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Just In Case You Didn't Know


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The late, great George Carlin said it best regarding politicians on election day - "garbage out, and garbage in". I do not trust anyone, who possesses a great desire to lead because I've seen so many assholes over the years acquire power, and then use it to line their own pockets as well as those of their cronies at the expense of those they're supposed to be helping. I'm of the opinion that anyone, who thinks any politician is in it to actually benefit the public, is seriously delusional. I don't give a good goddamn what political party a politician is associated with; I simply don't trust them as far as I can throw them. The idea that personal wealth determines who can or can't be considered a candidate for leadership is also a ludicrous concept. Crooks everywhere have vast wealth - let's allow them to lead. Oh, wait - they already do.



Now there's a sentiment that I agree with 100%........is Obama different than all the rest of politicians around the world? ..a lot of people are certainly hoping so.....but breaking the mold especially in Washington is going to be difficult.....fact of the matter is that we won't know what kind of president he will be for another few years.....

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It's about time we had a change in the UK and get rid of that fat useless idiot of a PM


backed, im not a fan of the new PM personally....i think Blair did more for the country....his cabinet made it possible for us to live back in the early 90s when there was an economic dry spell...


but all Brown appears to have done is reclassified a bunch of drugs to the point of stupidity...a potentially dangerous move when you look into it


Personally, can't stand Blair either!

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It's about time we had a change in the UK and get rid of that fat useless idiot of a PM


backed, im not a fan of the new PM personally....i think Blair did more for the country....his cabinet made it possible for us to live back in the early 90s when there was an economic dry spell...


but all Brown appears to have done is reclassified a bunch of drugs to the point of stupidity...a potentially dangerous move when you look into it


Personally, can't stand Blair either!


heh heh, like Clinton, not many people could apparently, but without the things he did my family would still be living on a bare minimum (although with the recession most people are having to cut costs these days anyway....)


id take Blair over Brown tbh

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Well I've seen a few recessions come and go, I still remember the power cuts in the 70's during the 'three day week'


i was only about 2 at the time so i cant really remember it....but it was pretty tough for our family, i dont know if thats because dad was a musician at a time where there was no work or if there was an all round recession, but i do know that Blair did somethng that meant we could get back on our feet, something to do with house repossesions i think :unsure:

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i DON'T think i've ever seen a list of worst presidents that didn't include Jimmy Carter. I think the poor guy was trying but his own party wasn't crazy over him so it was an up hill battle from the get go. The same was being said about McCain, that his party didn't really like him and it would be tough for him to get anything done without support from either side.

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Umm..please don't lump all Obama-bashers as once Bush-supporters.F**king W. pissed all over the constititution and Yomama is just continuing where he left off.Trust Bushy about as far i can throw a barrel of iraqi crude and i trust BHO about as far as i can toss a 500 lb bucket of KFC...

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SR86 -- you weren't even born when Reagan was in office and you were still fillin' yer diapers while Clinton was in there.


Just sayin'. :whistle:



thank you for saving me a rant keef. Backed.


aw come on, cut me some slack here....think about it, the stuff you guys know about Reagan and Clinton was printed in the papers right? which was then put in the history books, which i read


there is absolutely no reason that you guys should have more authority on the subject than me, facts are facts....i just learnt them 20 years later.....i fail to see what difference being around at the time makes...


you dont have to have been alive during a particular time to have an opinion of someone...


like i said earlier, most americans recognize that Lincoln was great and Coolidge was not, right? so why cant i decide that i dont like Reagan?


maybe someone will agree with me -_-

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SR86 -- you weren't even born when Reagan was in office and you were still fillin' yer diapers while Clinton was in there.


Just sayin'. :whistle:



thank you for saving me a rant keef. Backed.


aw come on, cut me some slack here....think about it, the stuff you guys know about Reagan and Clinton was printed in the papers right? which was then put in the history books, which i read


there is absolutely no reason that you guys should have more authority on the subject than me, facts are facts....i just learnt them 20 years later.....i fail to see what difference being around at the time makes...


you dont have to have been alive during a particular time to have an opinion of someone...


like i said earlier, most americans recognize that Lincoln was great and Coolidge was not, right? so why cant i decide that i dont like Reagan?


maybe someone will agree with me -_-

Okay mate, I just have to ask or I'm going to implode. To each their own and by other people's standards I'm probably into some odd stuff too, so I'm not having a go at you, just curious as hell. What the f*ck made you want to "study" US politics out of interest??? No wonder you didn't have any freinds not too long ago. ;):P

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SR86 -- you weren't even born when Reagan was in office and you were still fillin' yer diapers while Clinton was in there.


