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Osama Bin Laden has been killed!

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Why did they give him a "proper muslim burial?" Surely the best he deserved was to be thrown in an incinerator somewhere and let him rest with the ashes of other garbage.


As for conspiracy theories, I don't know who's sillier. Cospiracy theorists or us who just take the word of Obama. I also thought he was supposed to have died a few years back, but hey, if they say they got him now with concrete proof, I'm happy enough to just believe it rather than get all silly and make up sad theories. There are better ways to roll than that, imo.



I look at it this way...the fish are nibbling on his ballz right now so we're all good :)

Indeed. I just wonder why they paid him what I would almost consider a sign of respect? :)

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Why did they give him a "proper muslim burial?" Surely the best he deserved was to be thrown in an incinerator somewhere and let him rest with the ashes of other garbage.


As for conspiracy theories, I don't know who's sillier. Cospiracy theorists or us who just take the word of Obama. I also thought he was supposed to have died a few years back, but hey, if they say they got him now with concrete proof, I'm happy enough to just believe it rather than get all silly and make up sad theories. There are better ways to roll than that, imo.



I look at it this way...the fish are nibbling on his ballz right now so we're all good :)

Indeed. I just wonder why they paid him what I would almost consider a sign of respect? :)



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For what it's worth, I heard he was killed a long time ago. I think Iran is a lot more worrying than Al Qaeda anyway...

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Why did they give him a "proper muslim burial?" Surely the best he deserved was to be thrown in an incinerator somewhere and let him rest with the ashes of other garbage.



They lobbed him in the sea so there would be no 'grave site' on solid ground for the extremists to turn into a shrine.

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Why did they give him a "proper muslim burial?" Surely the best he deserved was to be thrown in an incinerator somewhere and let him rest with the ashes of other garbage.



They lobbed him in the sea so there would be no 'grave site' on solid ground for the extremists to turn into a shrine.


Hopefully they waited till the boat was in shark infested waters and doused him with A-1 Sauce before throwing him overboard.

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Personally I think this will simply inflame the situation. Bin Laden was a reclusive figure-head for the organisation and no more, his death will do nothing (though I can imagine if I had a relative killed in 9/11 that I would today be feeling like there was some justice) other than make Barack Obama himself a personal target for revenge attacks. I'll celebrate as much as anyone else the death of a terrorist, but in the grand scheme of things an action like this changes nothing and really just makes things worse...

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Personally I think this will simply inflame the situation. Bin Laden was a reclusive figure-head for the organisation and no more, his death will do nothing (though I can imagine if I had a relative killed in 9/11 that I would today be feeling like there was some justice) other than make Barack Obama himself a personal target for revenge attacks. I'll celebrate as much as anyone else the death of a terrorist, but in the grand scheme of things an action like this changes nothing and really just makes things worse...


Totally agreed.

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Personally I think this will simply inflame the situation. Bin Laden was a reclusive figure-head for the organisation and no more, his death will do nothing (though I can imagine if I had a relative killed in 9/11 that I would today be feeling like there was some justice) other than make Barack Obama himself a personal target for revenge attacks. I'll celebrate as much as anyone else the death of a terrorist, but in the grand scheme of things an action like this changes nothing and really just makes things worse...


Totally agreed.

The whole thing seems to be a bit convenient in its timing as well. At a time when Obama is coming under a lot of fire from all directions, suddenly this makes it all go away.

I'm not necessarily saying it didnt happen (although the fact the body was disposed of so quickly does seem suspect to many considering the circus that was Sadams trial and execution), just that it seems to me that maybe his where abouts has been known (especially considering how close he was to a military base).


As you say, this will only inflame the situation, and we have already heard calls from these fanaticals to seek retribution.

For the last five or six years its all been fairly quiet on the US and UK home soil, but now we are once again going to be looking over our shoulders waiting for reprisals.

Its not that the man shouldnt have been caught and punished, just that in the midst of what is still a tense situation, and out of the blue like that after 10 years, its probably the worst thing they could have done.


At the end of the day, he was only one man, and not some kind of Lex Luthor supervillain who's empire falls when he falls, and there will be a 1000 more like him ready to step up and take his place.

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Personally I think this will simply inflame the situation. Bin Laden was a reclusive figure-head for the organisation and no more, his death will do nothing (though I can imagine if I had a relative killed in 9/11 that I would today be feeling like there was some justice) other than make Barack Obama himself a personal target for revenge attacks. I'll celebrate as much as anyone else the death of a terrorist, but in the grand scheme of things an action like this changes nothing and really just makes things worse...


