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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Nothing wrong with generic for me. I love generic, as within that I find the gems. biggest problem I have with many bands these days is samey music. Revolutiions Saints are one of those bands. Just all has the same vibe to it. I'd prefer if bands like this change it up a bit, bring in some different insturments, completely change the vocals etc. If it doesn't work, then at least it breaks up the rest of the music. Just my 2c
  2. Uncut Gems was kinda hard to watch. Lots going on all the time talking wise, which got annoying. Worth staying for the ending, but won't watch again. 1917 was kinda cool to watch as it is shot as if it is one long camera shot, but not in a POV way. Story was ok, predictable at times, surprising at others. Ford v Fararri was ok. I am a big fan of F1, so was happy to give this a go. Just an average car flick I guess. Seems after all the avengers and DC stuff, movies have transitioned to more real life gritty type flicks (see above 2 as well)
  3. I hate how they release sampoles and songs before the EP is out. I get it to a degree with full albums, release one, maybe two songs, to whet the appetites, but when you release one or two songs off a 5 tracj EP, it kind of removes the 'new music' vibe. Would rather they release nothing before the nest one and get to hear all 5 tracks as they are new.
  4. Yep, 8 killer songs on that CD, can't wait for the new one.
  5. Possibly my favorite TS song. underrated as hell, it has it all in this song.
  6. Ron Young would be proud of how they are embracing their aging, with all the short hair and grey etc. If I saw a photo of this band and didn't know who they were, I'd say that the drummer was the singer for sure Song was ok, vocals sounded a bit vibro-ey but that may have been my speakers. Would be nice if there was some diversity on the album, bringing in some different instruments and styles to spice it all up a bit. HS kind of fall into the 'a bit too samey' category, although they are a lot less samey than other bands.
  7. Very much the same for me, but I lost interest a bit earlier. For me, jumping the shark was after Seventh Son. Since then it's always been forced to listed to the music enough to get to really like it. the rewards are there for persistence, but I have little excitement for new releases. I class them as a bit ACDCish in the way they their music is no longer diverse enough to generate interest. Between No Prayer and Dance Of Death I have added an average of 3 songs per album to my best of folder, a far cry from the earlier album average of 6 or 7 per album. I've dabbled in their latest album, but not much interest again, haven't even tried out the two before the latest.
  8. Haven't looked at it too much as I'm unsure if I'll be around at the moment (in the country) so don't want to get my hopes up. Didn't realise Enuff Z Nuff were there. That makes it worse if I can't go. Will know more in a week or so.
  9. Shows how unique Steve's bass playing is. Very distinctive. I tried the last album, and couldn't get into it. Doubt I'll bother with this one. Even Maiden I struggle to get in to these days
  10. Jast saw that Enuff Z Nuff are playing The Prince Bandroom Melbourne 3rd March. Presume there are other dates around the country.
  11. Great cover of their own original Heard this at the cricket tonight and realised that it had a chorus worthy of this thread
  12. Lots of love for Wild Side. I like the song, but can put, well 12 others, above it lol
  13. Also saw Once Upon A Time In Hollywood - agree with comments above, but a long and at times boring film. Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker - way less cringey lines in this one than recent releases. I really enjoyed it - wound up well, and probably the closest that we've had to the first 3 movies (IV, V & VI) as far as the way it was directed and produced. Shame all the others weren't made the same way.