Just sayin'. :whistle:



thank you for saving me a rant keef. Backed.


aw come on, cut me some slack here....think about it, the stuff you guys know about Reagan and Clinton was printed in the papers right? which was then put in the history books, which i read


there is absolutely no reason that you guys should have more authority on the subject than me, facts are facts....i just learnt them 20 years later.....i fail to see what difference being around at the time makes...


you dont have to have been alive during a particular time to have an opinion of someone...


like i said earlier, most americans recognize that Lincoln was great and Coolidge was not, right? so why cant i decide that i dont like Reagan?


maybe someone will agree with me -_-

Okay mate, I just have to ask or I'm going to implode. To each their own and by other people's standards I'm probably into some odd stuff too, so I'm not having a go at you, just curious as hell. What the f*ck made you want to "study" US politics out of interest??? No wonder you didn't have any freinds not too long ago. ;):P


i find it interesting, much moreso than British politics!


but what sparked it off was watching The West Wing.....with me, whenever i get into something that peaks my interest i have to dig into the archives and find out more about it.....i actually love reading about history..


this is gonna sound really nerdy, but i love learning when its on my own terms...


a few years ago i took it upon myself to learn all about US History in the late 19th century, 1860s to the turn of the century (because id just watched the Roots miniseries and i wanted to find out more about the American Slave trade which led to the Civil War and onto the wild west...)....all those stories about Billy The Kid, Wyatt Earp, Butch Cassidy and all the Civil War stories, at the time i just thought they were exciting true stories, and that spread to learning about other areas of US History...


if i were to list all my interests, i bet youd find quite a few of them to be quite odd :P

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SR86 -- you weren't even born when Reagan was in office and you were still fillin' yer diapers while Clinton was in there.


Just sayin'. :whistle:



thank you for saving me a rant keef. Backed.


aw come on, cut me some slack here....think about it, the stuff you guys know about Reagan and Clinton was printed in the papers right? which was then put in the history books, which i read


there is absolutely no reason that you guys should have more authority on the subject than me, facts are facts....i just learnt them 20 years later.....i fail to see what difference being around at the time makes...


you dont have to have been alive during a particular time to have an opinion of someone...


like i said earlier, most americans recognize that Lincoln was great and Coolidge was not, right? so why cant i decide that i dont like Reagan?


maybe someone will agree with me -_-

Okay mate, I just have to ask or I'm going to implode. To each their own and by other people's standards I'm probably into some odd stuff too, so I'm not having a go at you, just curious as hell. What the f*ck made you want to "study" US politics out of interest??? No wonder you didn't have any freinds not too long ago. ;):P


i find it interesting, much moreso than British politics!


but what sparked it off was watching The West Wing.....with me, whenever i get into something that peaks my interest i have to dig into the archives and find out more about it.....i actually love reading about history..


this is gonna sound really nerdy, but i love learning when its on my own terms...

Fair enough. Yeah, I'm a sucker for history too - but not sure we'd be reading the same kind of history. :) To each their own, though. Enjoy it.

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SR86 -- you weren't even born when Reagan was in office and you were still fillin' yer diapers while Clinton was in there.


Just sayin'. :whistle:



thank you for saving me a rant keef. Backed.


aw come on, cut me some slack here....think about it, the stuff you guys know about Reagan and Clinton was printed in the papers right? which was then put in the history books, which i read


there is absolutely no reason that you guys should have more authority on the subject than me, facts are facts....i just learnt them 20 years later.....i fail to see what difference being around at the time makes...


you dont have to have been alive during a particular time to have an opinion of someone...


like i said earlier, most americans recognize that Lincoln was great and Coolidge was not, right? so why cant i decide that i dont like Reagan?


maybe someone will agree with me -_-

Okay mate, I just have to ask or I'm going to implode. To each their own and by other people's standards I'm probably into some odd stuff too, so I'm not having a go at you, just curious as hell. What the f*ck made you want to "study" US politics out of interest??? No wonder you didn't have any freinds not too long ago. ;):P


i find it interesting, much moreso than British politics!


but what sparked it off was watching The West Wing.....with me, whenever i get into something that peaks my interest i have to dig into the archives and find out more about it.....i actually love reading about history..


this is gonna sound really nerdy, but i love learning when its on my own terms...

