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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. VERY tasty KIX-ish rock n roll from this Boston rock n roll outfit! https://www.facebook.com/BadMarriageBand/ https://www.badmarriagemusic.com/
  2. Second song is not allowed in "my country". The first tune is nice however.
  3. Not necessarily a "cover" song but I LOVE this new band Saints of Sin and the co-lead guitarist Sophie is a beast. On the guitar that is otherwise the opposite...
  4. I saw that and assumed, hence the post.
  5. I've had a semi for these lads for a while now. Really talented with some excellent tunage.
  6. I'd take it off his hands for $100. Only "value" is in the CD's as the other stuff is worthless. These days anyone can get a webpage and find a band or two to press some cd's. If there was some mega vault of demo's or masters then I might go $150...
  7. Songs not bad. Sounds strikingly like a rocking Shania Twain. Lee/Shania both highly appealing aesthetically.
  8. Atomic Blonde ~ Quite solid spy movie with everyone's favorite chameleon Charlize Theron. James McEvoy and John Goodman put in solid performances. Movie has 10 pounds of action stuffed into a 2 pound sack. I can't imagine a sequel NOT happening.
  9. The last film is amazing and the second movie was pretty damn good too. Ignore your brother and see them. The Shape of Water ~ I see why it one a gaggle of academy awards. Nice film with some excellent cinematography and very solid acting. Justice League ~ I like these way more than the Avengers stuff. Daddy's Home 2 ~ Oh my how Mel G and John L have sunk. The film is fine for what it is. If the first installment created a chuckle or 2 so will this one.
  10. Nice. Guess I should get on the payroll over at Frontiers as they seem to sign all the bands I post here at HH...
  11. So I will go first and say that is the best Dokken track since Dream Warriors and George is better than ever if that is possible and Don even manages a medium high note or two. Well done.
  12. For my daughters birthday we saw the 3rd installment in the excellent Maze Runner trilogy. And yes it was a very good movie. Geostorm. Oh no. Very silly and unnecessary film. Samey to Armageddon without anyone dying.
  13. Colossal = steaming pile of pretentious shit. Avoid like the aforementioned pile of shit.
  14. Happy Death Day = Excellent. Yea I know its only a PG13 "scary movie" but be damned if the plot isn't supreme and the acting is quite good. Written and directed by Christopher B Landon (Yep Michael Landon's son!) who brought us the excellent Scouts Guide To The Zombie Apocalypse. Not to give away toooo much the premise is a smart one, think Groundhogs Day meets I Know What You Did Last Summer or Scream. And the lead actress Jessica Rothe = hubba hubba ding ding!
  15. Thanks for all the kind words and kudo's everyone! Yes it is a heck of thing and we are riding the current wave of "fandom". Evan had to get an Instagram and his Youtube video and Instagram are all a buzz with accolades and new yo yo friends, peers and admirers. As for what is next, we are looking at some more "local" competitions (Northern California, Idaho and Arizona) in the junior and novice brackets to further hone the craft. After that he would move into plain ole' 1a competitions where the play is nuts. He is well on his way and if all goes well he will be competing in 1a next year and who knows, maybe a National or even a Worlds competition??? All up to him as it is his thing, we are just a conduit to his goals. Thanks again everyone and watch that video, comment and share around!
  16. The series was excellent as was this movie installment. Sure it ain't Gone With The Wind, but if you like comedies that are 2,000% irrelevant and triple that % being the opposite of PC than go for it you will NOT be disappointed. If you haven't done so go watch all 3 seasons of the TV show too as it is/was epic!
  17. Those are an eclectic mix of tunes that sound nothing like the Bulletboys of 1988 that were a VH replica band. First and last song sound like Buckcherry and the middle one sounds like a Meices tune. As mentioned and I will disagree but not shithouse but not what you would want from your BB.
  18. That In My Dreams clip sounds very good. Sure the highs aren't there vocally but at least Don didn't go all lounge lizard on it and of course the band is as tight as ever. For being almost 30 years after the heyday it is excellent.
  19. So as some may recall my son Evan has decided that yo yo'ing is his passion and has been obsessed with it for the last 18 months. Last year we made a trek to Seattle to after 3 months of yo'ing to attend the 2017 PNWR were Evan placed 10th in the novice 1a division. Fast forward one year and countless hours yo'ing and the magnificent little bugger places first with authority! He scored a 92.3 and the 2nd place kid was at 69.3. Crazy to watch how much he has grown and how far he has progressed! Enjoy and share around!
  20. I do love me some Station. Still need to get the latest might need a 2'fer...
  21. Snow days and some binge watching of nothing earth shattering. My Little Pony The Movie ~ Kids loved this new installment in the pony franchise and I agreed for what it is it was well done. Fate of the Furious ~ These movies are sooooo over the top anymore amazing how they have morphed from the barrio street thugs and their antics in street racing to highly trained and elite secret squirrel spy hunter types. That said still some above average fodder with a budget that could sustain all of us and our kids for ever. A Bad Mom's Christmas ~ "NUff said. Girls behaving badly, Catherine Hahn is a stone cold fox and is certainly worthy of your attentions. Cottage Country ~ This one was a lot of fun and certainly well off everyone's radar. Malin Akerman is gorgeous and Tyler Labine is a solid actor, you will remember him from Tucker and Dale VS Evil.
  22. This is some supremely tasty metal. Debut EP just released October 2017. https://www.facebook.com/letuspreyband https://www.letuspreyband.com/
  23. Bummer and I did hear/read some things with regards to this promoter. I wish I could see Junkyard one day though!
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