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  • 2023 Gold Donors
On 4/26/2021 at 3:59 PM, Leykis101 said:

He really is just a fucking idiot, there now starting to tell him to go out on patrol and see how much he knows, you know damn well that they would take him out and stick him in some nasty situation, the only time I give a fuck what labron has to say, is never, I cant even stand to watch monk ball anymore fuck them all.

He lubs Bakkaball….

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9 hours ago, Metal T said:

He lubs Bakkaball….

I went to share my clever response to this, but the mature and sober Cody knows that it would only be a temporary blast of laughter, then I'd be accused of being racist, Oh I got great news speaking of which, I just permanently lost my Twitter account, it takes some persistence and dedication to get them to ban you, but I worked real hard, while everyone else was on here, and other boards, I was concentrating, striving to meet my goal, and I knew I had the willpower to persevere, and sludge ahead, and tonight, my dreams were realized, I did it guys, I'm a winner!!

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
7 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

I went to share my clever response to this, but the mature and sober Cody knows that it would only be a temporary blast of laughter, then I'd be accused of being racist, Oh I got great news speaking of which, I just permanently lost my Twitter account, it takes some persistence and dedication to get them to ban you, but I worked real hard, while everyone else was on here, and other boards, I was concentrating, striving to meet my goal, and I knew I had the willpower to persevere, and sludge ahead, and tonight, my dreams were realized, I did it guys, I'm a winner!!

Your gain is my loss ! 

How am I ever going to catch you in posts now ??

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
19 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

I went to share my clever response to this, but the mature and sober Cody knows that it would only be a temporary blast of laughter, then I'd be accused of being racist, Oh I got great news speaking of which, I just permanently lost my Twitter account, it takes some persistence and dedication to get them to ban you, but I worked real hard, while everyone else was on here, and other boards, I was concentrating, striving to meet my goal, and I knew I had the willpower to persevere, and sludge ahead, and tonight, my dreams were realized, I did it guys, I'm a winner!!

Dorsey,the slug who runs it is your typical liberal-progressive take-it-in-the-ass-f@ggot...can't have any opposing views or they'll slit your throat (ie.remove those who do from their site) I have zero social media presence and never will-to quote Johhny Carson "i'd rather watch humming birds mate".

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2 hours ago, Metal T said:

Dorsey,the slug who runs it is your typical liberal-progressive take-it-in-the-ass-f@ggot...can't have any opposing views or they'll slit your throat (ie.remove those who do from their site) I have zero social media presence and never will-to quote Johhny Carson "i'd rather watch humming birds mate".

Yeah that was my reason, but you dont just get banned,you have to catch their attention enough that they start watching you, I had been on Twitter since like 07, so I had quit a bit of followers, I figured out is what sounds the alarm is when someone suddenly starts being retweeted in a large capacity, well I knew I had more then enough followers, all I had to do was to start thinking up shit that they would be so shocked or amused by, they would retweet it, I do the same thing on FB frequently, I purposely post shit with words I know their bots will pick up, they havent banned me yet, but I have  been in FB jail so many times ive gotta at least be in the top 20, I just got out of FB jail for going around the bots and talking about Phags, they didnt find that as amusing as I did, I fucking love it man, anyone who prides their business on putting limits and boundaries on certain people, then kick them out if they dont abide seems so anti-american I cant help but to do everything opposite of their rules.

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, Stefan said:

Wow. This mom should be a politician. She should run for congress, a nightmare for the left. :)



Even though she is smart and eloquent she'd have no chance. The media is 95% far Left activist-journalist and they would edit, shame, rumour-monger, misrepresent her until every useful idiot would believe she is a Nazi and her reputation is destroyed. When the means of distribution of information is a monopoly the truth does not matter because whatever the Left media say is fact is what is fed to the masses.

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On 6/7/2021 at 6:05 PM, Stefan said:

Wow. This mom should be a politician. She should run for congress, a nightmare for the left. :)



Yeah this is starting to be a daily occurrence, the silent majority is starting to get fed up, enough is enough, it's coming, slowly but surely, this chick bent each one of these cocksuckers over, and went in dry, didn't even spit did she, bet they still cant sit down, she's a chingone.

