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Things Ive learned today


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I learned that no matter how hard you work, you'll always be under appreciated. :hammer:

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I learned there are worse things than being stabbed in the abdomen with a rusty knife... like coming back to work after two brilliant weeks off.

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I learned today that I truly,truly want to live in Ramsay Street,principle setting for Australian soap,"Neighbours"


"But why would you want to leave the idyllic town stuck in the Dark Ages,that is Thetford,I hear you ask ??"


Well I'll tell you...


Firstly,if you say Thetford quickly enough,it sounds like "Stepford"."Not a bad thing",some MAY say,and it may not be,but I'd still be married to the one wife who cannot be "conditioned" Enough said!!!!!!!!


But after watching Neighbours,I want to be there,mainly due to a small list of reasons....


1.Beautiful Weather.

2.Everyone knows everyone..Even if they've only met for less than 30 seconds,you know their life story,their angst,their lives,loves...everything !!!

3.If you have personal trouble where you are living,you are free to live with anyone else on the street,also safe in the knowledge that someone,somewhere is making you a huge casserole for dinner.

4.M.S. is diagnosed in days,and support and care is forever there 24/7

5.It's a place where it's the law that all females are "top-totty"

6.Compulsive gambling is stopped suddenly when getting a job as a cabbie.

7.A place where,if you are wheelchair-bound,the love of a good woman can make you just stand up with no ill effects whatsoever.

It's a place where "alternative living,eating and drinking "is the norm.Camomile tea must be a best-seller.

8.It's a no-drinking enviroment,cos even in bars they only drink O J's.

9.No-one is ever broke,but on the off chance they are,just head to Ramsey Street,where you free board,a new wardrobe,a job anywhere etc etc

10.And lastly, and importantly to me..I am so infatuated with Elle Robinson,played by Pippa Black,,it's untrue :whistle::whistle::whistle:

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10.And lastly, and importantly to me..I am so infatuated with Elle Robinson,played by Pippa Black,,it's untrue :whistle::whistle::whistle:

Really? Of all that candy she's your fave? I like her well enough but find her a little skinny and dare I say, "featureless"? I'd still eat her, though. Is Jenae (sp?) still in it over there? She just left the other week and I wept as I will miss those breasts dearly. A new delicious little creature appeared last night - the sister of a guy who's with the pregnant girl.


What ever happened to the blonde teacher with the best rack on the planet? She was rooting Paul Robinson for a while too? She and her spectacular breasts seem to have disappeared without a trace. :( She was gorgeous.

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10.And lastly, and importantly to me..I am so infatuated with Elle Robinson,played by Pippa Black,,it's untrue :whistle::whistle::whistle:

Really? Of all that candy she's your fave? I like her well enough but find her a little skinny and dare I say, "featureless"? I'd still eat her, though. Is Jenae (sp?) still in it over there? She just left the other week and I wept as I will miss those breasts dearly. A new delicious little creature appeared last night - the sister of a guy who's with the pregnant girl.


What ever happened to the blonde teacher with the best rack on the planet? She was rooting Paul Robinson for a while too? She and her spectacular breasts seem to have disappeared without a trace. :( She was gorgeous.


Personally i find Elle a bitch.. and Jenae looked like a chick who belong in a caravan park...


now if you want a good sort from that show.... bring back BOUNCER!!

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10.And lastly, and importantly to me..I am so infatuated with Elle Robinson,played by Pippa Black,,it's untrue :whistle::whistle::whistle:

Really? Of all that candy she's your fave? I like her well enough but find her a little skinny and dare I say, "featureless"? I'd still eat her, though. Is Jenae (sp?) still in it over there? She just left the other week and I wept as I will miss those breasts dearly. A new delicious little creature appeared last night - the sister of a guy who's with the pregnant girl.


What ever happened to the blonde teacher with the best rack on the planet? She was rooting Paul Robinson for a while too? She and her spectacular breasts seem to have disappeared without a trace. :( She was gorgeous.


Personally i find Elle a bitch.. and Jenae looked like a chick who belong in a caravan park...


now if you want a good sort from that show.... bring back BOUNCER!!

Who the hell is bouncer?


Jenae may belong in a caravan park, but put me at the top of the list of dudes who wouldn't mind being trapped in a caravan with her for a few months. One of my most vivid TV memories of all time was some throwaway daily episode of 'Neighbours' where she was parading around her house in a black bikini. She has the kind of body that you'd set your face on fire just to devour.

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10.And lastly, and importantly to me..I am so infatuated with Elle Robinson,played by Pippa Black,,it's untrue :whistle::whistle::whistle:

Really? Of all that candy she's your fave? I like her well enough but find her a little skinny and dare I say, "featureless"? I'd still eat her, though. Is Jenae (sp?) still in it over there? She just left the other week and I wept as I will miss those breasts dearly. A new delicious little creature appeared last night - the sister of a guy who's with the pregnant girl.


What ever happened to the blonde teacher with the best rack on the planet? She was rooting Paul Robinson for a while too? She and her spectacular breasts seem to have disappeared without a trace. :( She was gorgeous.


