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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. I'm still waiting for the deadstock reply. Again, not kidding.
  2. Yes welcome. I think most of us started out the same way, trolling the boards and endless research on so many unknown bands.
  3. Leatherface~Not a bad movie at all, goes back to tell the tale of how it all began and you get Steve Dorff as well!
  4. A handful of eclectic ones: The Handsome Devils-Burst Into Flames Zero-Chance In A Million Almost is Nothing- The Long Emergency Hater-S/T The Cat 4-Bikini Crash Dead Reprise-Death Of A Nation Hawthorne Heights-The Silence In Black And White (cd/dvd slipsleeve re-iss)
  5. I FINALLY checked thanks Chris! I will be rapping with you via other means as your in the need to rap with circle.
  6. This was a favorite for me: And this: This website makes some interesting parallels from "popular rock bands" and christian ones: https://www.80schristianmetal.com/ A couple others worth a listen: Soooooo many more out there that are awesome, sure some can be overly positive and downright preachy but so what.
  7. Chris I'd love to get some MP'3's from you on these tapes and twist your arm into sending me anything else that you may have in your mom's attic that you want to offload... martinsane@msn.com Found a pick of the 2nd tape, not alone its the lower left hand corner of this group shot...
  8. Ironically I just got an email for the Saints & Sinners, a full length no less, coming March 29th...
  9. Man I dig that SHallow Side One record. Was NOT aware of the other 3! Kewl! How was the show?
  10. Don't know if we did this one, but back in the day it was our jam for sure.
  11. Great band and a great song, funny how we remember things and you were quite certain the band was a "C" name and well, WOW, nope The Hooters is a ways removed from that. Maybe Hooters made you think of Cans and well thats where the "C" 's came from
  12. Kouros that Emerald box set looks tasty! Found a few and a couple of one offs that made me smile: WASP-Dying For the World Ted Nugent-Browning Music & Motivations For the Hunt (Sealed) And lastly this seeming to be rarity: Ligature-The Abolition Of Guilt (Indie 2000)
  13. Vibrate ALWAYS! Listening to peoples phones ring is a mega pet peeve for me. So disruptive and invasive. If you need Back In Black or Coolio to roar out of your phone at 100 DB's then maybe you shouldn't have a phone.
  14. I did double back and watch a couple games on Youtube. Fun to watch and it is a good change up from the NFL. I do hate the big striped ball as it screams college football.
  15. If your closing up shop/selling off or whatever, I'd be into a care package of deadstock, one of each would suffice... I am not joking.
  16. Postman was kind a few days ago with a LOOOOONG overdue package from Italy... Barbarossastrasse-S/T Barbarossastrasse-Waiting In The Wings Can't wait to dig into these!
  17. Certainly a departure from some of their earlier wares. This stuff sounds more like Zebrahead to me, which is fine. NOt going to race out and grab it our anything but bonus points for staying together and making albums. I can't believe this is number 10!
  18. Again like the first song, this is Def Lep with Keith singing for them, shame as the songs are alright, catchy and well done, just not Tesla. That Taste Like is so so so very much a Pour Some Sugar knock off its borderline pathetic. "Lemon squeeze, lemon twist". Good grief. It would be a hoot if Joe Elliot sang these new Tesla songs and then everyone would be like WOW that new Def Lep is the shit. PLEASE Tesla, no more Phil C and Def Lep collabes, we need Tesla songs. Thank you!
  19. Makes me want to go there and read about what they are saying. Course I have no idea what site your all on about so I guess I won't.. As for the lists, I love it and it shows the diverse group here and even when we all don't "see it" we still are open to giving something a go. For mine anyone that knows me and my lists knows I only put the albums in there that are in my hands and that I have physically spun (one exception this year and that's that Love Stallions, well and that Barbaarossastrasse, but it was on its way and the band sent some great mp3's). AND of course I lean hard left to the bands that are getting little to no play or notice. I go deep dark web to find these guys and yes some are not liked but every so often you get a Lesbian Bed Death and a member or 2 get a chubby (literally in the case of this band) and get after their wares. And DP I didn't start a thread on them, I forgot as I posted their cover of the Lizzy Borden song in a LIzzy thread and then went on to something else, fun band though.
  20. martinsane

    NFL 2018

    Wow the Rams were a no show. What a completely uneventful game. Commercials were bleh and Maroon 5 extra credit bleh. Well NE has finally achieved the 6 rings to tie with Pitt. Good on them their dynasty is a sound one no doubt. What was the dealio with Gurley? He stood there on the sideline like a statue for a loooooong ass time? Anyone know why? And dd anyone see the look of sheer terror on the face of Goff for the entire game? Looked like Cam Newton when Denver ate his lunch a few years back. Come on August get here soon so we can start all over again with hopefully a better season with better teams going to the big show...
  21. Avengers Infinity Wars~Excellent! One word, excellent. I am not the biggest comic book guy and/or comic adaptation movie guy, but the quality of these movies is getting very good. Can't wait for part 2.
  22. First to mind was/is Salty/American Dog bassist Mike Hannon. We chatted after his HH posts and even swapped some swag... There are a few other "lesser" knowns but I will have to rack my brain to recall them.
  23. I was only a casual follower of the band Death and not familiar in the least with their history, that said this documentary on the band was a solid watch, at least I thought, there could be loopholes in the story, but I don't know them.
  24. Found this one rather appealing. Old school metal from 2018 and from Tejas! https://sagefortune.bandcamp.com/releases
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