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Bowling For Soup


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Is anyone here a fan on Bowling For Soup? Yeah, they do fall into that dreaded pop-punk formula, but at least they have a sense of humor, hooks and melodies galore, and catchy songs that stick in your head right after hearing them. Plus, they're fans of 80s hair bands, and not in some ironic way either (they name dropped danger danger in the song 99 biker friends).

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Are those the guys who did that song "1985?" Hilarious video, that one...

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Are those the guys who did that song "1985?" Hilarious video, that one...


Yep... they recorded 1985. Of course that was a COVER of a SR-71 song which appeared on the "Here We Go Again" release (a must have).


I think the only other Bowling For Soup tune I heard was another cover... Didn't they do a cover of Gilligan's Island. I'm sure somewhere I have a video of that on DVD.

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Dave, I have heard that cover too. They also do the Jimmy Neutron theme...


Great, great band. Very witty and harmonic. Butch Walker is/has been involved with theme. The cd %he Hangover You Don't Deserve is awesome! This cd features 1985...

My 6 year old daughter loves them!

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I hate them, but I tolerate them and like some of their music.


At first I agreed they were sort of funny, but I have all their CDs from 2000 onwards and the lyrics on every CD are interchangable and their sense of humour (like mine) has become old and tired. 'Drunk enough to dance' and 'The hangover you don't deserve' are admittedly great slabs of pop-punk and well worth getting, but for the sake of your enjoyment of the band I'd probably leave it at that. 'Goes to the movies' and 'Burrito extortion' are just annoyingly samey and I was never a huge fan of 'Let's do it for Johnny'. Never heard their first few albums, though I imagine they're all the same as the rest. :lol:

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  • 2 months later...

I was a fan, but I stress was. Not anymore. Not just Bowling For Soup, though, but all the pop-punk bands. I enjoyed 'em for a little while, but for me, that nu-breed sound wore out its welcome fairly quickly. Bowling For Soup, Lit, Yellowcard, London Calling, Good Charlotte, etc....they've all been jettisoned from my collection and I haven't missed them one iota.

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Yeah, I agree those bands lick balls, except for London Calling. You dismissed them too? I still think they're pretty cool. Though I haven't heard that CD for a long, long time.


Does your dislike for "pop-punk" include SR-71 and Hedley too? Just curious.

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I was a fan, but I stress was. Not anymore. Not just Bowling For Soup, though, but all the pop-punk bands. I enjoyed 'em for a little while, but for me, that nu-breed sound wore out its welcome fairly quickly. Bowling For Soup, Lit, Yellowcard, London Calling, Good Charlotte, etc....they've all been jettisoned from my collection and I haven't missed them one iota.


I pretty much agree, that stuff's all been totally done to death now. LIT were probably my fave of those listed (and "Over My Head" is still awesome), along with NEW FOUND GLORY, but I don't listen to that stuff anymore. Music's moved on, & that sound is great if youre in the mood, but doesn't have a whole load of longevity IMO.


I'd still recommend checking out PARAMORE's "Riot" as it's a real big fave of mine this year, still getting plenty of airtime at the home of Mr.&Mrs.Tim (2). The female-fronted angle makes it a bit different too.

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Yeah, I agree those bands lick balls, except for London Calling. You dismissed them too?


Does your dislike for "pop-punk" include SR-71 and Hedley too? Just curious.

I kept (burned) a couple songs from London Calling ("Supernatural Girl" and another one I can't recall right now), but I'm getting to the point where I only want top-notch CDs in my collection, not just a bunch of "it's-OK-so-I'll-keep-it" crap sitting on my shelves gathering dust. Nothing particularly wrong with London Calling, but if I want to hear Jamie Rowe sing, I'll pull out Guardian or Adriangale, not his nubreed/pop-punk side project.


I do still have SR-71 and Hedley, but to me they have a little more of a rock edge than the typical pop-punk formula, so I've allowed them to stay around. Who knows how long the stay of execution will be though...

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Yeah, I agree those bands lick balls, except for London Calling. You dismissed them too?


Does your dislike for "pop-punk" include SR-71 and Hedley too? Just curious.

I kept (burned) a couple songs from London Calling ("Supernatural Girl" and another one I can't recall right now), but I'm getting to the point where I only want top-notch CDs in my collection, not just a bunch of "it's-OK-so-I'll-keep-it" crap sitting on my shelves gathering dust. Nothing particularly wrong with London Calling, but if I want to hear Jamie Rowe sing, I'll pull out Guardian or Adriangale, not his nubreed/pop-punk side project.


I do still have SR-71 and Hedley, but to me they have a little more of a rock edge than the typical pop-punk formula, so I've allowed them to stay around. Who knows how long the stay of execution will be though...

Yeah, I agree and definitely don't lump SR-71 and Hedley (or Donots) with the whole "pop-punk" scene, but I do think those bands generally are labelled as such. Glad to see they're still there. :)

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  • 2 years later...

Well dudes, after we all agreed that BFS totally suck nowadays I was resistant to give the new album a go (and didn't even know they had one till yesterday), but I have to say, they might just have released one of their best (and funniest) albums to date. The new CD is called 'Sorry for partyin' and it's just been released. There's a sample or two of the new stuff on myspace:




Check out the cover to their new single (which is a good, humerous song) :lol: :



The track list is as follows but there are a banquet of bonus tracks out there for this one, which I wouldn't mind hearing:


1.A Really Cool Dance Song

2.No Hablo Ingles

3.My Wena

4.Only Young

5.I Don't Wish You Were Dead Anymore


7.Me With No You

8.Hooray For Beer

9.America (Wake Up Amy)

10.If Only

11.I Gotchoo

12.Love Goes Boom

13.I Can't Stand LA

14.Belgium Polka


The first 4 songs are all very good, all pretty amusing too. I actually really like 'A Really Cool Dance Song'. I must admit they do get lazy and fade of towards the end with a few fillers, but there's enough good tracks here to give this a go if you were ever a fan.

