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Powerplay Magazine

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I guess this is aimed at the UK folk on here, as Powerplay is a British publication. Does anyone else read it? If so, what do you think of the magazine?


For me, it is ideal as it covers all of my favourite music genres, i.e. death metal, thrash and hard rock. I used to read Terrorizer, which only covers metal, but I think it has gone downhill recently. The reviews section is quite poor these days, whereas the reviews in Powerplay are excellent; comprehensive, detailed and many of them include reference to stand out tracks, which is really useful in these days of downloading. Plus the articles are occasionally more interesting than the usual, "we think it's our best album yet" rubbish you often find in band interviews.


Great mag (shame about the name).

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Sorry mate, we're going to disagree again! I find it the other way around, Terrorizer is great and packed full of great articles/reviews (with a free CD that always has the newest releases on it) but I gave up on Powerplay after a couple of editions. Sure it covers all the bases in terms of rock/metal and old/new stuff, but I find the reviews terrible. Stacks of discs get full-marks (without justification) and those reviews tend just to say how awesome the disc is without any comparators or description at all. Some of the reviewers are just plain awful, plus the interviews are generally not worth reading either. Real amateurish stuff which, given the cover price, is unacceptable. Rock Sound & Metal Hammer are both a ton better IMO...

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Sorry mate, we're going to disagree again! I find it the other way around, Terrorizer is great and packed full of great articles/reviews (with a free CD that always has the newest releases on it) but I gave up on Powerplay after a couple of editions. Sure it covers all the bases in terms of rock/metal and old/new stuff, but I find the reviews terrible. Stacks of discs get full-marks (without justification) and those reviews tend just to say how awesome the disc is without any comparators or description at all. Some of the reviewers are just plain awful, plus the interviews are generally not worth reading either. Real amateurish stuff which, given the cover price, is unacceptable. Rock Sound & Metal Hammer are both a ton better IMO...


Blimey, do we agree on anything? :o


Have to agree on one point; too many albums get very high ratings, but I find the comments usually tell me enough to sort the wheat from the chaff.


I used to love Terrorizer, but recently the reviews section seems to be tiny, plus they rarely mention individual tracks, which for me is not keeping up with the times. If there's an album rated at 6 or 7/10 , I might not buy it, but may want to download a couple of tracks.


I don't want to read about lots of bands saying how great the new stuff is and how they've developed their sound - yawn. So a huge reviews section rocks as far as I'm concerned.


Last comment; "Rock Sound & Metal Hammer are both a ton better" ... :omg:

Shocked to read that, I think they are really poor magazines, especially RS, which to me reads like it is written for teenagers (or younger).

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I read this fine magazine along with "Classic Rock". Even we, Aussies,get few months after been release in England. E.g we get the Feb issue in couple weeks.

I enjoy reading the AORUnderground page.


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I don't wanna hijack the thread or anything so I will say I do not read Powerplay; however, does anyone have a suggestion for a good mag to subcribe to here in the US? I would love to subscribe to Sweden Rock Magazine but it appears they do not have an English version/US distribution?


I do get the Rock Nation paper when I order something from Perris Records, and it is online too, but something where you get an actual mag, occasional CD with sample tracks, occasional bonus EP like Glam Junkie mentioned Sweden Rock Mag did for Crashdiet, unbiased cd reviews, quality article, etc...something like that would be worth the price of admission for me.

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Fireworks is the mag I wish I could get the US since it covers all of the HH type stuff but it costs a fortune for a 6 issue subscription and I can't find it in any stores.


I have bought Power Play twice and just bought the last two as I don't get to a place that carries it that often but I do enjoy it to a point. It's nice to see the reviews of albums that you normally don't see in any publications in the US so that's nice. The thing I don't like is the interview format is so 7th grade IMO but I'm happy to have the interviews I do have.

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Fireworks is the mag I wish I could get the US since it covers all of the HH type stuff but it costs a fortune for a 6 issue subscription and I can't find it in any stores.


I have bought Power Play twice and just bought the last two as I don't get to a place that carries it that often but I do enjoy it to a point. It's nice to see the reviews of albums that you normally don't see in any publications in the US so that's nice. The thing I don't like is the interview format is so 7th grade IMO but I'm happy to have the interviews I do have.


I agree with Wes. I've bought Power Play on a couple of occasions and I find the mag, quite frankly, amateurish. Kinda like a fanzine or something. I for sure have higher expectations for a rock magazine.

Fireworks is the way to go. That is an excellent read!

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Fireworks is the mag I wish I could get the US since it covers all of the HH type stuff but it costs a fortune for a 6 issue subscription and I can't find it in any stores.


