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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Yes I still have it and I think I found the 2nd cassette someone else mentioned earlier. As for parting with it, well that is another story...
  2. Just kudos for the effort of compiling all the stuff like that, as mentioned very cool for us who geek out on this level of effort and I am not that familiar with the band but the songs sound just fine by me!
  3. Very nifty indeed and the name is synonymous around our house for those massive Ford F350's with 40" wheels that have NEVER seen a mud puddle or dirt... https://www.facebook.com/PavementPrincessRock/ http://www.pavementprincess.nl/ Of note the second link can take you to a dropbox link for those that want to download the album for the cost of nothing.
  4. That is absolutely killer! And so is this! And this! https://www.facebook.com/turbvix/ Thanks for the heads up on this big guy!
  5. Laughed so hard I thought I'd die! Some of those were downright sloppy... For those not into linking out:
  6. I am also a May of '04 member. Hard to imagine its been over 14 years and that doesn't include the couple years trolling the archives without being on the forum. So yes old skool indeed...
  7. I think more amazing than the ELI CD selling for $1500 and someone paying or potentially paying that is that DAVE is around again! Have not seen him in ages. Hi Dave!
  8. This/these threads are why we came and stayed. Those unheard of gems and the endless banter and braggarting! Rare is a subjective term and one that sometimes has an Ebay $$$ amount attached. I'd say for me the "rarest" CD I own is of the unreleased Top Heavy Crush album. Recorded at Ardent Studios, the engineer made 5 pro-printed CDR's for the band on the spot from the masters which are long gone. I got mine from the guitarist Jim Paulson (some may know him from New American Shame, The Lemons, Point Defiance, Talks Cheap, Tramp Alley, et al). The album is very nice indeed and would have been well received if handled properly. Not alot of videos and clips out there but here are 2 live tracks of the rockier numbers and a rare studio track from the aforementioned LP. ENJOY!
  9. My sentiments as well. Spoke with the singer and guitarist a few times got both the CD's and as mentioned they are very likable, cordial and quite obviously talented.
  10. And how was the VIP box treatment? What is the line up for Extreme? Is the original 4?
  11. As with everything from the Lipz camp I am smitten with the Get It On track. These kids are as cool as can be. I can't wait to get a copy, maybe they will send me one... One thing that saddens me is the lack of bass player in the vid. Sure they may be in between but have the singer grab a bass vs the guitar and the continuity is restored, all is right with the world...
  12. Sounds fine to me and his playing is good. Reminds me of Josh Zee from Prot!en which is a mega compliment.
  13. Sigh. This one is better than My Midnight Things, it is reminiscent of Me Against The World done by Wednesday 13 without the solo and half the oomph. I have the whole album and will spin shortly and hope for something with more staying power.
  14. Post tracker says by Monday, so now spins for another few days...
  15. Yes this one will be excellent as was the first album Wintersleep that is getting combo'd with the new release. Daniel is a hell of a guitarist + and there should be noone that shouldn't like this stuff. More info from my SR post with band links: https://sleazeroxx.com/big-citys-new-album-big-city-life-wintersleep-double-cd-coming-june-22nd/
  16. Still waiting. but Stormy is a busy guy and he is certainly making the wait worth it. Still listening to Tornado of Blood and it is great imho.
  17. Binged Season 3 of Ballers. If your not familiar it is fucking brilliant. For fans of Marky Marks other mega awesome HBO series Entourage except this one is all about the underbelly of the NFL. The Rock is right at home along the mega snarky Rob Corduroy. This one like entourage has 2 slews of cameos and guest stars from real deal HOF footballers to A list actors hamming it up.
  18. Was binging on Lizzy Borden and stumbled upon this "cover"...
  19. Time to geek out on "the" ultimate franchise in all of moviedom. Off to binge on the holy trilogy...
  20. Downsizing = meh. Was looking for something more and didn't find it. Excellent premise with a flat script. Looking froward to the remake in 15 years...
  21. OMG. How to state the obvious without immediately offense... uhm... Firstly there are MANY IE ALL early LB albums that are "essential" if not critical. Give "'Em The Ax", "Murderous Metal Roadshow", "Love You To Pieces" are the backbone to LB. Hell we can even slip in the Terror Rising EP with the reboots and the classic "duet" with Betsy Bitch "Don't Touch Me There". As mentioned Menace to Society is also crucial LB. Master and Visual Lies are excellent but when compared to the early works are missing the rawness.
  22. I stated elsewhere that I hope this is the throw away tune and the rest of the album is Give "em The Ax part II. I'd settle for Visual Lies part II. I am a staunch LB supporter and fan so my optimism is optimistic yet after the initial track also apprehensive...
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