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Beware, Ebay

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If people are receiving their CDs like "RoughRider" (aka sspert.hotmail.com trying to do some damage control), then why don't we see anyone else posting positives on this sellers account? We all know why negatives aren't being posted (fear of retalliation), but why then are there no positives? Several bidders are clearly in Canada, and they haven't even posted positive feedback. This is now two weeks after the auctions ended. The explanation given on this board has been that PJ has somehow stopped everyone from giving this person positives so that PJ can better bargain a buy-out. What kind of stupid silly hogwash BS is that?

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He said 10-14 days for overseas shipment. But, In her own country? It will be a week or so....Nobody leave positive feedbacks two weeks after the auction ends. This is really strange.

Do your claims. This is the only way to clarify this. I say CLARIFY, not FUCK OFF sspert.. I only want my Cd´s (ORIGINALS) or my money back.


Also. The Threatening emails go on. Here is the last one.


You are not allowed to make false complaints when you haven't

received your package. If there is a problem you are to contact

seller after you receive it. You have been caught trying to defraud

paypal and now you go down. I am contacting ebay today so they can

also take action against you.


If I can´t make a complain when I haven´t receive the package ...When am I supposse to be allowed to make the claim? In two moths, or maybe two years......

And also if you contact the seller but there´s no response what do you have to do? Sit down and wait. No man.


Cmon, this is ridiculous!

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Look, I think everyone's who's dealing with this sspert person needs to NOT WORRY about negative feedback,get together, and go after him/her......in the end, if he/she goes to leaving a bunch of retalitory feedback, all you gotta do is offer proof to eBay that the seller has broken eBay's Terms of Service (TOS), which selling bootleg CDs is DEFINTELY violating the TOS,and you CAN get their feedbacks removed from your profile(I've actually pulled this off twice in recent years). I think the main issue right now, is... is there someone out there who's actually paid for their auctions that they won, and gotten a CD-R/bootleg instead of the proper merchandise? Until someone actually has the "fake" merchandise in their hands, it's gonna be tough to prove/do anything,because, as far as eBay is concerned, it boils down to the fact that you haven't paid for the auctions you've won. Think of it this way....sspert may indeed intend to sell a bunch of CD-Rs/Bootlegs to people, but he/she may indeed own the real discs when it comes down to it.....catch 22 there....gonna be interesting to see how this all pans out. Hope eveyone here comes out ok!


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Listen to 'hardrockingcollector'....do NOT succumb to this dumbasses threats. I've received a nonpaying bidder notice from eBay and could care less.


PJ....the smoke smell you said permeated the air gave Kat away. I received some cdrs from her about a year and a half ago that reeked of cigarette smoke!!! lol Hey...also, I actually talked to Kat on the phone back then too. Did the 'delivery girl' *lol* have a gravelly type voice?? You know....when someone smokes too much type of thing? I remember her voice was like that......hell, I remember asking her how old she was because her voice sounded like she was about 50......


Roughrider........I like Anamal's question. Which cds DID you win!!??



Whiplash...you're right. But I KNOW for a fact that a majority of those cds are bootlegs. MANY were NEVER issued on cd. It's been stated about a billion times in this topic. Now, whether or not someone actually received them is another story altogether and I'm sure most do not want to test the seller to determine if the others are or not.

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Private!! This is incredible. This is not Buyer protection!!


I checked it out a while ago and it wasn´t private. Now it´s clear. He is lying.

Only our claims can stop this thief.


I will wait one more day. If my money is not back or if I don´t receive the Cd´s....Negative feedback.

there is a lot of people who bidded but don´t see this threat. This is the only way to notice them.

If they don´t see negatives they´ll pay him.


His actual rate is 90.9%. Let´s see.....

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Hey, I'm nobody, but IMHO the fact that her/his negative feedback also show his/her own feedback history is private kinda gives you the idea she/he's not really on the level...


Been following the thread 'cause...


A. I'm nosy as all hell


B. I also buy stuff from time to time and I hate to get ripped off.


Best of luck to ya.



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She has also left me negative feedback. I retaliated with a negative for her. The good thing about the feedback is that I responded to her negative for me by telling everyone that the sspert is selling cdrs and bootlegs. Once the people who check the feedback see that then they'll see that sspert is a fraud and ignore the negative.