Fair enough. Yeah, I'm a sucker for history too - but not sure we'd be reading the same kind of history. :) To each their own, though. Enjoy it.


i dont know, we might share a few common interests....i dont really stick to one area of history, i just think of a question and read up on it to find the answer (i recently looked up the history of Pornography, actually quite interesting ;) )


i guess i have nothing better to do than read.....truth be told, i tried the social thing and the band i was in are slagging me off, the girl iw as dating has ruined my social life and i found out today that a couple of friends my bro and i made ripped us off and we wont be seeing them anytime soon......ive been unlucky with friends this year -_-

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SR86 -- you weren't even born when Reagan was in office and you were still fillin' yer diapers while Clinton was in there.


Just sayin'. :whistle:



thank you for saving me a rant keef. Backed.


aw come on, cut me some slack here....think about it, the stuff you guys know about Reagan and Clinton was printed in the papers right? which was then put in the history books, which i read


there is absolutely no reason that you guys should have more authority on the subject than me, facts are facts....i just learnt them 20 years later.....i fail to see what difference being around at the time makes...


you dont have to have been alive during a particular time to have an opinion of someone...


like i said earlier, most americans recognize that Lincoln was great and Coolidge was not, right? so why cant i decide that i dont like Reagan?


maybe someone will agree with me -_-

Okay mate, I just have to ask or I'm going to implode. To each their own and by other people's standards I'm probably into some odd stuff too, so I'm not having a go at you, just curious as hell. What the f*ck made you want to "study" US politics out of interest??? No wonder you didn't have any freinds not too long ago. ;):P


i find it interesting, much moreso than British politics!


but what sparked it off was watching The West Wing.....with me, whenever i get into something that peaks my interest i have to dig into the archives and find out more about it.....i actually love reading about history..


this is gonna sound really nerdy, but i love learning when its on my own terms...

Fair enough. Yeah, I'm a sucker for history too - but not sure we'd be reading the same kind of history. :) To each their own, though. Enjoy it.


i dont know, we might share a few common interests....i dont really stick to one area of history, i just think of a question and read up on it to find the answer (i recently looked up the history of Pornography, actually quite interesting ;) )


i guess i have nothing better to do than read.....truth be told, i tried the social thing and the band i was in are slagging me off, the girl iw as dating has ruined my social life and i found out today that a couple of friends my bro and i made ripped us off and we wont be seeing them anytime soon......ive been unlucky with friends this year -_-

I miss reading. It was the only good thing about losing my license. Pornography... now what's something worth reading about! :lol: 'How to make love like a pornstar' by Jenna Jameson is every bit as good as Motley Crue's 'The Dirt'. You must read that one!


My history reading is probably more focused on the events of political decisions, without ever getting into the actual politics. And even then, I haven't been able to read stuff like that for ages. :(


So what did this girl do to ruin your social standing? And what were your band saying about you?

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Carter was a product of his generation. He was set up to fail. He is a brilliant man, but anyone in that seat at that time was doomed. The only thing of his doing was the handling of the Iran hostage crisis.


Reagan was another product of his time. Right place, right time. It didn't hurt that he was loved by generations, and following Carter, anyone would have been elected. That said, Reagan was a puppet. His strings were pulled elsewhere and he was the benefactor of a tremendous upswing in the economy which many say made him a great president.


Bush Sr. happened to be second fiddle to Reagan during the prosperous upswing so how could we go wrong? Well it did. Recession hit and he didn't have a clue how to deal with it. Handled Iraq well until it was time to get out. He said "You win Saddam, I can't find you." It was inevitable Clinton would win in '92.


Clinton was a good choice at the right time. Recession over, happy days were here again. Played pussy however when it came time to deal with terrorists. Lobbed a missile and gave it an "awww shucks" smile. Like Reagan, a benefactor of an up swing in the economy. Only president to leave office with a surplus in the budget.


Bush Jr......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a complete waste of 8 years. Other than the comedy fodder that is....


I believe that after a rocky first year, if he isn't assassinated, Obama will be like Reagan and Clinton. Beneficiary of an upswing. It is inevitable. I remember in the late 70's many thought life as we knew it was over. Gas lines, hostages, etc.....It's way too early to tell if what Obama wants to do will succeed or if he is a thinker or a puppet. Next year will tell.

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I miss reading. It was the only good thing about losing my license. Pornography... now what's something worth reading about! :lol: 'How to make love like a pornstar' by Jenna Jameson is every bit as good as Motley Crue's 'The Dirt'. You must read that one!