I have bought Power Play twice and just bought the last two as I don't get to a place that carries it that often but I do enjoy it to a point. It's nice to see the reviews of albums that you normally don't see in any publications in the US so that's nice. The thing I don't like is the interview format is so 7th grade IMO but I'm happy to have the interviews I do have.


I agree with Wes. I've bought Power Play on a couple of occasions and I find the mag, quite frankly, amateurish. Kinda like a fanzine or something. I for sure have higher expectations for a rock magazine.

Fireworks is the way to go. That is an excellent read!


Fanzine is a good word. I do enjoy it and like how they cover bands that not to many others cover and enjoy the endless amount of reviews but the interviews leave so much to be desired. Then again with these days leaving us so few choices when it comes to rock mags I guess beggars can't be choosers.

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Fireworks is the mag I wish I could get the US since it covers all of the HH type stuff but it costs a fortune for a 6 issue subscription and I can't find it in any stores.


I have bought Power Play twice and just bought the last two as I don't get to a place that carries it that often but I do enjoy it to a point. It's nice to see the reviews of albums that you normally don't see in any publications in the US so that's nice. The thing I don't like is the interview format is so 7th grade IMO but I'm happy to have the interviews I do have.


I agree with Wes. I've bought Power Play on a couple of occasions and I find the mag, quite frankly, amateurish. Kinda like a fanzine or something. I for sure have higher expectations for a rock magazine.

Fireworks is the way to go. That is an excellent read!


Fanzine is a good word. I do enjoy it and like how they cover bands that not to many others cover and enjoy the endless amount of reviews but the interviews leave so much to be desired. Then again with these days leaving us so few choices when it comes to rock mags I guess beggars can't be choosers.

It's a pity that you guys over there, in America (and rest of the world outside Europe), must cough up $90 for the subscription of Fireworks. It is a good mag but that amount of cash really makes you think twice about subscribing. Hell, I even hesitate over here and the price is "only" $66.

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Fireworks is the mag I wish I could get the US since it covers all of the HH type stuff but it costs a fortune for a 6 issue subscription and I can't find it in any stores.


I have bought Power Play twice and just bought the last two as I don't get to a place that carries it that often but I do enjoy it to a point. It's nice to see the reviews of albums that you normally don't see in any publications in the US so that's nice. The thing I don't like is the interview format is so 7th grade IMO but I'm happy to have the interviews I do have.


I agree with Wes. I've bought Power Play on a couple of occasions and I find the mag, quite frankly, amateurish. Kinda like a fanzine or something. I for sure have higher expectations for a rock magazine.

Fireworks is the way to go. That is an excellent read!


Fanzine is a good word. I do enjoy it and like how they cover bands that not to many others cover and enjoy the endless amount of reviews but the interviews leave so much to be desired. Then again with these days leaving us so few choices when it comes to rock mags I guess beggars can't be choosers.

It's a pity that you guys over there, in America (and rest of the world outside Europe), must cough up $90 for the subscription of Fireworks. It is a good mag but that amount of cash really makes you think twice about subscribing. Hell, I even hesitate over here and the price is "only" $66.


If I could get it for around $8 and issue I wouldn't hesitate but as you said $90 is just ridiculous. I mean for $15 I could buy a new cd instead of reading about them. I really miss the old Metal Edge magazine. :crying:

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Fireworks is the mag I wish I could get the US since it covers all of the HH type stuff but it costs a fortune for a 6 issue subscription and I can't find it in any stores.


I have bought Power Play twice and just bought the last two as I don't get to a place that carries it that often but I do enjoy it to a point. It's nice to see the reviews of albums that you normally don't see in any publications in the US so that's nice. The thing I don't like is the interview format is so 7th grade IMO but I'm happy to have the interviews I do have.


I agree with Wes. I've bought Power Play on a couple of occasions and I find the mag, quite frankly, amateurish. Kinda like a fanzine or something. I for sure have higher expectations for a rock magazine.

Fireworks is the way to go. That is an excellent read!


Have to agree to disagree. I think it's a great read, so much better than Metal Hammer, Kerrang, Zero Tolerance, etc. Plus it's the only magazine I know of where I can read reviews of both House of Lords and Obituary (for example).

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Have to agree to disagree. I think it's a great read, so much better than Metal Hammer, Kerrang, Zero Tolerance, etc. Plus it's the only magazine I know of where I can read reviews of both House of Lords and Obituary (for example).


Only if you like reviews that go a bit like this....