But that's the least of sspert's worries.....

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Let´s fuck off this scammer!!!!


Ebay will suspend the account.


Relate to this forums in your negatives responses as I did.


I wrote this: THE TRUTH:www.forums.heavyharmonies.com/-->buy/sell-->"Beware Ebay" me:DARE


(You can´t include a link on a response so put only www. )


USER ID: hondalegendcoupe


Also I´m receiving emails from other co-bidders asking if i had receive any item..... he doesn´t send anything.....

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Well, i too, was there bidding - not like crazy because of the feedback - lets face it, a "6" or whatever it was feedback rating doesn't exactly make you confortable to shell out the big bucks on cds we all know are hard to come by - so i ended up not getting anything - funnily enough - about 3/4 days later i too got a second chance offer on something i had "lost", of course - after seeing the first posts on this subject i declined it.


In conclusion - its really a pity that even here, in this "small" business there are so many rip-off artists ... I was ripped off once and ever since i've kept my eyes open - and believe me - sometimes its better to buy a cd from a seller like PJ, Taki, Delbert and pay a slightly higher price than to get the "deal of the century" and end up in this.

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Hey JLPRocks, I sent an email to ebay reporting this previously suspended ebay user but ran into a problem because that user always uses their ajrocks account and not the rocku4ever or steve.spriggs account when sending me my nasty-grams. You said that you received email acknowledging the auctions from rocku4ever. You should forward it to safeharbor at this address:




This will have the effect (allegedly) of re-suspending sspert.hotmail.com. ie. Rocku4ever.

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Hardrockingcollector....you might have misunderstood my comments. When I questioned the seller regarding the auction, Steve Sp responded at the ajrocks account. When I mentioned Kelli Snow's name on this message board she emailed me and said *in a lie* that it was PJ's cousin, Steve and somehow miraculously he had used her email addy *the rocku4ever one*.


And since PJ has since discounted that notion and we've further indicated that in fact it is her, she gave ME a negative feedback. The funny thing is that I've never questioned my win via email with sspert and strangely enough have already received a negative!! LOL Obviously, because I 'outed' Kelli and her scheme to screw people out of their money. Otherwise, the seller would have never have known that I was not going to pay.


A trip to London, Ontario is not always out of the question.....and people are definitely not that hard to find if one has the proper means. With PJ living there, I'm sure he's already done the sleuthing to uncover more information regarding the mysterious 'seller'......and possibly their whereabouts.....

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I am sadened to read all this stuff, I can't believe this is happening and especially, has gone this far. Ebay stipulates no bootlegs but everyday there are sellers listing them. With the few elite collectors on this board one can't help but ponder that upon seeing the specific cd titles on sale from ss.pert that was never pressd on cd, why was'nt the appropriate action taken in contacting e bay and advising of the listings on ss.pert's auction. Please dont anyone take this personally but some one should have done something. I didn't bid on ssperts auction so perhaps it is not my place to comment but I do know how it feels to pay for a cd thinking your are getting the actual silver pressed cd that came out back in the day and only to get a cdr with the seller stating that was the cdr obtained from lead singer of the band and the the title I purchased was never pressed on cd. Words can not possibly describe the feelings I went through that day.






Sometimes I think maybe its my fault for not being educated enough on matters concerning collectors of aor , melodic rock , glam , sleaze and that I deserved what I got. The good side of this is that this cdr was part of a huge order, over $1000 usd, (I am in Australia and I had to work hard for that money as anyone can see $1000 USD is not $1000 AUD, its much much more) and that the rest of the order are silver pressed cds. Also I didn't not get what I asked for, I also got a bunch of cds I didn't request on that order and they were replaced with something I'd purchase on my next order and were of lesser value.


For those wanting to know the cdr I am speaking of, it is thrustt - call the boyz out ( my trust broken, call my mates in the country the seller resides and get them to kick this guys butt.. mmmm :hammer: mmm nah). Over the years I've come accross a few collectors claiming to own the silver pressed cd ( being scarce as it is, it was never on the table as trade ) of the title however most collectors state the title was never pressed on cd.


