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I started school in August for Computer Networking. I graduated high school in 1992, so going back 17 years later was a little initmidating to say the least. By the middle of my first quarter, I was already struggling with reading the networking stuff and retaining ANY of the stuff I read, even after rereading the chapters 2-3 times. Lucky for me, the tests were open book. I can read the question, know I read something about it and know where to look for the answer, but not remember what I read. I ended up passing the first class with a 90.9% average, but that was indeed thanks to the Open Book part.


About two weeks ago I was trying to read some stuff with the networking class and ended up in a swearing tantrum and shuttin down all windows and walking away from the computer. My younger brother was over to the house and he asked that the hell that was all about. I explained to him all the trouble I had when it came to concentrating and reading this stuff, let alone RETAINING anything I just read. He asked me if I had ever been tested for ADHD. I said that NO I had not because it's not like I'm bouncing off walls or anything. My brother attends the same community college I do and he explained that 2 years ago he was in the same boat. He is going for his RN and EMT degrees and said that he was having a hell of a time concentrating as well and he had asked a doctor about it when he was in for a checkup. The doctor asked him a bunch of questions regarding behavior in certain situations and the past, and go figure... They were all indeed signs of ADHD. He was sent to a behavior specialist and ran some tests as well as did some paperwork. Some paperwork was also sent to his wife, my mom and a good friend of his. When they were all answered, they sent them back to the doctor and sure enough, he had it. He was put on adderall and he said within a few weeks he was starting to retain what he had read and able to focus better.


He also reminded me that our youngest brother was diagnosed when he was 12 with ADHD. He was caught young because he was very boisterous and belligerant. He was placed on Concerta. Within 3 months, he was doing better in school and even accellerating in classes. He was in college calc by 10th grade. I guess it really worked well for him


I decided to look into it myself last week and the doctor asked me about my attention span, daydreaming, impatient driving, impulsive spending, short temper and other stuff I had never associated with ADHD. Looking back through my childhood, I realize now that I've had this all along. I've MAYBE read 4 complete books in my life due to the fact that I can't remember what I've read after 3-4 pages. I end up daydreaming as my eyes follow the words. I have one of the worst driving records you could imagine regarding speeding (over 40 tickets and lost my license 8 times). I can read a magazine without problem because the articles are only 2-3 pages long, but I can't read a book. I always was good in the "DO" classes such as art, home ec, shop, welding, etc... But I struggled in any class that involved reading such as reading, math, history, etc... I've been playing guitar for over 20 years, but still play like i've only picked it up 3 months ago because whenever I tried to learn anything, I ended up losing interest, daydreaming and NOT staying on task. Whenever i'm idle and trying to do something, my leg will start bouncing like crazy and I don't even realize i'm doing it.


It was kind of funny how all those little things made sense to me when looking back at them now with the ADHD idea. The doctor said I had all the signs of ADHD and I have to see a behavior specialist sometime soon.


I'm trying to be serious about this as far as asking people and researching this. I cannot and DO NOT want to fail at my one chance at college and a career instead of a job because I was too scared to ask about these problems.


Anyone here been diagnosed with ADHD? What kind of meds did they put you on? What worked and didn't work for you and how did you improve in life/academics?

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Some of the symptons you have are also linked to bipolar/manic depression which i have just recently been diagnosed with.My sons best mate has adhd and recently changed meds and is doing alot better at school and socially,so just stick with the meds for awhile and see how you go,i've had to change my meds about three times to get where i am now.


Hang in there mate and good luck at your course. :tumbsup:

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My ex-fiance's son has ADHD as well... We knew it when he was very very young, but the doctors wouldn't diagnose it until he was 6 years old. He was an extremely naughty kid who slept very little. She was finally told by the 1st grade teacher if she didn't do something with him, she didn't want him back in her class. It took a year and 5 different meds, but they finally dialed him in and he's a fantastic and extremely smart kid now who does very well in school. The first couple of med either made him sick or a zombie, and the next 2 made him calm down alot, but he still couldn't focus on anything. He was just basically less naughty. The doctors said it'll take about 2-3 months to figure out of it's working or not, which it did end up taking almost that long to get him on the right meds and the right dosage. They cut his dosage in half for the summer when he's out of school and then bring it back to normal 2 weeks before school starts again. My mom did the same with my youngest brother and it worked well for him too.

