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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. I am certain all will dis this but I am a WS fanboy so even though Kory's voice is shot the tunes are still listenable and that Up The Dose could easily be Krokus song. I'm in. But will still spin Drugs God or Last Decade daily...
  2. WOW! When we talk about consistent bands Death Angel certainly is one of the best. Both of those songs are real real killer!
  3. Can't fathom anything listenable coming from this. Haven't paid any attention to Maiden in 20 years. Now if the new album magically has DiAnno singing then color me interested in at least hearing a snipet.
  4. Yea I didn't mind this band I am certain I listened to these before but didn't bother a post as its not everyone's favorite standard Crazy Lixx or Nitrate or whatever the current flavor of the weak is. Dirty Honey is a solid band and the singer is a wambo combo of Jack Russel and Chris Robinson. This live stuff is tasty.
  5. Thanks for the thorough insight Dan and at least the track list shows a few bonus tracks as well for those that may have some or all of the releases.
  6. Upon further searching and an email or 2 not only is Carmine the producer but he is these kids manager. Anywho, promising young band and can't wait to hear more.
  7. Well here is a tasty lil thrash number from what I understand is the first release from a band that has been mucking about since the late 80's! And this release is what they have up til now. CD comes out next week so it says. https://www.facebook.com/damage.sfp
  8. So these guys are familiar to some, Jeff started a thread waaay back in 2013, but hey here they are again with album number 3 Untamed (coming next week) and this track London which is nice and fluffy with a boss solo! Enjoy. https://www.facebook.com/Sandnessband/
  9. SO in my trolling the interweb I stumbled upon this German hard rock band and had a hoot acquainting myself with them. Seems they've been about for a few years, have a new EP just out entitled "Flash & Blood" along with a documentary entitled "Full Circle Last Exit Rock n Roll. Some may remember Andy from Sodom and The TraceeLords... https://www.facebook.com/doublecrushsyndrome There are a couple handful of videos on youtube but here is a small selection to get you started. This is from the new EP and the movie, a cover of Skid Rows Riot Act with Scotti Hill...
  10. https://www.facebook.com/dizzyfoxband Vocals: DarioliciousLead Guitar: LukeRhythm Guitar: Freddy Bass: Stanley Drums: Criss
  11. Only thing that comes to mind is the Dwarves album Blood Guts and Pussy cd that has a song title on the disc but the song isnt on the album. Can't remember what the song is at the moment however... Fuck You Up and Get High maybe.
  12. Speaking of Dave, anyone seen or heard from him in like ever?
  13. Ha Geoff that was the first thought I had each guy has a song...
  14. Finally watched Bumblebee and boy that was not a good addition to the Transformers legacy even with the film set in the 80's...
  15. I am unsure what you all are tooting but Geoff's voice sounds the same as it always has on these tracks and this stuff would slip right in the Mindcrime era Ryche all day long.
  16. That song is kewl as fuck! Great find and share Captain! https://kodiakband.com/ https://www.facebook.com/WeAreKodiak/
  17. Dead Ant ~ If your not savy get to be. This one is b-movie schlock at its best and done last year. Jake Busey and Co. play an over the hump glam rock band trying to reignite the torch, they stop in the desert for some mind altering and shenanigans unfold. A nice movie and the soundtrack is awesome! For fans of KIX as they use 2 tunes of theirs and Steep Panther as the movie bands new song amply entitle "Sideboob" is brilliant!
  18. Saw Endgame in the theatre last night and as already known this is a great addition to the Marvel franchise. Snake Out of Compton, yep snake. This one would break Kieth's schlockometer, so bad and painful that is might be good? No. Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far On Foot~ Gus Van Sants latest with Joquin Phoenix portraying Portlandian drunkard, quadrapalegic cartoonist John Callahan. Very well done, supremely serious and broody but a great film. Probably one of Jonah Hill's best performances and no he isn't even trying to be funny. Winchester~the "true" story of the heir to the Winchester Repeater Rifle fortune and her maddening obsession with building a ghost hotel. Very interesting story however the movie was one jump scare after another and really probably just hollywoodized the underlying story. Worth a watch only to spark your interest to do some digging on the real tale. Apparently the house is still in the Bay Area and the end scene (s) and the great San Fran earthquake certainly make one wonder... Hellfest~This watered down haunted theme park "scary" movie was meh. It was like a Scooby Do episode without the plot and/or being able to leer at Velma and Daphne...
  19. That was a very nice cover. Performed well and as mentioned stellar voice and extremely easy on the peepers.
  20. This is funny and dependent upon the suffix, yes. Sodium nitrate is used to cure pork. I can only imagine the band meeting. "So Tommy what you got?" "Uhhm, duh uhhm Septic Talon?" "No that's no good." "Jimmy what you got?" "Well I'm partial to Delilah's Septum." "Not bad not bad at all..." "Keith what about you?" "OK boys strap in here's the name, RU ready........NITRATE!" The whole band in uni-some ala Bill & Ted : "WHOOOOAAA! EXCELLENT!" Feckin' ding dongs. And for the record, the songs made my balls retreat back into my body. Thanks Nitrate I am now a post op transgender...
  21. FUnny. I didn't pay much attention and haven't heard a note of this but do they fancy YES much?
  22. From a strictly song perspective its fine. Very reminiscent of early STP to me and its listenable, but not memorable. As with the majority I too am flummoxed as to why you'd get the gang back together and then do something to tarnish the brand. As Yoda once said, do or do not there is no try.
  23. Ralph looks so much like Joan Rivers its kind of creepy... They should write a song called "I'm Not Joan, but I'd Make Her Moan". Alive or dead it still could be epic!
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