Has anyone actually seen or know or known anyone who has or had a silver pressed cd of the thrustt - call the boyz out please e mail me , melodicrockoz@yahoo.com


Incidently the seller of the cdr to my knowledge was on great terms with the woman behind the ss.pert@hotmail.com kelly snow, infact going back 18 months and reading their posts on a certain major music website, one would assume they were enjoying one of life's greatest pleasures, a romantic courtship. I wonder if this gentleman who sold me the cdr advised kelly what he did to me thus making her to try and scam everyone else through ebay. Certainly a thought to ponder upon and something we may never know the real answer to.


I do hope all who gets negative feedback implemented by ss.pert@hotmail.com on ebay has it removed and get your monies refunded in full if payment was made. Lets hope we don't come accross another ss.pert@hotmail.com on e bay and any other auction site. I will leave this at this point.




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I am still waiting for RoughRider to answer anamal's question, WHAT CD'S DID YOU WIN? as soon as you tell us we can look them up and see if you are full of shit! you seem to be defending this person everytime you post.

I wonder why? lol actually I know why..... sspert, is that you???


To everyone dealing with this person, leave them as much negative feedback as you can, report them to ebay, and paypal if used. everything else will take care of itself.

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First one received today:

SUBJECT: My offer.


I will refund you if you do NOT open the package that was sent to

you. I EXPECT it back unopened. You will need to withdraw your

complaint because it is still under investigation and I cannot

refund you until that is cleared. If you are not refunded

immediately then you can just add the claim again. I am Trusting

that my cds will be returned unopened.


I said ok. I´ll ship the package back ( if it really comes) unopened BUT if he refunds me my money first.


sspert.hotmail.com / rocku4ever answer:


I changed my mind and don't make deals with people who make FALSE



He is getting nervous and doesn´t know how to scape from our claims (A lot of people is claiming). This guy has a childlike behavior.


Ebay and Paypal must kick off these swindlers to protect us all.



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Add me to the list of people taken by this scam artist. He has refused to give me a tracking number from day one (his excuse is that he has so many different ones, by the time he found mine the "package" will have arrived). I've already filed a fraud complaint with paypal, & my next step is to contact my bank. After I last emailed him to let him know that I was aware of the scam & that I expected a full refund, he only replied to say that "there must be some confusion & to give him my address so he could track my package". Has anyone received there cd's yet from this scum & were they all CDR's as has been reported here?

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Remember, this seller is a woman not a man. Stick to your guns and the rest will take care of itself.

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JLPRocks...what specifically do you mean my "Stick to your guns and the rest will take care of itself"? I've already contacted paypal...is there anything else I can do? Also, has anybody out there gotten a refund yet (through paypal or from sspert...)?

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Surely, with paypal being slammed with fraud complaints from several different people, everyone will get their money back. It sure would be nice if someone who has a good contact at ebay (like PJ) would use his status as an honest & reliable ebayer to help things along.


Has anyone else gotten any emails similar to DARE, asking them to return the packages "unopened"...it seems to me that this is just more proof that everyone's suspicions are correct.


If anyone has any new information regarding this situation, please let the rest of us know!

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Well, I'm happy to say that I usually stick to the main cd sellers on eBay such as MetalMayhem, angar68, PJ, theharlings_aor-mhr-metal_cds, musicfromargentina, hottracksimportcds, friendlyranger, and a few others. I don't care what the cd is, if they have little to no feedback, I just don't bid. If they have negative or excessive negatives, especially from well known people, I sre as hell won't bid.


All I can say is that I've had a few complaints with people on eBay in the past as well as myaccount being hijacked and eBay is slow as hell about responding. I reported www_shreddvd_com for selling DVD-R's of concerts such as Harem Scarem Live At The Gods as well as others and he's still selling on eBay. Many other people have reported him as well and still he continues selling. So to make it short, eBay is either slow or they just don't care sometimes.


I wish you all the best and I hope you nail ss.pert to the wall. If it is really Purrfect-Kat, I knew she had a few loose screws back when she used to post here all the time. I've seen her post many times on other boards and she really likes to start shit with people.


I had to send her some cd's a while back. I'll see if I still have her address and I'll send it to PJ and maybe he can pay her a visit to see if it's the same "delivery" girl.

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