  14. Seems Nikki Sixx is a fan. But there is probably something in it for him, so possibly just publicity... https://fullinbloom.com/nikki-sixx-new-favorite-album-taylor-hawkins-get-the-money/
  15. Yeah, Smoke The Sky is not one of my favorites either. I think when dealing with older songs there is a sentimental aspect to it as well "I remember when I first saw this clip, and was blown away. I loved this song at the time" Wild Side has some great riffs, hooks, tempo changes, etc
  16. I think Motley lost a lot towards the end of their career. S/T with Corabi lost a lot of fans, simply because Vince wasn't there. Generation Swine was a little too different when it was released, and lost a lot more fans. Everything after than was pretty average. SOLA was good, but the best song for me, the title track, couldn't squeeze into my top 25. Then you hace Vince trying to sing. Nikki ceasing every oppotunity for publicity over stupid shit. Now the reunuion fiasco. In a lot of ways they killed their legacy for a lot of people. For me they generally evolved really well up to Dr Feelgood which was their peak. I love the Corabi album, and included it, but it's fairly removed from the rest of the material the band did. Hearing John talk about his exit was pretty disappointing. All this talk these bands have of being a 'gang' and 'brothers' etc is mostly a pile of crap. it was all business and arranged via mangers and lawyers. He wasn't all that pissed about it, I think he knew it was coming, as he said, he'd heard rumors etc
  17. Just managed to giuve Nitrates first album a fair go. Agree somewhat with the comments on the vocals - they were ok. Just listened to the samples earlier in this thread, and I don't hear what everyone else does. I thought the songs were average and somewhat boring. New singer doesn't do it for me, very generic. May put this one on the backburner for a few years and maybe when I listen again I'll be more interested.
  18. So I've been making new compilations, but for the top 25 songs of my favorite bands only. So when I play in my car etc, it starts at 25 and counts down and gradually gets better the longer it goes. Bit of fun in some rare down time. Ao anyway, here's what I came up with for Motley. Decided to post this one mainly to read the horrified comments of a lack of representation from the first 2 albums 1. Don’t Go Away Mad (Just Go Away) 2. Poison Apples 3. Home Sweet Home 4. Kickstart My Heart 5. Same ‘Ol Situation 6. Girls, Girls, Girls 7. Driftaway 8. Without You 9. Misunderstood 10. On With The Show 11. Time For Change 12. Looks That Kill 13. Wild Side 14. Afraid 15. She Goes Down 16. Enslaved 17. Red Hot 18. Bitter Pill 19. Angela 20. All In The Name Of… 21. Live Wire 22. Shout At The Devil 23. You’re All I Need 24. Loveshine 25. Find Myself
  19. So I like Taylor Hawkins music. Obviously heavioly drum based, and not really traditional hard rock. Eclectic mix of The Sweet, Queen, The Beatles, with a tinge of Foo Fighters thrown in at times. Lots of random stuff in the songs - claps, thumb clicks, some reggae in the songs Get The Money, even some shoobeedoowah. You're either goona open your mind and go with it, or hear it ones, call it experimental shit and never listen again. Hole In My Shoe was the song from Red Light Fever turned me on to him, which is a killer song. Don't Have To Speak and I Don't Think I Trust You Anymore are also great tracks. This new album, Take The Money, is a new giant step forward. Pretty much the epitome of needing multiple listens to get into the music, after 3 or 4 it all starts to come together. This is a kinda cool clip with Dave and Taylor swapping Foo Fighter roles. Another instance of Dave Grohl being one of the coolest dudes on the planet
  20. I've seen this topic in my feed a bit and wasn't that interested, but then I started thinking about it in more depth and here's what I came up with. I don't really have a fav guitarist. I like guitarists that are wither innovative or unique. Vito BRatta comes to mind as an example. The 'tap' playing, was new. Not sure if Eddie invented it, but he got a lot of credit for it. But overall my favorite guitarists would be the ones who write the great music, or the riffs that make the songs great. Was never really into the technical stuff. Satriani, Dream Theatre, amazing speed in thrash metal etc.
  21. Yep, this and also the hooks and melodies. His voice is perfectly suited to the music.
  22. Chrome for me. I use multiple devices so if I'm logged into my google account all passwords, links, favorites etc are carried between devices.
  23. Was listening to this today and it hit me what a great guitar solo it is, blending into the song for an extended time. Any others out that that stand out as being overlooked?
  24. I know right. I'm hoping that if I dump the CD for a month or so and then pick it up again I'll have forgotten about this and won't notice.
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