Personally i find Elle a bitch.. and Jenae looked like a chick who belong in a caravan park...


now if you want a good sort from that show.... bring back BOUNCER!!

Who the hell is bouncer?


Jenae may belong in a caravan park, but put me at the top of the list of dudes who wouldn't mind being trapped in a caravan with her for a few months. One of my most vivid TV memories of all time was some throwaway daily episode of 'Neighbours' where she was parading around her house in a black bikini. She has the kind of body that you'd set your face on fire just to devour.


but if you set your face on fire.... it would start melting... then by the time you got to her your nose would be dripping off on to her feet...


Bouncer... = Neighbours. He is Neighbours.


Ive also had some of our local pommy gits here drooling over Madge at times..., and on some lonely days even reach out for Harold...

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10.And lastly, and importantly to me..I am so infatuated with Elle Robinson,played by Pippa Black,,it's untrue :whistle::whistle::whistle:

Really? Of all that candy she's your fave? I like her well enough but find her a little skinny and dare I say, "featureless"? I'd still eat her, though. Is Jenae (sp?) still in it over there? She just left the other week and I wept as I will miss those breasts dearly. A new delicious little creature appeared last night - the sister of a guy who's with the pregnant girl.


What ever happened to the blonde teacher with the best rack on the planet? She was rooting Paul Robinson for a while too? She and her spectacular breasts seem to have disappeared without a trace. :( She was gorgeous.


Personally i find Elle a bitch.. and Jenae looked like a chick who belong in a caravan park...


now if you want a good sort from that show.... bring back BOUNCER!!

Who the hell is bouncer?


Jenae may belong in a caravan park, but put me at the top of the list of dudes who wouldn't mind being trapped in a caravan with her for a few months. One of my most vivid TV memories of all time was some throwaway daily episode of 'Neighbours' where she was parading around her house in a black bikini. She has the kind of body that you'd set your face on fire just to devour.


but if you set your face on fire.... it would start melting... then by the time you got to her your nose would be dripping off on to her feet...

My nose would not make it to her feet as her delicious protruding breasts would stand in the way and those delightful mounds would be the final resting place for my melted nose.

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10.And lastly, and importantly to me..I am so infatuated with Elle Robinson,played by Pippa Black,,it's untrue :whistle::whistle::whistle:

Really? Of all that candy she's your fave? I like her well enough but find her a little skinny and dare I say, "featureless"? I'd still eat her, though. Is Jenae (sp?) still in it over there? She just left the other week and I wept as I will miss those breasts dearly. A new delicious little creature appeared last night - the sister of a guy who's with the pregnant girl.


What ever happened to the blonde teacher with the best rack on the planet? She was rooting Paul Robinson for a while too? She and her spectacular breasts seem to have disappeared without a trace. :( She was gorgeous.


Personally i find Elle a bitch.. and Jenae looked like a chick who belong in a caravan park...


now if you want a good sort from that show.... bring back BOUNCER!!

Who the hell is bouncer?


Jenae may belong in a caravan park, but put me at the top of the list of dudes who wouldn't mind being trapped in a caravan with her for a few months. One of my most vivid TV memories of all time was some throwaway daily episode of 'Neighbours' where she was parading around her house in a black bikini. She has the kind of body that you'd set your face on fire just to devour.


but if you set your face on fire.... it would start melting... then by the time you got to her your nose would be dripping off on to her feet...

My nose would not make it to her feet as her delicious protruding breasts would stand in the way and those delightful mounds would be the final resting place for my melted nose.

which would then give her soft caravan park skin 3rd degree burns.... in a word.... HOT

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've learnt today that Geoff has a very unhealthy obssession with all things Blanc Faces. ;)

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I've learnt today that Geoff has a very unhealthy obssession with all things Blanc Faces. ;)

As unhealthy as the dickhead's obsession with Cauterize?


Jeez I hate that guy.

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I've learnt today that Geoff has a very unhealthy obssession with all things Blanc Faces. ;)

As unhealthy as the dickhead's obsession with Cauterize?


Jeez I hate that guy.


Yeah he used to be fun. Marriage has changed him.

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I've learnt today that Geoff has a very unhealthy obssession with all things Blanc Faces. ;)

As unhealthy as the dickhead's obsession with Cauterize?


Jeez I hate that guy.


Yeah he used to be fun. Marriage has changed him.

Turned him into a table banger... :whistle:

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I've learnt today that Geoff has a very unhealthy obssession with all things Blanc Faces. ;)

As unhealthy as the dickhead's obsession with Cauterize?


Jeez I hate that guy.


Yeah he used to be fun. Marriage has changed him.

Turned him into a table banger... :whistle:


Geoff was fucking tables way before he got married. :whistle:

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I've learned that my new scanner kicks ass and you can see how kickass it is by checking out the quantity quality new photos I scanned with it and posted in my "Rocker Pics" thread.

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I learned that JustJason doesn't like post whores.

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I finally figured it out. Mondays are 32 hour days. There is a secret hour added to each hour between 9am-5pm. That's why the day takes so long!

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I've learned today that the new Asia CD Is the dogs bollocks!!

you expected something else.... :unsure:


I had High expectations and they were just about all met thankyou. ;)

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