My history reading is probably more focused on the events of political decisions, without ever getting into the actual politics. And even then, I haven't been able to read stuff like that for ages. :(


So what did this girl do to ruin your social standing? And what were your band saying about you?


that Jenna Jameson one is actually on my list of books that i must get round to reading....but then again, i dont think my mom would appreciate finding it in the house :P


as for the band and the girl, i guess i was just unlucky enough to meet a few people with weird ideas (rich, coming from me :P)


the band sucked tbph, and after the second gig where i came off stage and the audience all wanted to shake my hand and were telling me how good i was (i was very humble btw, i seriously didnt expect anything like that) the other 4 guys were forgotten at the bar...they banded together and kicked me out then proceeded to say that i was crap and holding them back, now people think that i wasnt good enough to play in their band....which i wouldnt mind if they could play their instruments! (the drummer fucked up so many times that he made me look bad because the rest of us had to skip ahead in the song to fix his mistake...


as for the girl, she thought i was arrogant, she was the singer in this little band project i had going and we had a gig to do....she showed up at the proper time but i was late cause i had to pick up the bassist and we couldnt find his house (later turned out that the house was down the road from where she lived.....and she knew that at the time -_-)


i should mention that although i was late, we werent gonna play till about 3 or 4 hours later.....so it wasnt the end of the world


so anyway, she sat in the car outside for an hour and then went home! we played the gig without a singer cause she was too shy to go inside :unsure: then she told me later that she thought it was arrogant of me to be late and it was all my fault so she stopped talking to me for 2 months


another thing that she didnt like is we did this music workshop thing together and whenever someone struggled i tried to help them with their part, but she said i came across as arrogant and frustrated when i helped people, and that i should have just kept to myself....she also didnt like the fact that im very opinionated (this i can accept) but she said that my views were too strong for some people and that i should agree with people more even if i dont agree so that i can make friends


so she really, really doesnt like me anymore and shes been telling people at her school lies about me (such as that i said one of my friends couldnt play) causing a domino effect....and anything i do or say, she doesnt like....she has a real high opinion of herself but the worst part is that when i found out someone was spreading shit about me, i asked her about it and she said she was very hush about her opnions and feelings and she'd never do that....then i found out a month later that infact shes a gossiping loudmouth that cant keep her mouth shut


i know this is normal teenage behaviour, but since i dont go to school i cant defend myself.....people that used to be my friends that know her are now ignoring me and treating me like scum...but she basically thinks that to be a nice person you have to act differently and change your views and opinions so as not to piss people off....now i may have some weird ideas but i wont change who i am to make friends.


so i decided im done with a social life for now, i didnt really practice guitar much last year anyway because of it so this year im gonna hang out with my 3 good friends but thats it, now im gonna get back into my 2 hours a day practice regime and get back on track...



apologies for the very long explanation.....its been going on for about 8 months now, and i only gave you the highlights :P


also, before anyone says anything....i thought about sending this ina PM to Geoff but decided id just put this disclaimer here instead: i realise this post does indeed make me look very arrogant....but im just telling the story as it is, based on views and opinions of others as well as my own....at the time i believed that the band and i were on the same level, until we did those gigs and i heard the feedback afterwards......if anyone is curious i do have some rough demos we did in rehearsal, im willing to send them to anyone thtwants to hear for themselves to back up my claim (id also be curious to see if indeed i am being an arrogant c**t and i was the weak link, but when i listen to those demos i indulge in a little bit of pride....because i put alot of work into that project and im proud of what i accomplished)

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...and it wasn't even my fault this time! :banana::pickle:

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Carter was a product of his generation. He was set up to fail. He is a brilliant man, but anyone in that seat at that time was doomed. The only thing of his doing was the handling of the Iran hostage crisis.


Reagan was another product of his time. Right place, right time. It didn't hurt that he was loved by generations, and following Carter, anyone would have been elected. That said, Reagan was a puppet. His strings were pulled elsewhere and he was the benefactor of a tremendous upswing in the economy which many say made him a great president.


Bush Sr. happened to be second fiddle to Reagan during the prosperous upswing so how could we go wrong? Well it did. Recession hit and he didn't have a clue how to deal with it. Handled Iraq well until it was time to get out. He said "You win Saddam, I can't find you." It was inevitable Clinton would win in '92.


Clinton was a good choice at the right time. Recession over, happy days were here again. Played pussy however when it came time to deal with terrorists. Lobbed a missile and gave it an "awww shucks" smile. Like Reagan, a benefactor of an up swing in the economy. Only president to leave office with a surplus in the budget.


Bush Jr......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a complete waste of 8 years. Other than the comedy fodder that is....