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On 6/7/2021 at 7:52 PM, auslander said:

Even though she is smart and eloquent she'd have no chance. The media is 95% far Left activist-journalist and they would edit, shame, rumour-monger, misrepresent her until every useful idiot would believe she is a Nazi and her reputation is destroyed. When the means of distribution of information is a monopoly the truth does not matter because whatever the Left media say is fact is what is fed to the masses.

But the mass isnt listening to the media anymore, even a lot of my democrat friends are disgusted, I keep trying to tell them, the Libertarian party needs numbers, but they act like im asking them to arrange a marriage to their daughter or something, they cant come over to the right side, I told 2 of them, man all you gotta do is learn how to budget money and not be woke and your already a libertarian, no luck, but mark these words, seems like im on here all the time saying mark my words, then I get called a conspiracy theorist, or a trumptard, lack of any kind of even mediocre candidate has pushed me into Trump, trust me,It wasnt something I ever imagined me ever saying, but mark my words, the seems are starting to split, the backbone of this country arent going to just sit and have everything they know changed to appease a bunch of human trash, shits gonna start unfolding, I will not predict what, or at least say it on here, I dont need to be right, I really havent been wrong yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2023 Gold Donors

This one is a bit disturbing actually. 

If there is an attempt to make the American Flag the ultimate victim of cancel culture, then that would be the ultimate catalyst for major civil unrest, violence and perhaps War.

It's one thing to cancel Pepe Le Pew, but this shit is dangerous. 




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It is sad to see the mighty United States destroying itself from within. I guess it always happens when things are too good and there is too much prosperity without a genuine external threat. The barbarians within go looking for things to destroy. The symbols of the Republic are obvious targets as they unite people. And unity is the enemy of anarchy.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
1 hour ago, auslander said:

It is sad to see the mighty United States destroying itself from within. I guess it always happens when things are too good and there is too much prosperity without a genuine external threat. The barbarians within go looking for things to destroy. The symbols of the Republic are obvious targets as they unite people. And unity is the enemy of anarchy.

I live in the USA and I'm living the dream.If people want to pay attention to all the bullshit go right ahead.

What seems to be a hot topic right now in the USA is that a pro football player announced publicly that he's gay.And now he's got the best selling jersey.But whatever,doesn't effect me any and I'm going on with my life.

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6 hours ago, auslander said:

It is sad to see the mighty United States destroying itself from within. I guess it always happens when things are too good and there is too much prosperity without a genuine external threat. The barbarians within go looking for things to destroy. The symbols of the Republic are obvious targets as they unite people. And unity is the enemy of anarchy.

I guess im turning into a facist, but this is what happens when you emasculate a country then try to shame them into silence, I for one give zero fucks about slavery, I wasnt alive, I know nobody who owned any, dont know any who were slaves, but I'll tell you what, their starting to make a great argument for it, thats all im saying, and I dont mean all, but the ones who get all the press seem to speak for all of them on all the other matters, so you just gotta take it in stride.


They keep telling us that they are civilized and deserve this and deserve that, it's very odd that blacks are 17% of the countrys population, and are 50% of the violent crime that goes on, I dont know how many of you saw this, this fucking has me fired up, im so fucking mad, you tell me if these monkeys look like the kind of people that deserve anything other then a bullet, imagine you and your wife in this situation, they took the raw video down, i cant find it anywhere probably more censorship for their narrative, the edited version does nothing but if you find the raw video watch watch these monkeys kill these people, like its nothing, watch the dude try to protect his wife and he just dies trying, they edited this fucker up so its almost laughable, ill try to find the raw version. 



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this is the only one i could find, do you see a lot of caucasian, asian, mexican, jewish, etc acting this way?? maybe muslims, but I dont think so, and the absolutely great thing about this, this is a daily occurrence in chicago, and all over this country, and its completely political, this wsnt happening a year ago, well it was in chicago, now there are no ramifications for this, cops are being killed daily, having 2 brothers who are cops, you dont think im gonna take a side, and say I dont give a fuck how many of these cancers on society get smoked, the way I see it is people who are doing what they are supposed to dont get killed by the cops, but they do get killed by gang bangers who are always accidentally shooting 1 year olds, and innocent bystanders.



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