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Stryper - God Damn Evil


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8 hours ago, metalmaniac777 said:

Some of the fans on Facebook are calling this a grower, and I can sort of see that, but I doubt there's a single Stryper fan out there who was hoping this would be what the first single sounded like. Personally, I don't hate it ... but it damn well better not be the best song on the album.

I can only see it growing into an even bigger pile of shit :)

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Weirdly I am starting to suffer from Michael Sweet burn out. He releases so much stuff these days with Stryper albums every couple of years, solo albums and Sweet/Lynch that I am no longer hearing the hooks he used to write, and one song seems to blur into another.

It all sounds really good musically etc, but just lacks any real stand out songs.


I think the last album I truly loved by him was Murder by pride (if you exclude the covers album).

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18 minutes ago, Captain Howdy said:

Weirdly I am starting to suffer from Michael Sweet burn out. He releases so much stuff these days with Stryper albums every couple of years, solo albums and Sweet/Lynch that I am no longer hearing the hooks he used to write, and one song seems to blur into another.

It all sounds really good musically etc, but just lacks any real stand out songs.


I think the last album I truly loved by him was Murder by pride (if you exclude the covers album).

It's not weird at all. It's 100% accurate.

The same way I got with David Reece.

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2 hours ago, Captain Howdy said:

Weirdly I am starting to suffer from Michael Sweet burn out. He releases so much stuff these days with Stryper albums every couple of years, solo albums and Sweet/Lynch that I am no longer hearing the hooks he used to write, and one song seems to blur into another.

It all sounds really good musically etc, but just lacks any real stand out songs.


I think the last album I truly loved by him was Murder by pride (if you exclude the covers album).


You Meat Loafed me :)

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Apparently Michael Sweet does not like anyone saying any negative comments about this shitty chorus. I posted on YouTube earlier, and he feels the need to tell me because I said it is shit, that I am saying all fans who like it are wrong.

Bit overly defensive there dude. Whatever happened to that christian value of turn the other cheek?

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14 minutes ago, Captain Howdy said:

Apparently Michael Sweet does not like anyone saying any negative comments about this shitty chorus. I posted on YouTube earlier, and he feels the need to tell me because I said it is shit, that I am saying all fans who like it are wrong.

Bit overly defensive there dude. Whatever happened to that christian value of turn the other cheek?

Thin skinned.

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I laughed at this:

Frontiers Music srl
All the people saying they hate it are going to wake up tomorrow morning singing "TAKE IT TO THE CROSS, TAKE IT TO THE CROSS, TAKE IT TO THE CROSS" over and over and over and over in their head.
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When you have to defend your music because it is being widely criticised, that says 2 things.

1. People don't like it and you probably should listen to that

2. That you aren't confident in your music and need to 'stick up' for it

Release the CD, if people hate it, it becomes The Elder, or Carnival of Souls, or VHIII, etc
You then move on to either continue with your passion that everyone hates, or you go back to what everyone wants  and make some $$$

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Here is the back and forth I am having. Tell me if you can see anywhere where I said everyone who likes this is wrong?


Huge fan of Stryper, but all the great work on the verses is ruined by that dreadful so called chorus. What on Earth made a guy who can write great songs like Michael can, think that this was a good idea?

Michael Sweet
CapHowdy - So what you're saying is all the people who like it are wrong? But you don't so you're right? Ah, that makes sense?



Michael, I respect you as an artist and have no issue with, but if you feel fans cannot voice their opinion without making it out like it is some kind of attack on all fans who disagree with me, then I feel sorry for you in this instance. This is how opinions work. I think my opinion is right, you think yours is right. If a person does not think their opinion is right, then that would not be their opinion.



Michael Sweet
No, I'm simply pointing out the fact that many people do like the tune regardless of the fact that you don't. Understand? And you have a very peculiar way of expressing you're "respect" for the band.......



That is not what you are pointing out at all. You out and out said that I think that everyone else is wrong, when all I stated is that myself and many people think that chorus is either out of place in this song, or is just not very good to our ears. As for the respect thing. Respect is not about blowing smoke up anyone elses rear end, it is about being honest. And right here I am being honest saying that I have loved Strypers music for years, including the changes in music direction on the likes of Reborn, but for once in their catalogue I find a song to be out and out bad. So please tell me what is peculiar about my way of expressing respect? Did I personally insult you or something? All those people who like this song can go on liking it, and who am I to tell them not to. But by the same token, who are you to tell me not to voice my opinion? Sorry Michael, but we will have to agree to disagree on this. I will still be buying the CD, and if this is just one song that does not appeal to me, then I will be happy. If the whole album does not appeal to me, that will not suddenly mean I hate Stryper, it just means my tastes differ to other people, but I am not the only person who dislikes this.

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Oh and on his Facebook page he is pretty much the same. Anyone who says anything positive he pretty much ignores, but anyone who says it sounds shit he goes and comments "IYO" ... seriously? Is he suddenly that defensive that he feels the need to essentially take swipes at fans for voicing an opinion on how shit that chorus is?

He keeps going on about how much of a Rob Halford fan he is, like that is some kind of defense for how out of place that chorus is.

I am a massive fan of Painkiller by Priest, which uses this vocal style, so it is not that I dont like that style of singing, just that it has not place in this song or this band for that matter.

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Nice job Captain!  You just stated your opinion about the chorus and did so without saying anything disparaging about those who liked it.  Heck, you even pointed out that you are a long time fan, complimented his songwriting ability and said you plan on buying the album still.

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As I say, I do not think I said anything disrespectful or said that anyone who liked it is wrong, but he just seems to be all butt hurt with anyone who does not like this song.

I am done arguing with him now. I have more constructive things I could be doing, like listening to Stryper songs that do not sound like shit.

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Well, this sinks it. Whatever chance I may have had of ever taking that new Stryper track seriously is now gone :rofl2:

From now on whenever I hear that song, this is how I will sing the chorus :D

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1 hour ago, Fat Freddy said:

Well, this sinks it. Whatever chance I may have had of ever taking that new Stryper track seriously is now gone :rofl2:

From now on whenever I hear that song, this is how I will sing the chorus :D


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  • 3 weeks later...
5 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

The video won't play for me. Is it a song, or an apology for the last single?


Song isn't too bad.

Bass is incredible :)

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  • My Little Pony

The song doesn't suck, but it's also not one I'd listen to over and over. And some of Rob's drum fills sounded a little sloppy. 

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Bit late to this thread... disappointed I missed the frivolity associated with that first song. Haha. That is terrible. Massive comedic value, but a piece of shit of a song. 

I do like 'Sorry,' though. Good tune. 

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