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I understand how frustrated you are, I was diagnosed when I was 5 years old (1982) with ADHD! back then it was still relatively new! and they pressured my mom into making me take riddilin, I believe that in children, it's a big scam, every kid cant pay attention, and acts hyper, they say true ADHD\ADD is diagnosable by time, most kids mature and after puberty, become "normal", I have almost zero concentration, but you see, I was having allot of issues where Id be so happy and content, and no matter how bad shit was going(this was before prison)id be positive about it, then In the snap of a finger, I would just feel almost like a wave of doom sweep over me, and it didnt matter how good things were, this terrible fear and feeling of life being pointless would take over me, it's not just a im depressed feeling, it was a total overtake of every feeling and emotion, and though, well it is thought im bi-polar, but after I was referred to a specialist, I never went back, I always just thought those feelings were normal, and I grew up hyperactive, and truly by nature rebelious, but it also started making me irritated out of nowhere, then id get angry, and usually end in some sort of fight, my point in all this is, Im not a doctor, (I just play one on dates) I have an exceptionally high IQ! since I tested to go into kindergarten, but to me, Ive always felt the exact opposite, cant figure shit out, cant remember like all the other kid's, well they are discovering that both Bi-polar and AD\Hd, are or have a direct tie to Autism, let me guess T-Bone, you probably have a disgustingly high IQ don't you? I suspect that these really arent 2 different conditions, but both a part of something bigger, I don't know, like I say, im no doctor, but I am a thinker, and ive grown up never knowing I had this AD\HD my mom never wanted me to use that as a reason for not doing something, so she never really made it very clear until I was older, but now im older, and i know I cant count to 10 without starting to do something else! but then they try and say Im Bi-polar, well im also perverted and I swear allot, does that mean they'll make up a new condition for guys that have a filthy mind and a foul mouth! cause this isnt the norm, ive scene what bi-polar medicine did to my friend, she was much better off treating herself with crystal meth, then the shit the medical cult put her on! I honestly believe it is like I told my drug counciler, i asked "how long he had been clean for" he responded that he "had never done drugs", so you are going to tell me whats wrong with me, when youve never even walked that road? I believe it's all one bigger issue, I know riddilin fucked me up worse! that's a fact, but dude I dont have any answers for you except to tell you, don't EVER!!! try crystal meth! or Cocaine! as speed is the cure for your condition, I don't know why, or how the legal speed is, but when you give someone speed, that cant concentrate, it makes them concentrate, I personally just deal with it, I try to make boring shit exciting, and take my ipod, or my psp with me when I have to go somewhere boring, but I just have a tough time even concentrating on being bored! you obviously are going to have to figure out a way to make your school work retainable, I don't know you, but I no me, and I absoultely have what your dealing with, plus some, and im just giving you a tip, the more you think about it, the worse it's going to become, and the harder you try, the more frustrated your going to get, stop now, before you drive yourself into quiting school, you just need to sit down with someone(preferablly a smart person) and come up with a way to make what your learning click with the way you think, that's all you do with anybody that thinks differently, you come up with a way that you see on the same level as everybody else see's the normal stuff! If that makes any sense,?

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I decided to look into it myself last week and the doctor asked me about my attention span, daydreaming, impatient driving, impulsive spending, short temper and other stuff I had never associated with ADHD.


Yikes! Sounds like me. Maybe I need to be diagnosed? :unsure:


The only difference is that I've not had trouble excelling at academics... if I put my mind to it.





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reading the title, I thought this was a thread about adult movies on high definition dvd. ADHD.

Excellent minds think alike. I was going to say the same yesterday, but the tone of this thread seemed a little serious for it.


I decided to look into it myself last week and the doctor asked me about my attention span, daydreaming, impatient driving, impulsive spending, short temper and other stuff I had never associated with ADHD.


Yikes! Sounds like me. Maybe I need to be diagnosed? :unsure:


The only difference is that I've not had trouble excelling at academics... if I put my mind to it.





I have to admit, I actually thought the same when I read that paragraph yesterday. But then when I read on and Ty expanded, it seems I probably only have a mild case of all these. I have pretty average driving records, but absolutely nothing compared to Ty's. I love reading, even if I do get bored with non-excellent books. I forget the book in it's entirety about a year later, but never as I'm reading it. I have 0 attention span, but we're surrounded by people so who really does? You ever tried paying attention to those f*ckers? I have the worst temper in the world, but I also conceal it well around others as I never, ever show my "emotions" around others, and I only explode in solitude.


In other words, I reckon a lot of us have a bit of all this in us, but Ty's situation sounds a little more extreme. Anyway, good luck with it mate and I really hope you can beat it enough to finish the course. :)

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...this gets misdiagnosed and/or overdiagnosed WAY too often.

Yep, just like depression. Is it just me or is anyone else getting sick of people "suffering from depression"? I don't really know anyone who's not depressed to some degree.

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...this gets misdiagnosed and/or overdiagnosed WAY too often.

Yep, just like depression. Is it just me or is anyone else getting sick of people "suffering from depression"? I don't really know anyone who's not depressed to some degree.


Hey I don't suffer from depression! I live with it!

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...this gets misdiagnosed and/or overdiagnosed WAY too often.


Thats the whole point to the pointless rant I just posted, they come up with a pill and\or diagnoisis for everything, it's easier just to put people on meds, that way they are all doped up, and easier to work with! my mom was also told id never be able to go back to school, in 1st fucking grade! come on, that's just lazy teachers, the ones that werent lazy did everything they could to give me incentive to be good, and not fuck around during class, and It usually worked, it's just another example of what direction our country's headed in! Fuck I just hope more then anything they hurry with the "REAL BIG DICK PILLS!! but with my luck, that will be about the only pill that doesnt get made???

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I just realised, I got to Question 4 and found myself playing Fallout 3??? I can't even concentrate on the test, i'lll try when I get off of work tonight, usually I can pay better attention when im ran down and beat,

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reading the title, I thought this was a thread about adult movies on high definition dvd. ADHD.


Haha ... exactly why I didn't check out this thread at work!

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