Totally agreed.

its all been fairly quiet on the US and UK home soil,


Why is it always us involved?? Our country is skint and yet still we are first to step up to spend yet more millions firing missilles at dust. Ridiculous really.

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I have mixed feelings. While it doesn't change the world situation, I hope it will give America some closure as most Americans consider him the face of 9/11. I would love it if it helped cool the hate that red America has been spewing in every direction, but I'm not really optimistic. I think the crazies run the asylum now.


That's about as much politics as you'll ever get out of me :)

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Personally I think this will simply inflame the situation. Bin Laden was a reclusive figure-head for the organisation and no more, his death will do nothing (though I can imagine if I had a relative killed in 9/11 that I would today be feeling like there was some justice) other than make Barack Obama himself a personal target for revenge attacks. I'll celebrate as much as anyone else the death of a terrorist, but in the grand scheme of things an action like this changes nothing and really just makes things worse...


Totally agreed.

The whole thing seems to be a bit convenient in its timing as well. At a time when Obama is coming under a lot of fire from all directions, suddenly this makes it all go away.

I'm not necessarily saying it didnt happen (although the fact the body was disposed of so quickly does seem suspect to many considering the circus that was Sadams trial and execution), just that it seems to me that maybe his where abouts has been known (especially considering how close he was to a military base).



I was thinking the same about the timing. Plus it's only a few months until the 10 year anniversary of 9/11, an event that can be celebrated with a lot more closure once Bin Laden's gone. I'm sure his whereabouts have been known for some time but all the time politicians are making the decisions then they'll choose the time that suits them best. Plus, whatever they say about how he resisted arrest, they were never going to capture him alive regardless as it would've all then dragged-out into a farcical court case (he could never ever get a fair trial) whereas this way Obama could dictate the timing...

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Personally I think this will simply inflame the situation. Bin Laden was a reclusive figure-head for the organisation and no more, his death will do nothing (though I can imagine if I had a relative killed in 9/11 that I would today be feeling like there was some justice) other than make Barack Obama himself a personal target for revenge attacks. I'll celebrate as much as anyone else the death of a terrorist, but in the grand scheme of things an action like this changes nothing and really just makes things worse...


Totally agreed.

The whole thing seems to be a bit convenient in its timing as well. At a time when Obama is coming under a lot of fire from all directions, suddenly this makes it all go away.

I'm not necessarily saying it didnt happen (although the fact the body was disposed of so quickly does seem suspect to many considering the circus that was Sadams trial and execution), just that it seems to me that maybe his where abouts has been known (especially considering how close he was to a military base).



I was thinking the same about the timing. Plus it's only a few months until the 10 year anniversary of 9/11, an event that can be celebrated with a lot more closure once Bin Laden's gone. I'm sure his whereabouts have been known for some time but all the time politicians are making the decisions then they'll choose the time that suits them best. Plus, whatever they say about how he resisted arrest, they were never going to capture him alive regardless as it would've all then dragged-out into a farcical court case (he could never ever get a fair trial) whereas this way Obama could dictate the timing...


God you lot are a cynical bunch. lol. Are you on these conspiracy theory forums as well ;-))


The one question I would like answered (if the US did know he was dead yonks ago) is why the British government has been blowing 100s of £millions of taxpayers money trying to flush the twat out for the last 10 years ???!

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The one question I would like answered (if the US did know he was dead yonks ago) is why the British government has been blowing 100s of £millions of taxpayers money trying to flush the twat out for the last 10 years ???!


Because he's only a figurehead with limited power and we've been after the wider organisation?


I really don't think the fat lady's bursting into song yet...

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Personally I think this will simply inflame the situation. Bin Laden was a reclusive figure-head for the organisation and no more, his death will do nothing (though I can imagine if I had a relative killed in 9/11 that I would today be feeling like there was some justice) other than make Barack Obama himself a personal target for revenge attacks. I'll celebrate as much as anyone else the death of a terrorist, but in the grand scheme of things an action like this changes nothing and really just makes things worse...


Totally agreed.

its all been fairly quiet on the US and UK home soil,


Why is it always us involved?? Our country is skint and yet still we are first to step up to spend yet more millions firing missilles at dust. Ridiculous really.

thing is though, America is even more in debt than we are.

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To bad he was all but irrelevant when they got him! I really wish we could have got him on the heels of Bush sending the troops in, I dont believe Obama had much to do with it, but gotta give credit where it's do!

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