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OK I get it now


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Is it that surprising that a politician blame shifts?
Trump is just more obvious about it.
Only people why really should have an issue are those who want to jump on every comment and complain.

The racist stuff shouldn't be coming from the president, or any politicians, joke or not.
They should be settinga  better example.
Funny though :)

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40 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Is it that surprising that a politician blame shifts?
Trump is just more obvious about it.
Only people why really should have an issue are those who want to jump on every comment and complain.

The racist stuff shouldn't be coming from the president, or any politicians, joke or not.
They should be settinga  better example.
Funny though :)

Ok pal,  that's xenophobic,  you can't say that,  I'm offended,  I think your a racist aren't you? Trumps a biotch, no wat I'm sayen an Shit?sheeeeiiiiitttt

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40 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Ok pal,  that's xenophobic,  you can't say that,  I'm offended,  I think your a racist aren't you? Trumps a biotch, no wat I'm sayen an Shit?sheeeeiiiiitttt

Was reading what DarkStone wrote before and it reminded me of what my wife said today which I kinda agree with, and that is that she is racisy in that she kind of hates the human race right now.
I tend to agree.
You're this, you're that. everyone is now something.
If you're white, you have white privilege.
Anyone not white would answer that with "now you get a taste of how we have felt"
Kind of sick of people who don't know me make me feel bad for history because of the colour of my skin.

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19 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Was reading what DarkStone wrote before and it reminded me of what my wife said today which I kinda agree with, and that is that she is racisy in that she kind of hates the human race right now.
I tend to agree.
You're this, you're that. everyone is now something.
If you're white, you have white privilege.
Anyone not white would answer that with "now you get a taste of how we have felt"
Kind of sick of people who don't know me make me feel bad for history because of the colour of my skin.

The human race sucks...I think that is obvious...I do not feel any guilt over what people thought and did a hundred years ago...those people were a product of their time....we are not the same as our ancestors....I do feel bad about what we do today if those actions mean that we do not treat everyone fairly....we do not live in the past and we should be concerned with how to make society better today and for the future....throwing up our hands and saying it is not our fault or ignoring realities is not the best way for the human race to move forward....

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Some people want to actively dedicate themselves to making positive changes.
Trying to change everyone, which is impossible.
Others are just happy to live as "un-phobic" or "un-ist" as possibble, and be able to grow and improve as the times change.
There is a lot of guilt being thrown around out there.
And from what I see, the police have been unfairly grouped into their own "ist" group, primatily in America.
The biggest concern, as voiced here by quite a few, is the way the media don't seem to want to provide any balance and seem intent to cower behind the PC scaremongering.

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I agree it is impossible to change everyones opinion on anything but if you can change the thinking of the majority about racism then you have done a good thing IMO....

As for the police, I've never been a big fan...too much power in the hands of too few and because of the way the justice system is set up they seem to get away with crimes the rest of us would be sent to jail for....that said they are necessary unless you want anarchy to reign supreme....they are being criticized for the actions of the few these days and if there were better rules/regulations concerning their actions then I think most of the issues would eventually go away.....

As for the media, I agree the mainstream media does not provide enough balance and are waaaaaay to quick to jump on whatever PC bandwagon is around....the sad fact is that the line between PC crap and common sense has disappeared...part of the problem at least in the US is that Trump declared war on any media outlet that did not kiss his ass and they have pushed back against him and in the process have become less reliable as unbiased sources of news....

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Well maybe we all arent what they were a hundred of years ago, maybe there lies the problem

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes here is our beloved BLM peacefully hard at work, and our brilliant and unbiased media who so many take as gospel, never even uttering a single word about this, oh except for OAN, but their slanted so they don't count, Pathetic.






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9 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Yes here is our beloved BLM peacefully hard at work, and our brilliant and unbiased media who so many take as gospel, never even uttering a single word about this, oh except for OAN, but their slanted so they don't count, Pathetic.






 Terrible thing if it is accurate....we are however only hearing one side of the incident...one red flag for me is that the boyfriend was armed...what's up with that? Makes me think there is a lot more to this story than we are hearing...

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  • 2024 Gold Donors
40 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

one red flag for me is that the boyfriend was armed.

Yeah. I think there may be more to it. Also, walking the streets at 3am suggests that alcohol may have been a factor for both parties. Senseless, nonetheless. 

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  • 2024 Gold Donors

I've been subscribed to this channel for a while. An Israeli/Australian guy from Melbourne. Some of you may already know him. Always makes a lot of sense. Common sense, which unfortunately these days is not that common.



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  • 2024 Gold Donors

This footage is laughable. The "riot" Police officer should be fired immediately. Not for his actions, but for their ineffectiveness. The protester made them all look like bitches.



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3 hours ago, Darkstone said:

This footage is laughable. The "riot" Police officer should be fired immediately. Not for his actions, but for their ineffectiveness. The protester made them all look like bitches.



It was probably a chick cop.

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On 7/12/2020 at 10:09 PM, Darkstone said:

Yeah. I think there may be more to it. Also, walking the streets at 3am suggests that alcohol may have been a factor for both parties. Senseless, nonetheless. 

