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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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"Daybreakers" - cool horror/sci fi/action hybrid about vampires becoming the dominant species on Earth, and what would happen when their source of food - humans! - starts to run low. Good, gory, violent fun. Sam Neill is great as a sleazy corporate head vamp.

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Blood Diamond


Depressing look at what the diamond trade has done to some countries in Africa; at times what people can do to other people can be really shocking. Not the first example of a film showing how badly neglected Africa is by the wealthier countries. Good film though; very watchable, well filmed and plenty of action.

Excellent movie!!


"Toy Story 3"


"Twilight: Eclipse"

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i never knew anything about sixth sense at all so I got the full effect when the twist came into play


I didn't know anything about the film other than hearing DJs, reviewers, etc saying it had the biggest twist ending ever. The people I saw it with didn't get it though, so I was a bit smug at the time.


Hm, when I managed to see that movie I knew the whole plot inclunding the twist but I was amazed after watching it though. Great film.


Yes a great twist at the end. Have you guys seen Jacob's Ladder with Tim Robbins?


Jacobs Ladder had the kind of images you`d imagine were in your nightmares, disturbing film.

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LAND OF THE DEAD!! :thppt:


Georgie boy should have stopped after DAY OF..


After Dawn Of The Dead!

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Blood Diamond


Depressing look at what the diamond trade has done to some countries in Africa; at times what people can do to other people can be really shocking. Not the first example of a film showing how badly neglected Africa is by the wealthier countries. Good film though; very watchable, well filmed and plenty of action.

Excellent movie!!


"Toy Story 3"


"Twilight: Eclipse"


Verdict on TS3? I think we still have weeks until it comes out in the UK. Bah! :angry:

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Caught most of "Spider-Man 3" on the FX Channel last night... It's definitely the weakest of the Spidey films ...aside from playing way too fast & loose with the Spider-Man mythos, it also suffers from Villain Overload, complete and total Venom Mistreatment, and that cringeworthy Emo Peter Parker dance scene. That said, my 7 year old was getting a huge kick out of it so I tried hard to put my inner Comic Book Geek on the back burner and just enjoy it with him.

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LAND OF THE DEAD!! :thppt:


Georgie boy should have stopped after DAY OF..


After Dawn Of The Dead!


You didn't like DAY?


It was okay, very gory but Dawn was the last classic IMO.

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watched TS3 last week. It was good but the ending pushed it into really really good status.

Agreed. The quips weren't as aplenty as the previous 2 movies but it was very enjoyable.

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[f weird, but pretty good, I guess]


Yeah ain't it, I enjoyed it ...not sure I'd go out of my way to watch it again, but it wasn't bad!

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I just tried watching 'District 9' but couldn't make it past the 20 minute mark.


yeah, it was strange. I did finish it and I think i commented that I wasn't sure If I liked it or not but had to finish it just to see how it ends.

I liked it alot. Weird, yes but I thought it was very good.

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