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I'm not big on BFS, but they are one of my favs in the kid/nerd rock category. I love OHIO- COME BACK TO TEXAS! I also like a lot of the group FOUNTAINS OF WAYNE

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Just listening to the new album now, and I love it!


Maybe this is just the UK release or something, but I also have the following tracks:

15 I just want to be loved

16 Walk of shame

17 Amateur night

18 I gotchoo (Other version)



I dont think these guy have ever sucked, btw.

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Just listening to the new album now, and I love it!


Maybe this is just the UK release or something, but I also have the following tracks:

15 I just want to be loved

16 Walk of shame

17 Amateur night

18 I gotchoo (Other version)



I dont think these guy have ever sucked, btw.

Yep, they're the UK bonus tracks. I noted the US ones. How are these three:


15 I just want to be loved

16 Walk of shame

17 Amateur night


And I should explain my "sucked" comment. I honestly never hated them or anything, but I did think the last two albums were very weak, rushed, samey and tiring. They seemed to have lost their flair. The two albums before those were great, and I was just disappointed and kind of lost interest in the band. This CD is much better and completely on par with their best work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cool, I'll have to try and DL them somewhere.


Doods, I really dig this CD. I will never understand why this band insists on putting horseshit like 'Hooray For Beer', 'I Gotchoo', 'I Can't Stand LA' and ''Belgium Polka' on their CDs - is it just to make up numbers?


But as I said above, the first 4 songs are killer and 'Me With No You' is possibly their best ballad to date. There are still a couple of fillers aside from those noted above, but there are about 8 really cool songs. Still not on a playing field with SR-71 or anything, but this is the closest sounding album to SR-71 from these guys yet.

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See those songs you dislike or think are filler, are ones I really like.

The Belgium track, is an ongoing joke that fans love.


I think though my fave songs on here are A really cool dance song & BFFF.

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  • 1 year later...

Picked up the new album this week (Fishin for woos) and felt slightly underwhelmed by it.

The band said that they were going back to their older sound (I personally didnt think they had ever changed), and to be frank, its no different to most of their releases except its nowhere near as immediate.

Like some of the last few albums, theres a serious song or two, which includes a ballad.

The humour is still present, but seems somewhat muted. Heres your freakin song is probably the stand out track for me.


I also like the ballad, Turbulence, but was familiar with it as I first heard it a few weeks ago at a BFS acoustic show I went to.

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The band said that they were going back to their older sound (I personally didnt think they had ever changed), and to be frank, its no different to most of their releases except its nowhere near as immediate.

Like some of the last few albums, theres a serious song or two, which includes a ballad.

The humour is still present, but seems somewhat muted. Heres your freakin song is probably the stand out track for me.


I also like the ballad, Turbulence, but was familiar with it as I first heard it a few weeks ago at a BFS acoustic show I went to.

Haha. Backed. Yeah, if they ever changed their sound I certainly must have missed that. :lol:


I have seen this and it's on my radar. Will buy it soon, but not in a huge hurry. They seem to have kept a pretty tight grip on it's availability for illegal download, so good on them. Both these guys and Silverstein seem to have made it pretty hard to illegally obtain their new tunes. :lol: Bought the new Silverstein CD blindly, and will do so for BFS too when I see it for a good price. :)

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Main reason that I bought it so quickly is that Amazon were doing it for £8, which wasnt bad, and that they were still fresh in my mind seeing as I saw Jaret and Erik do another acoustic show a few weeks ago.

I was pretty disappointed initially I must admit, but after listening to it again it does improve. Just think that maybe I would have been better getting the Sixx AM CD as thats been getting rave reviews by all and sundry.

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And once again we see another reason why people illegally download shit.

If you buy the physical CD you get 12 tracks. If you download the album on iTunes in the USA you get an extra song called Dear Megan Fox. If you download it on iTunes in the UK you get a different bonus track called My girlfriends and alcoholic. Both of these songs are not available individually and you have to download the whole album to get them.

The more they push people to download albums rather than buy a physical copy, you up the chances of the album being shared online, especially when it includes tracks you cant get on CD.

It wouldnt be so bad if you have bought the CD and were allowed to download the songs on their own, but by forcing people to buy the album again is just disgusting and anyone who uploads or downloads it illegally in my opinion, is doing fuck all wrong. Add to the fact that it limits you regionally as well, so the US version is not downloadable outside the US etc, really just makes it worse.

At least with regional bonus tracks on CDs, you can import them if you really want to buy them.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, turns out this new actually really sounds quite good on first spin. The first few songs - like always with these guys - are all very good. I was waiting for the album to collapse - like it sometimes does with these guys - and I haven't got to the absolute end yet, but so far it's pretty damn consistently good. Man they really do have a good ear for a hook, and there's a few amusing songs here, namely 'Here's your freakin' song.'


One amusing thing I found on the CD was the 'Girls in America' song (which is really good) where they drop into a second verse where it sounds like they are going to start naming all the other countries in the world and why the girls there are so ugly compared to US girls, but it's the shortest verse in the world with a quick shout out to England (:lol:) and Japan. Pointless thing I picked up, but it amused me. Overall, really good disc from these guys and maybe they're slowly working their way back into my good books.

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Well, on completion of the album, I must say this is one of their best. Certainly their most consistent, along with 'The hangover you don't deserve.' What is good about this one is there are none of those really stupid songs they usually throw on their CDs at least once. This one's good right up to the last song. One of my favourites actually came in around the end - 'I've never done anything before.'


Yeah, good effort to the BFS chaps. Nice one.

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