So let me ask, what more to it can there be, for a black man to shoot a white girl in the head, over saying all lives matter? this has been out now and reported on all over the place,(but the American news channels) apparently BLM was walking by, and she told them all lives matter, so BLM, peacefully got hostile, both party's pulled guns,, then it was settled, and they walked off, apparently to get out of site, and why doesn't all the other scenarios require a closer look? if this had been reversed, more shit would've hit the fan, and why is it suddenly OK for violence against police, and whites? and how come black lives only matter when it comes to white cops killing black people, but the 100 black on black murders a week in Chicago alone, don't gain a mention, these are all things pushing this country's silent majority into pure anger and rage, these are all schams, interesting how Covid, BLM, came on suddenly during election year, and I assure you, if Biden wins, both will vanish as quick as they came.

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  • 2024 Gold Donors
19 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

if this had been reversed, more shit would've hit the fan

It could quite easily have been reversed. As tragjc as the young mother's death is (BTW, Where was her son when she was walking the streets at 3am with her armed boyfriend), it's not like she was out doing charity work with her church congregation. Both parties were armed and there would have been alot of "fuck you!"...no, "fuck you!" happening. If you pull a gun on someone, that shit doesn't go down well, even if they draw first. I guarantee that shot was intended for her boyfriend. Still a ridiculous and senseless event for all involved. 



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Here's the standard argument, I see over and over...

"Black lives matter"
"No, all lives matter"
"You just don't get it"
*starts preaching about white privilege (racist), lack of understanding of problems blacks face (condescending). I could go on....

I can only speak on behalf of issues local to me, regarding rasicm in Australia.
Some linkness could possibly be made to the USA and otehr countries.

Overall, I don't think Australians are racist.
Those who are, unfortunately, likely live in areas where there is a large degree of violence and law breaking done by indigenous communities.
Still, I would suggest these people are in the vast minority.
So looking at my country as a whole here are my issues, with this 'movement'

The biggest issue I have, by far, is that while there is division, there will never be unity.
What this means, is that while indigenous people are separated, and grouped together, how can they get what they want, to simply be considered equal and the same as all other Australians?

The media is shit scared to provide any form of impartial reporting of the issues, to explore real answers and to address some real concrens that perhaps develop a degree of recism. Believe it or not, the government does not take children away from families unless the child is in a dire situation. Read the signs at protests and it sounds like they are sitting, waiting for kids to be born, to snatch them away. No, there is some disgusting stuff happening to these kids, and they are saved from these environments.

We had many different sports have the players take a knee before the start of each game. This seems to have stopped afetr a few weeks. Why? Surely if they were passionate about it, they would cpntinue until they achieved the change they wanted...
The AFL (football) has an inigenous round every year, it has polls on the 'deadliest' player, where indigenous players are compared to each other to choose the best amongst them. Last year, the pre season competition had 4 teams, one of which was composed of indigeinous players only. How are racist Australians supposed to learn to accept them as simply being Australians when they are onstantly pointed out as being different?

I believe our government has done, and is doing, a lot to help indigenous communities. I won't go into the additional (significant) benerfits they are afforded.


To me, all lives matter is a reflection of what is above. All lives are equal, and should be treated equally. If this does not hapen, then racism will develop, due to inequities, resentment and bias.
I don't go around preaching 'all lives matter', but if I was to, it would not be due to ignorance, but to well thought out and researched ideals, and the reaction "you just don't get it" to me, is just a sheep mentality answer made by someone who does not want to, or more likely canno, discuss the issue and form their own opinions.

Again, this is all relevant to my perception of my country.
I'm sure in some areas of the US, many would agree, and other areas, the South or whatever, people would say taht I don't understand, and there would be more merit in that.


Edited by CureTheSane
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Personally I believe that all lives should matter and they would if we lived in a better world....the BLM groups get upset with the All Lives Matter response because they see it as a way to lessen the impact and dilute the importance of their message which I can understand....

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19 hours ago, Darkstone said:

It could quite easily have been reversed. As tragjc as the young mother's death is (BTW, Where was her son when she was walking the streets at 3am with her armed boyfriend), it's not like she was out doing charity work with her church congregation. Both parties were armed and there would have been alot of "fuck you!"...no, "fuck you!" happening. If you pull a gun on someone, that shit doesn't go down well, even if they draw first. I guarantee that shot was intended for her boyfriend. Still a ridiculous and senseless event for all involved. 



OK! thank you, this is the exact argument ive been kicked off of facebook and twiiter because, take this exact same argument, you just made, now apply it to all the (innocent) blacks, being hunted down in the streets by white cops, or whatever outrageous claim their making these days, If your not committing crime, you do not have to worry about the cops, if these guys were minding their own business, this never would've happened, but just like the cops, I gotta feel for the young lady, but if I want to be realistic about it, they shouldn't be fucking around like this, and I do not condone any acts of bad dirty worthless pigs, but If you weren't committing crime, you wouldn't be in the situation your in.