"OBITUARY - Darkest Day (Album Review)


So instead of receiving an advance copy of this album I have to go to the shop and buy it myself. What's that all about, being that I'm an important journalist an all that? I'll start off this review by saying that I'm not an Obituary fan and have never heard any of their albums before, but that shouldn't matter as I'm a great writer and can review anything. I once got an article published in Kerrang! dontcha know, meaning I really know my stuff. God this Death Metal stuff is loud isn't it? Has the CD started yet or is there just someone drilling through the wall where my stereo is, and why is there a dog barking over the top of the music (or is it a human, who knows?). I tell you one thing, my cat doesn't like this music, and nor do my neighbours. And why are my ears bleeding? Anyway I'd give this album an 11/10."

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Have to agree to disagree. I think it's a great read, so much better than Metal Hammer, Kerrang, Zero Tolerance, etc. Plus it's the only magazine I know of where I can read reviews of both House of Lords and Obituary (for example).


Only if you like reviews that go a bit like this....


"OBITUARY - Darkest Day (Album Review)


So instead of receiving an advance copy of this album I have to go to the shop and buy it myself. What's that all about, being that I'm an important journalist an all that? I'll start off this review by saying that I'm not an Obituary fan and have never heard any of their albums before, but that shouldn't matter as I'm a great writer and can review anything. I once got an article published in Kerrang! dontcha know, meaning I really know my stuff. God this Death Metal stuff is loud isn't it? Has the CD started yet or is there just someone drilling through the wall where my stereo is, and why is there a dog barking over the top of the music (or is it a human, who knows?). I tell you one thing, my cat doesn't like this music, and nor do my neighbours. And why are my ears bleeding? Anyway I'd give this album an 11/10."


HARSH!!! :doh:

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Have to agree to disagree. I think it's a great read, so much better than Metal Hammer, Kerrang, Zero Tolerance, etc. Plus it's the only magazine I know of where I can read reviews of both House of Lords and Obituary (for example).


Only if you like reviews that go a bit like this....


"OBITUARY - Darkest Day (Album Review)


So instead of receiving an advance copy of this album I have to go to the shop and buy it myself. What's that all about, being that I'm an important journalist an all that? I'll start off this review by saying that I'm not an Obituary fan and have never heard any of their albums before, but that shouldn't matter as I'm a great writer and can review anything. I once got an article published in Kerrang! dontcha know, meaning I really know my stuff. God this Death Metal stuff is loud isn't it? Has the CD started yet or is there just someone drilling through the wall where my stereo is, and why is there a dog barking over the top of the music (or is it a human, who knows?). I tell you one thing, my cat doesn't like this music, and nor do my neighbours. And why are my ears bleeding? Anyway I'd give this album an 11/10."


HARSH!!! :doh:


I was just messin'. Though I did read an old copy of this mag last night and saw a specific review on one of my fave Modern Death Metal bands (ALL SHALL PERISH) and they gave the album 10/10 and it was truly terrible review that didn't mention the musical style of any detail of the songs. Reminded me of why I don't bother with this mag anymore...

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Have to agree to disagree. I think it's a great read, so much better than Metal Hammer, Kerrang, Zero Tolerance, etc. Plus it's the only magazine I know of where I can read reviews of both House of Lords and Obituary (for example).


Only if you like reviews that go a bit like this....


"OBITUARY - Darkest Day (Album Review)


So instead of receiving an advance copy of this album I have to go to the shop and buy it myself. What's that all about, being that I'm an important journalist an all that? I'll start off this review by saying that I'm not an Obituary fan and have never heard any of their albums before, but that shouldn't matter as I'm a great writer and can review anything. I once got an article published in Kerrang! dontcha know, meaning I really know my stuff. God this Death Metal stuff is loud isn't it? Has the CD started yet or is there just someone drilling through the wall where my stereo is, and why is there a dog barking over the top of the music (or is it a human, who knows?). I tell you one thing, my cat doesn't like this music, and nor do my neighbours. And why are my ears bleeding? Anyway I'd give this album an 11/10."




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Have to agree to disagree. I think it's a great read, so much better than Metal Hammer, Kerrang, Zero Tolerance, etc. Plus it's the only magazine I know of where I can read reviews of both House of Lords and Obituary (for example).


Only if you like reviews that go a bit like this....


"OBITUARY - Darkest Day (Album Review)


So instead of receiving an advance copy of this album I have to go to the shop and buy it myself. What's that all about, being that I'm an important journalist an all that? I'll start off this review by saying that I'm not an Obituary fan and have never heard any of their albums before, but that shouldn't matter as I'm a great writer and can review anything. I once got an article published in Kerrang! dontcha know, meaning I really know my stuff. God this Death Metal stuff is loud isn't it? Has the CD started yet or is there just someone drilling through the wall where my stereo is, and why is there a dog barking over the top of the music (or is it a human, who knows?). I tell you one thing, my cat doesn't like this music, and nor do my neighbours. And why are my ears bleeding? Anyway I'd give this album an 11/10."