I believe that after a rocky first year, if he isn't assassinated, Obama will be like Reagan and Clinton. Beneficiary of an upswing. It is inevitable. I remember in the late 70's many thought life as we knew it was over. Gas lines, hostages, etc.....It's way too early to tell if what Obama wants to do will succeed or if he is a thinker or a puppet. Next year will tell.




unfortunately its difficult to form opinions of world leaders because the bills and laws that are passed are usually thought up by a whole cabinet of people, and the speechs are written by people hired to write the speechs.....infact at the end of the day, the president pretty much just says "yes" or "no" to the ideas that come his way...


with the exception of Bush Jr and Coolidge whom i whole heartedly believe were doofus's of the highest order


but when you think about it, a president is only as good as his cabinet

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and re-reading my previous post......Can: open, Worms: everywhere :lol:

Yeah, that was like reading a chapter in an Adrain Mole book! :lol: Seriously, hope it all works out. Enjoy the books - they don't bite back. Well, not most of them. Was the girl sexy? Did you happen to make a home video or did she give you some nude shots of herself or something? If so, just spread them around the school because that will... well, it'll solve nothing, but why not?


As for this thread getting off topic. Which prick did tha- oh... uh, yeah presidents. Damn I hate them! Grrrr, why can't we get another good one like... well, you know... that guy. The one everyone loved. There isn't one? Grrrr. I hate presidents.

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and re-reading my previous post......Can: open, Worms: everywhere :lol:

Yeah, that was like reading a chapter in an Adrain Mole book! :lol: Seriously, hope it all works out. Enjoy the books - they don't bite back. Well, not most of them. Was the girl sexy? Did you happen to make a home video or did she give you some nude shots of herself or something? If so, just spread them around the school because that will... well, it'll solve nothing, but why not?


As for this thread getting off topic. Which prick did tha- oh... uh, yeah presidents. Damn I hate them! Grrrr, why can't we get another good one like... well, you know... that guy. The one everyone loved. There isn't one? Grrrr. I hate presidents.


everyone loved ole Honest Abe :)


and nah, unfortunately no naked pics or anything -_- i got nothing on her...


and man, you're right! i should start reading the Adrian Mole books again, i feel more and more like him every day (i actually connected with him when i was 8 :lol: )


tbh we never got that far, we only dated twice but that was a big deal for me at the time, if you remember that thread i made back in July youll recall that i got both the girl and the band the same time, and lost both at the same time....and now both are biting back at the same time to the point that i wish i could go back and redo 2008 with hindsight :lol:


something i forgot to mention about the band is that they also stole photos that dad took without permission aswell as a couple of logos i did and used them on their myspace, and everytime i ask them to take them off they ignore me or, more recently, tell me to "fuck off idiot"......nice -_-


i wouldnt mind so much if there was a decent reason for it all, but the band is holding a grudge because i missed rehearsals and still played better than them (again, so as to not sound so arrogant, i am willing to back this up with those recordings i mentioned earlier :lol:) and the girl jsut has some weird ideas (she has plenty of friends but i feel like theres no substance to their social group because everyones acting differently to fit in)



but, there is a silver lining to all this, when the band kicked me out i signedup to Starnow which is an agency for musicians, models, actors etc....to find work, and through that i met a fellow musician my age who i have everything in common with and is now one of those 3 good friends i mentioned


after getting out there and trying all this stuff out ive decided i prefer having 3 friends that like me for who i am, that will stand by me, than to have 30 friends that i have to act differently when im around them to be accepted.....looking back, its made me that much wiser and i think it was good for me, i was depressed for the latter half of the year (i couldnt even get that excited leading up to chrstmas :s) but now its the new year im looking back and it was good that i got a taste of real life, even down to the fuckups and dissapointments.......i just hope i can overcome my reputation now and get some decent gigs :P

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SR86 -- you weren't even born when Reagan was in office and you were still fillin' yer diapers while Clinton was in there.


Just sayin'. :whistle:



thank you for saving me a rant keef. Backed.


aw come on, cut me some slack here....think about it, the stuff you guys know about Reagan and Clinton was printed in the papers right? which was then put in the history books, which i read


there is absolutely no reason that you guys should have more authority on the subject than me, facts are facts....i just learnt them 20 years later.....i fail to see what difference being around at the time makes...


you dont have to have been alive during a particular time to have an opinion of someone...


like i said earlier, most americans recognize that Lincoln was great and Coolidge was not, right? so why cant i decide that i dont like Reagan?


maybe someone will agree with me -_-



it is just one of the many pleasures of being on the planet for a certain amount of years...even I, WF, bow down to some peeps that have graced this earth longer than I. It is an aquired thing. nothing personal, just the way i see it. And i do have to give you a gold sticker for STUDY on histoy and on politics.

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