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Victorian Bushfires..


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170+ confirmed dead now. This is just insane.

And some towns that are compeltely guttered haven't even been searched yet.


And to think that the worst of the fires is said to be have started by an arsonist. It's impossible to understand the persons mentality.


They are saying that at least 4 of the fires were the result of arsonists and they have also said that one of the big fires had four ignition points along the stretch of a highway so this or these fuckwads have stopped four times over a certain distance and lit fires to ensure it was huge.......well the fuckin' arseholes have suceeded and killed many in doing so.


the last report i read pointed the finger at some part time firefighters 'having a laugh'......but im not sure of the accuracy of some of these reports.


either way, the act is unforgivable and if they do catch the guilty persons the punishment should be severe.

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170+ confirmed dead now. This is just insane.

And some towns that are compeltely guttered haven't even been searched yet.


And to think that the worst of the fires is said to be have started by an arsonist. It's impossible to understand the persons mentality.


They are saying that at least 4 of the fires were the result of arsonists and they have also said that one of the big fires had four ignition points along the stretch of a highway so this or these fuckwads have stopped four times over a certain distance and lit fires to ensure it was huge.......well the fuckin' arseholes have suceeded and killed many in doing so.


the last report i read pointed the finger at some part time firefighters 'having a laugh'......but im not sure of the accuracy of some of these reports.


either way, the act is unforgivable and if they do catch the guilty persons the punishment should be severe.



Anything less than life in prison for those scumbags would be a joke...

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An amazing picture here of a firefighter giving a Koala bear a drink.....normaly they would not go near a human....This brought a tear to the eye as well.




As sad as all this is, that's actually really cute. Poor animals...


Realistically, I agree that nothing short of life imprisonment would do, but in my perfect world these pricks would be burnt to death on a stake.

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there was also another Koala that walked into a house and sat in a bucket of water..


I've seen the pictures today of that one in an email sent to me today and it was in Sth Australia during that last heatwave they had....again, amazing pictures :tumbsup:

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i agree with Geoff's comments burn in hell you heartless fucks and burn slowly.



but don;t burn them to the point of death. Let them live scarred and in agony for the rest of their lives.


Think abouth the many people that jumped in their cars to escape and ended up not being able to see through the smoke and having head on collissions and smashing into trees/light posts and siting crushed in their cars with multiple internal injuries before the fires finally took them. I'm sorry to paint such a graphic picture but I would like the arsonists to understand the exact pain and suffering they caused for so many.


It seems every time Australia has severe bushfires their is a component of nature at work but also usually a component of deliberate arson. This wouldn't be the first time arsonists have claimed property and human lives, but never on this magnitude, of course.


Luckily Australians are good at working together and recovering from tough times.


If the arsonists aren't caught and sent to burn in hell, at least they will have to live with the self thought of being mass murderers and despised by every decent person in Australia and the rest of the world.

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I've seen the pictures in the news over the last few days. Absolutely horrendous ! Imagine all this agony being left with nothing ... I really hope they find these bastards.


I don't really pray, but my thoughts are with you Aussies.

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This is why these filthy pig fuckin' maggots are nuthin' but a bunch of c###'s... :2up::ahole: 's




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This is why these filthy pig fuckin' maggots are nuthin' but a bunch of c###'s... :2up::ahole: 's





How many times have we heard this over the years

"Regional Islamic Council vice-president Dr Ameer Ali said the comments did not represent the wider Muslim community. "

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This is why these filthy pig fuckin' maggots are nuthin' but a bunch of c###'s... :2up::ahole: 's




I hadn't seen that, but can only wish them a fiery, painful and prolonged slow death.

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  • 5 months later...
An amazing picture here of a firefighter giving a Koala bear a drink.....normaly they would not go near a human....This brought a tear to the eye as well.





Sad news that Sam the Koala Bear had to be put down today due to another unrelated illness :crying:


RIP Sammy the Koala......You are a bloody legend :bowdown:

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I saw that in the news... man I wish they hadn't reported that. Some things I'd just rather be blissfully unaware about. :(

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