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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. um.... welcome to the world I guess. Kinda like he's just woken up. Weird.
  2. Nothing wrong with the album. But he's probably looking for reasons why it perhaps isn't doing well. But that was pretty much Enuff Z nuff anyway right. Will always go down by many as the best band not to really break big for whatever reasons. Donnie is just carrying on th tradition. Also, I smell a reunion. "Hey, Chip, OK, let's do it, but we need to pump this up a bit, what do you think? maybe I come out and slam you to get the ball rolling and people talking?"
  3. Was listening to this album today and jeez it's pretty good. one of those times where you expect a rubbish album from someone who used to be in a name band. So I was surprised at the time, and upon hearing it again afetr a while really rate it. If you haven't heard it, it's well worth a listen.
  4. Like anyone really gives a shit. I mean Chip has half the band name in his name. Easy one would have been to call the band Chip ZNuff Donnie left the band to do his solo thing, and they continued on without him when Johnny Monaco sung. That was like 20 years ago. Is this just a really really really really late reaction from Doonie? I really liked Donnie's latest and didn't hear the latest Enuff. I'd be open to it but I guess I follow the voice.
  5. Surely people were saying this about Eclipse, and then it was lukewarm received.
  6. Hey man, see the concerts thread for info on cheap whitesnake and scorpions tix

  7. For Geoff and any other Aussies... https://lasttix.com.au/buy-discount-tickets-scorpions-and-whitesnake Lasttix have Scorpions and Whitesnake tickets for $70. I just grabbed mine for the Melbourne show, A reserve were originally $190 Sydney also on sale. I actually forgot about this concert, had I remembered I probably would have just paid the full price because I've never seen either band live before. So that was a win Always worth subscribing to websites like this for last minute bargains. Usually they are shows I'm not sure about and when I see the cheap tix I think "why not"
  8. Not sure he can blame being in Poison for anything. Doubt many people knew, and probably less cared. What he's done (or hasn't) since has little to do with it. I don't mind some of his music. You Can't Save Me, My Angel, Love Is Bline, etc But for me there is a lot of filler in his music between the good songs. Getting through 50 new songs seems like a daunting task
  9. Wanna Be The One is one of my all time favorite songs Never thought I'd post a disco song, but I love this one
  10. haha, Geoff, You don't need to qualify everything by saying its only your opinion. I'm not going to get butt hurt if people don't like what I like. The main reason I'm here is to hear new music. it's the only place I go since Sleaze Roxx closed their forum, and sites before that closed. Music here varies from what I really like to stuff that's too synth pop for me. the on the other side of that is the heavier stuff that I don't expect to get a look in so much - Saliva, Five Finger Death Punch etc Anyway, I only ever mention bands here so others get the chance to hear them who may not have. If people don't like them, no harm no foul,
  11. Shockingly The New Roses only appeared in one of the also ran lists, same with Donnie Vie, with only 2 also rans. No rate at all for Taylor Hawkins or Mike Tramp in fact I'd say that the also rans were simply any other album that was heard in 2019 good to see Tesla get a rating I need to check out buckcherry, I completely forgot about that one. oops.
  12. Crazy that Cinderella got to where they did with a vocalist like that. Really takes time to learn to 'get' his voice. For the record, I love tyheir 4 albums, so you'd think I'd straight away be on board with new stiff fromKeifer, but it will take some time I think...
  13. 2011 The Answer - Revival the Poodles - Performocracy the Treatment - This Might Hurt Whitesane - Forevermore Sixx AM - This Is Gonna Hurt Saliva - Under Your Skin Electric Boys - And Them Boys Done Swang Donnie Vie - Wrapped Around My Middle Finger Butch Walker - The Spade
  14. OK, I've finally done mine! 1. Bad City – Welcome To The Wasteland 2. Cats In Space – Day Trip To Narnia 3. Roxanne – Radio Silence 4. Shiraz Lane – Carnival Days 5. Mr Big - Defying Gravity 6. The New Roses – Nothing But Wild 7. Cats In Space – Too Many Gods 8. First Signal – First Signal 9. The New Roses – One More For The Road 10. Five Finger Death Punch – And Justice For None The following came very close to making it and deserve a mention... Pop Evil – War Of Angels Robbie Williams – The Heavy Entertainment Show Pop Evil – Onyx Tesla – Shock Cats In Space – Scarecrow Hot Action Cop – Listen Up! Frank Hannon – Six String Soldiers Station – More Than The Moon Steelheart – Through Worlds Of Stardust The Answer – Revival
  15. ...street hustler walks up to me one day....
  16. Haha, was just relaxing and put youtube on the tv and it started playing random stuff. New HS clip came on "Talk To me" Nothing like most of the rest of their stuff. Different temps, different vibe, some female vocals etc
  17. I worry less about whoever is singing than most people. I like Warrant in all forms, Great White, etc If you're able to realise that you ain't getting the same product you got with the old singer (some people can't) and can open your mind and go in with a clean slate (some people can't) then you can be pleasantly surprised. From the first 2 abums I really liked 4 and 6 songs respectively Off HEAT - 5, 6, 11, 14 Of Freedom Rock - 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12
  18. Nothing wrong with generic for me. I love generic, as within that I find the gems. biggest problem I have with many bands these days is samey music. Revolutiions Saints are one of those bands. Just all has the same vibe to it. I'd prefer if bands like this change it up a bit, bring in some different insturments, completely change the vocals etc. If it doesn't work, then at least it breaks up the rest of the music. Just my 2c
  19. Uncut Gems was kinda hard to watch. Lots going on all the time talking wise, which got annoying. Worth staying for the ending, but won't watch again. 1917 was kinda cool to watch as it is shot as if it is one long camera shot, but not in a POV way. Story was ok, predictable at times, surprising at others. Ford v Fararri was ok. I am a big fan of F1, so was happy to give this a go. Just an average car flick I guess. Seems after all the avengers and DC stuff, movies have transitioned to more real life gritty type flicks (see above 2 as well)
  20. I hate how they release sampoles and songs before the EP is out. I get it to a degree with full albums, release one, maybe two songs, to whet the appetites, but when you release one or two songs off a 5 tracj EP, it kind of removes the 'new music' vibe. Would rather they release nothing before the nest one and get to hear all 5 tracks as they are new.
  21. Yep, 8 killer songs on that CD, can't wait for the new one.
  22. Possibly my favorite TS song. underrated as hell, it has it all in this song.
  23. Ron Young would be proud of how they are embracing their aging, with all the short hair and grey etc. If I saw a photo of this band and didn't know who they were, I'd say that the drummer was the singer for sure Song was ok, vocals sounded a bit vibro-ey but that may have been my speakers. Would be nice if there was some diversity on the album, bringing in some different instruments and styles to spice it all up a bit. HS kind of fall into the 'a bit too samey' category, although they are a lot less samey than other bands.
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