HARSH!!! :doh:


I was just messin'. Though I did read an old copy of this mag last night and saw a specific review on one of my fave Modern Death Metal bands (ALL SHALL PERISH) and they gave the album 10/10 and it was truly terrible review that didn't mention the musical style of any detail of the songs. Reminded me of why I don't bother with this mag anymore...


You're not far off at all Tim. In one of the new issues I have there are some where they go on about how the cd is just okay and then give it an 8/10. And I'm thinkin wait a minute did they match the wrong score up with the wrong review? Then cds I think they would like get a 5 or a 6.

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A few PowerPlay detractors on here, fair enough. I take the scores of their reviews with a pinch of salt and there's no harm done as I always listen to bands online before buying anything.


There are no other decent music magazines I can buy in the UK that cover hard rock and extreme metal and give me new bands to check out, so I'll stick with it. (It's a million times better than Rock Sound imo, which I think is an awful magazine. Maybe I'd have liked it if I was still 12 and into nu metal/rock.)

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  • 2 years later...

I have defended Powerplay magazine on this site a few times, but I picked up the latest issue and a couple of the reviews really annoyed me.


Firstly, the review of Peepshow - Brand New Breed. The reviewer states, “It is an entertaining listen, if not a predictable one; vocalist Johnny Gunn has a strong voice, one that soars above the tedium of his band’s music, which takes cues from the kind of sleaze and goth acts that litter Saturday night rock clubs all over the country. There are some catchy tunes here, such as opening single “Let Go”, which sticks around longer than it should. But like most modern releases, this has everything going for it: great production, top-drawer performances, classy sleeve design. In an overcrowded market place, it’s hard to know where this one will end up.”


The mark for the album? 5 out of 10. How on earth do those comments relate to that mark? To me, 5 out of 10 suggests a pretty awful album. Okay, so I disagree with the assessment, but tastes differ and any person’s score for an album is completely subjective. However, the review reads as if it has been read by someone who played the album once, wasn’t really sure about it and gave it the median mark. :rant:


So if that wasn’t bad enough, this one really wound me up. McAuley Schenker Group – Save Yourself. One of my all-time favourite hard rock albums. One of the first things the reviewer says is, “I didn’t bother with this back in the day because I never really liked Robin McAuley as a singer.” Right, so why on earth has the editor let you anywhere near it to write a review now?


The reviewer goes on to say that the album is okay, but ruined by the vocals. He even says, towards the end of the review, “If you want to hear Schenker at his best, then check out the first two albums, or his latest, “Temple Of Rock”.” ‘Temple of Rock’ better than ‘Save Yourself’? Oh, please. I can understand that some people don’t like McAuley’s vocals, they are an acquired taste. Personally, I absolutely love his voice and there are only 1 or 2 vocalists that I like as much as him. But that’s just me. The point is, what is the point of a review written by someone who doesn’t like the vocalist? He’s never going to rate the album, so what value can he provide to a reader? To look at it from the opposite point of view, imagine I wrote a review and started it with, “I’m going to be biased with this one and give it a really good rating, because I love the vocalist.” My marks out of ten wouldn’t tell the readers anything about the quality of the album at all.


He gives the album a 6 out of 10, which for my money is a travesty. Yeah, I know I said opinions are subjective, but this is a classic album with some incredible songs on it. And isn’t this akin to getting Geoff to review a Death Metal album? Whether it’s a classic from Chuck Schuldiner or a group of teenagers making a tuneless din in a garage, he’s going to give it a really poor rating, because he hates Death Metal. Which is fine, no problem with that at all – but I wouldn’t get him to review the latest CD by Behemoth for a magazine!



Anyway, glad to get that off my chest. I still prefer Powerplay to the competition, e.g. Fireworks, which seems to adulate bands and, if its reviews are to be believed, believes that there are several classic albums released every month. I know loads of people on here love Fireworks though, so no offence chaps! :D

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Yeah, I don't know the magazine or anything about it, but I agree with what you're saying about the comments for Peepshow not matching the score. That just makes him look stupid.


As for 'Temple of Rock,' I saw something about this that made me interested in a Schenker album for the first time since about 1992. Is Voss on vocals or something? Is this a good album I need to check out?

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James, why do read silly magazines when you have us?? Dont you realise that we on this site are the voice of reason LOL ;-))

Post of the week! :bowdown:

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