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Everything posted by PeterS

  1. Ohh. Didn't spot they had a new one out. Usually entertaining stuff.
  2. It's not dreadful but some of the songs do sound somewhat like muffled operation mindcrime. Maybe an accident, maybe not. Certainly nothing as good but it's probably the best thing he's been involved with for 10 or 20 year.
  3. I suspect you're right. I've been trying to sell CDs on Ebay and basically they have 0 value. Even stuff I thought was rarer.
  4. Nothing that's really kept me amused enough for weeks of playing repeatedly but really enjoyed the D.A.D. , Whitesnake, Devicious , Wake The Nations , Avril lavinge and First Signal. Also enjoyable Scorpion v Tarantula, John Diva. Some super disappointments. Tora Tora, Jetboy to name a couple.
  5. Really enjoying this album. In the realm of the black rose my favorite song so far but some other really good stuff on here.
  6. Something of a return to form this one. Jesper Binzer's recent solo album was the best thing he's put out in ages and this may well be as good. Listened a few times and it's good old fashion simple D.A.D. Good riffs, Jespers on good form and some entertaining lyrics.
  7. Very good. Enjoying this a lot. Tonight We are the only grabbed my attention but some other mighty fine songs on here.
  8. Missed this one coming out and loved their previous stuff. Downloading now.
  9. Don't see what the fuss is about. It's a pretty poor year so it seems quite good but this is pretty average generic stuff with a couple of highlights.
  10. Mine too now. Lord Coverdale back on form. A fitting end to the snake. He should hang his snake up now.
  11. I've listened a few times and don't remember a single song. It's just got nothing that pulls you in despite not having anything terrible on it.
  12. I was just thinking about the Bang Gang album this week and notice you've got that. For me one of the absolute best albums of the genre.
  13. If I’d been told this was a second Coverdale/ Page album I’d probably have beloved it . Best thing he’s done since then .
  14. So after the first listen, not too bad at all. Will be giving this a good go. It's well known his voice is not what it was. Lord Coversale's 67 though. No huge surprise. There seems to be a fair amount of electronic jiggery pokery going on to help him but even that's not always covering up some of the problems. Respect for putting out a strong record at that age.
  15. Last one was a little disappointing. Let's hope for a return to form.
  16. I like it. But I've never listened to her stuff before.
  17. It's like a LAD album. Some good songs, some that pass you by and 'Alice in Wonderland' which makes you reach for the next button. Not his strongest output but has some moments.
  18. Welcome Joel. Glad to hear you should be putting some new stuff out.
  19. Same procedure every year. End of the first quarter always seems fair enough. That said, there's not a right lot good out there yet.
  20. Jakob Rees-Mogg. What an incredibly vile human being.
  21. James Cordon. Super annoying human being. You can keep him.
  22. Geoff doesn't like less that amazing production. Turns out the Pope is Catholic. Clearly they're trying to get that 'early' raw sound and after the first couple of spins I'd say they've managed it pretty well.
  23. Might be something to do with coming from near Sheffield but good lord this Def Leppard film is painful.
  24. Yep, it was a shock. Not the Tesla we know. But then I listened more and I do really like it. Worth sticking with. Curious what a Leppard fan who'd not really listened to Tesla would think.
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