:


It is really sad and even worse probably a fair statement on human beings as a species. I think the mocking is fair though. ;)

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Demolition Man.. Pretty good action flick.. But if the future is ANYTHING like that?? Just kill Me now..... :whistle:


Sandra Bullock was so friggin' cute in that movie though. :lol: Plus, it had Denis Leary in it! :beerbang:

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This was great stuff. Every bit as good as the first film with another awesome (if a bit predictable) ending. See it at the cinema as the responses from other audience members helps make it even more edgy.






As good as it is to see the singer from Linkin Park thrown through a car windscreen, this one is a bit disappointing. Poor use of 3D, a strange opening sequence that doesnt link to the rest of the film at all, and another open ending (thought this was s'posed to be the last one?) make this one a lot weaker than SAW VI. Still, it's not as bad as SAW V and it still worth a watch, just hope they leave things there...

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Demolition Man.. Pretty good action flick.. But if the future is ANYTHING like that?? Just kill Me now..... :whistle:


Sandra Bullock was so friggin' cute in that movie though. :lol: Plus, it had Denis Leary in it! :beerbang:


I preferred her in The Blind Side. She was milf-tastic in that! :quagmire:

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Demolition Man.. Pretty good action flick.. But if the future is ANYTHING like that?? Just kill Me now..... :whistle:


Sandra Bullock was so friggin' cute in that movie though. :lol: Plus, it had Denis Leary in it! :beerbang:



Oh I agree completely Man!! I do Love that movie!! Just sayin.. If that's the future to look forward to?? Just shoot Me now...


Also.. HOW the F*CK do you use the 3 sea shells?? they never do explain that.. Bastards.... :rofl2:

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Also.. HOW the F*CK do you use the 3 sea shells?? they never do explain that.. Bastards.... :rofl2:


I'm not sure I really wanna know. :yikes:

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Robin Hood - The new one with Russell Crowe. I'm actually in the middle of it but had to pause due to trick or treaters but so far it's pretty awesome and reminds me of Kingdom of Heaven since some the of the plot and characters are the same.


I'm about 3/4 of the way through and to be honest I'm a little let down by it. it is ok I guess but I expected something a little different.

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Started watching a pretty cool documentary I recorded off the Biography Channel a few days ago called "Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy." It's a VERY in depth look at the creation and evolution of the "Nightmare on Elm Street" film series. Virtually anyone who's had anything to do with the Elm Street saga - cast, crew, producers, FX guys, directors, etc., etc. -- is interviewed and there's been tons of cool behind-the-scenes scoop and Geek Trivia. It's four hours long (!! - well, more like three hours and change minus all the commercial breaks) so I turned it off after the segment on the third film ("Dream Warriors") and most likely will pick up where I left off tonight.

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The Expendables..........this was a painfully average flick for a bunch of over the hill action stars....I'm surprised they didn't squeeze in Van Damme and Seagal too.....



Knight and Day........much better action movie even if Cruise irritates me as a person , he still makes decent movies....

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Started watching a pretty cool documentary I recorded off the Biography Channel a few days ago called "Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy." It's a VERY in depth look at the creation and evolution of the "Nightmare on Elm Street" film series. Virtually anyone who's had anything to do with the Elm Street saga - cast, crew, producers, FX guys, directors, etc., etc. -- is interviewed and there's been tons of cool behind-the-scenes scoop and Geek Trivia. It's four hours long (!! - well, more like three hours and change minus all the commercial breaks) so I turned it off after the segment on the third film ("Dream Warriors") and most likely will pick up where I left off tonight.



I SO wanna see that!! It's on DVD at Amazon and I keep looking at it thinking.. One day...... :tumbsup:

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Started watching a pretty cool documentary I recorded off the Biography Channel a few days ago called "Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy." It's a VERY in depth look at the creation and evolution of the "Nightmare on Elm Street" film series. Virtually anyone who's had anything to do with the Elm Street saga - cast, crew, producers, FX guys, directors, etc., etc. -- is interviewed and there's been tons of cool behind-the-scenes scoop and Geek Trivia. It's four hours long (!! - well, more like three hours and change minus all the commercial breaks) so I turned it off after the segment on the third film ("Dream Warriors") and most likely will pick up where I left off tonight.



I SO wanna see that!! It's on DVD at Amazon and I keep looking at it thinking.. One day...... :tumbsup:


Yep, looks fantastic. If it appears on Region 2 for around £5 in the future I'll snap it up.

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Started watching a pretty cool documentary I recorded off the Biography Channel a few days ago called "Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy." It's a VERY in depth look at the creation and evolution of the "Nightmare on Elm Street" film series. Virtually anyone who's had anything to do with the Elm Street saga - cast, crew, producers, FX guys, directors, etc., etc. -- is interviewed and there's been tons of cool behind-the-scenes scoop and Geek Trivia. It's four hours long (!! - well, more like three hours and change minus all the commercial breaks) so I turned it off after the segment on the third film ("Dream Warriors") and most likely will pick up where I left off tonight.



I SO wanna see that!! It's on DVD at Amazon and I keep looking at it thinking.. One day...... :tumbsup:


Geez, you buy every damn thing. You ever heard of Netflix? :lol:


Seriously tho, it's probably not something I would buy... I mean, realistically, how many times would you watch something like this? Twice? Three times, tops?


Either way, it's cool stuff for Nightmare geeks.

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THE RUNAWAYS movie, was looking forward to it but found it pretty dull. Really disliked the movie score, but the 70s songs by THE RUNAWAYS and others were nice, and I liked the period clothes and sets.

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The calendar might say November, but it's still Schlock-Tober at Freddy's!

Last night's feature presentation:


"The Butcher" - a cheap looking, low-rent body count flick which "borrows" (*cough cough STEALS cough cough*) liberally from numerous other movies, including "Texas Chainsaw Massacre," "The Hills Have Eyes" and "People Under the Stairs." A group of annoying twenty somethings get into an auto accident on a deserted road and when they go looking for help, they're victimized by a family of inbred redneck cannibals at a remote farm house. Gee, that's an original plot huh?


I'll give "The Butcher" one thing, it sure doesn't waste any time with unnecessary frills like story, plot or character development -- it pretty much gets right to the nasty stuff as soon as the opening credits have finished rolling.


The nicest thing I can say about this one...uhhhh... it had a couple of lesbians in it. Huh huh. Yeah. Lesbians rule! Huh huh huh huh. Oh yeah, and it had lotsa blood too. Blood's cool. Huh huh huh.


Seriously, this wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen, it wasn't anywhere near the best, it was just..."there." Something pointless to while away 90 minutes. What the hell, I only paid $3.99 for it.


To give you an idea of how obscure this movie is, I couldn't even find a trailer for it on YouTube -- just this clip that gives a sample of the bad acting.




Seriously, I wanted Popped Shirt Collar Guy to die horribly within 30 seconds of his first appearance on screen. Keep in mind that none of the people in this movie could act worth a lick but he was quite possibly the most annoying human being I've ever seen in a movie.

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