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Star Trek - Into Darkness

66 mustang

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I still haven't seen the last one. :(

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I still haven't seen the last one. :(


Really? You, of all people, have not seen Star Trek?


Never been much of a "Trek" guy...casual fan at best. I was always more of a Star Wars kid.


When the last one came out I was kinda interested cuz I liked the idea of being able to "start from scratch" without having to know 40+ years of back story but never got around to it for whatever reason.

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Never been much of a "Trek" guy...casual fan at best. I was always more of a Star Wars kid.



I was the same,never liked star trek,my uncle took me to see star wars when I was 4 in 1977,the rest was history,star wars mad growing up...but my mother in law of all people is a huge trekkie and my wife and I took her to see the first movie in the cinema,it was brilliant and im really looking forward to this new 2nd release,its looks the mutts nuts from the the trailer :)

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  • My Little Pony

I still haven't seen the last one. :(


Really? You, of all people, have not seen Star Trek?


Never been much of a "Trek" guy...casual fan at best. I was always more of a Star Wars kid.


When the last one came out I was kinda interested cuz I liked the idea of being able to "start from scratch" without having to know 40+ years of back story but never got around to it for whatever reason.


I'm no Kirk-loving Spock-sucker. I'm a Star Wars nerd, through and through. But that Star Trek film was just great sci-fi. Simply put.

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I still haven't seen the last one. :(


Really? You, of all people, have not seen Star Trek?


Never been much of a "Trek" guy...casual fan at best. I was always more of a Star Wars kid.


When the last one came out I was kinda interested cuz I liked the idea of being able to "start from scratch" without having to know 40+ years of back story but never got around to it for whatever reason.


I'm no Kirk-loving Spock-sucker. I'm a Star Wars nerd, through and through. But that Star Trek film was just great sci-fi. Simply put.


"Spock-sucker" :rofl:


Have you seen the movie "Fanboys" by any chance? The main characters (a group of Star Wars nerds) have numerous scrapes/fights with Trekkies throughout that film. Love it.

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Ok first?? I LOVED Fanboys Keith!!!!


Now then I can't WAIT for the new Star Trek movie!!!! I was nervous at first about the last one, with the going back to before the first movie with Spock and Kirk first meeting and etc.... I was worried they would fuck it all up, but I LOVED it!!! I am hopeful this new one is just as good if not better!!! :tumbsup:

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  • My Little Pony

I still haven't seen the last one. :(


Really? You, of all people, have not seen Star Trek?


Never been much of a "Trek" guy...casual fan at best. I was always more of a Star Wars kid.


When the last one came out I was kinda interested cuz I liked the idea of being able to "start from scratch" without having to know 40+ years of back story but never got around to it for whatever reason.


I'm no Kirk-loving Spock-sucker. I'm a Star Wars nerd, through and through. But that Star Trek film was just great sci-fi. Simply put.


"Spock-sucker" :rofl:


Have you seen the movie "Fanboys" by any chance? The main characters (a group of Star Wars nerds) have numerous scrapes/fights with Trekkies throughout that film. Love it.


Yeah, that's where I stole that line.

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Now then I can't WAIT for the new Star Trek movie!!!! I was nervous at first about the last one, with the going back to before the first movie with Spock and Kirk first meeting and etc.... I was worried they would fuck it all up, but I LOVED it!!! I am hopeful this new one is just as good if not better!!! :tumbsup:


Easy dude, easy....you're spraying fanboy jizz all over the place. :rofl:


As for me... I guess I should check out that '09 Trek reboot at some point... wonder if they have the DVD at the public library? (Makes mental note to check that out)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now then I can't WAIT for the new Star Trek movie!!!! I was nervous at first about the last one, with the going back to before the first movie with Spock and Kirk first meeting and etc.... I was worried they would fuck it all up, but I LOVED it!!! I am hopeful this new one is just as good if not better!!! :tumbsup:


Easy dude, easy....you're spraying fanboy jizz all over the place. :rofl:


As for me... I guess I should check out that '09 Trek reboot at some point... wonder if they have the DVD at the public library? (Makes mental note to check that out)

you have to check it out. it is Star Trek with a pinch of Star Wars and a touch of Battlestar Galactica. As for the new one did you see this?

Dying fan gets early screening



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Dying fan gets early screening




I read this yesterday. JJ Abrams is a class act. Kinda reminded me of the end of "Fanboys."

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  • 2 weeks later...
Really? You, of all people, have not seen Star Trek?


Seriously??? The reboot was fanfuckingtastic!


you have to check it out.


Okay, okay, you all have talked me into it. The '09 "Star Trek" happens to be on the FX channel later this afternoon so I already have my recorder set for it. Lord knows when I'll find time to watch it, but at least it'll be there.


...ya happy now?? :D

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