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12 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Here's the standard argument, I see over and over...

"Black lives matter"
"No, all lives matter"
"You just don't get it"
*starts preaching about white privilege (racist), lack of understanding of problems blacks face (condescending). I could go on....

I can only speak on behalf of issues local to me, regarding rasicm in Australia.
Some linkness could possibly be made to the USA and otehr countries.

Overall, I don't think Australians are racist.
Those who are, unfortunately, likely live in areas where there is a large degree of violence and law breaking done by indigenous communities.
Still, I would suggest these people are in the vast minority.
So looking at my country as a whole here are my issues, with this 'movement'

The biggest issue I have, by far, is that while there is division, there will never be unity.
What this means, is that while indigenous people are separated, and grouped together, how can they get what they want, to simply be considered equal and the same as all other Australians?

The media is shit scared to provide any form of impartial reporting of the issues, to explore real answers and to address some real concrens that perhaps develop a degree of recism. Believe it or not, the government does not take children away from families unless the child is in a dire situation. Read the signs at protests and it sounds like they are sitting, waiting for kids to be born, to snatch them away. No, there is some disgusting stuff happening to these kids, and they are saved from these environments.

We had many different sports have the players take a knee before the start of each game. This seems to have stopped afetr a few weeks. Why? Surely if they were passionate about it, they would cpntinue until they achieved the change they wanted...
The AFL (football) has an inigenous round every year, it has polls on the 'deadliest' player, where indigenous players are compared to each other to choose the best amongst them. Last year, the pre season competition had 4 teams, one of which was composed of indigeinous players only. How are racist Australians supposed to learn to accept them as simply being Australians when they are onstantly pointed out as being different?

I believe our government has done, and is doing, a lot to help indigenous communities. I won't go into the additional (significant) benerfits they are afforded.


To me, all lives matter is a reflection of what is above. All lives are equal, and should be treated equally. If this does not hapen, then racism will develop, due to inequities, resentment and bias.
I don't go around preaching 'all lives matter', but if I was to, it would not be due to ignorance, but to well thought out and researched ideals, and the reaction "you just don't get it" to me, is just a sheep mentality answer made by someone who does not want to, or more likely canno, discuss the issue and form their own opinions.

Again, this is all relevant to my perception of my country.
I'm sure in some areas of the US, many would agree, and other areas, the South or whatever, people would say taht I don't understand, and there would be more merit in that.


Yeah, after Civil Rights was passed, the country was desegregated, you know what they found up to 2015? more then half the country had naturally segregated, especially in the south, I'm for giving them their own state, think that's something to consider, but really there's hardly any racism in the US, if you believe that then you got gassed, this is the least racist this country has ever been in history, towards, blacks, Mexicans, wops, Jews, fags, whatever trannys aren't offended by this week(chicks with dicks)this is the most equal country in the world, ask every other race but the blacks.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • My Little Pony
On 7/20/2020 at 7:56 AM, CureTheSane said:

How are racist Australians supposed to learn to accept them as simply being Australians when they are onstantly pointed out as being different?

I've thought this many times, too. How are those Aussies every gonna learn? 


But, yeah, I agree.

On 7/20/2020 at 7:56 AM, CureTheSane said:

To me, all lives matter is a reflection of what is above. All lives are equal, and should be treated equally.

I also agree with this, but as Dead Planet said, the BLM movement sees those comments as an attempt to silence them. Which in some cases I believe is true, but you can't assume that is always everyone's intent. My uncle made the mistake of saying that on an Instagram post, and now he, his wife, and their entire business are being constantly attacked by those that misinterpreted his intent. 

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I think everyone has a different experience.
I admit that my area is very insular to indiginous Australians, so I have a bias that the problem is greater than I understand.
That said, I don't see much compelling evidence of systemic racism in this country.

I'd suggest that this is reflected in the US.
I'm sure tehre are many states and areas far worse than others, and people from the aeas where racism is less, could be some of those getting up and scoffing, not fully understanding what goes on in some otehr areas.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2024 Gold Donors

Being born in '72, I can distinctly remember images from back then of New York City. In modern times when NYC property values are through the roof, it is hard to image a time when whole neighborhoods were basically derelict. 

It wasn't that long ago when parts of NYC looked like a bomb had hit it and it may very well revert back to that in the coming years.



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On 8/6/2020 at 10:53 AM, KarpetRydOFunk said:

I've thought this many times, too. How are those Aussies every gonna learn? 


But, yeah, I agree.

I also agree with this, but as Dead Planet said, the BLM movement sees those comments as an attempt to silence them. Which in some cases I believe is true, but you can't assume that is always everyone's intent. My uncle made the mistake of saying that on an Instagram post, and now he, his wife, and their entire business are being constantly attacked by those that misinterpreted his intent. 

Nolan, nothing was misinterpreted, they said something that was not part of the narrative, so they were alienated, and attacked, that is what these guys are about, there is no area for disagreements, just follow the leader or be annihilated, end of story, it's pretty fucked up when you think about it, I hope your uncle works out well.

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