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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. That motherfucker nearly drowned!
  2. My pronouns are madlad and motherfucker.
  3. Finally got to this album. Seems I like it more than most here. They seem to have issues with mortality, with lots of death/live your life while you can type songs lol
  4. Aerosmith Walk This Way is a good example. Also Whitesnake - Here I Go Again Most likely I will prefer the remake when I hear it before the original version, as I haven't been caught up in the love for the song when it was released, so am more open to hearing the update. Twisted Sister rerecorded all of Stay Hungry, and whilst it sounds heavier and crisp (although not all that different from the original) I prefer the original. That said, the only reason they redid it was for $$$. Presume the owned the publishing on the rerelease.
  5. Thanks America. My biggest complaint about Trump losing office, was losing the entertainment you guys provided. May have taken a while to kick in, but I'm thinking we're well on the way not not only matching the fun, but surpassing that old 'yesterday's news' Trump. I mean Biden is his own parody, and he just keeps on giving. Now with the support of the hilarious Brandon movement, it's fun to watch US politics again
  6. Old Henry - loved it. If you like a good western with some nice twists, watch this. Queenpins - was ok, nothing great Copshop - any Gerard Butler flick is good, and this one was. Someone tried to replicate a Quinten Tarantino flick and did a fairly decent job. No Escape - was on TV last night. Great movie, was as good as I remembered. Owen Wilson action/drama.
  7. CureTheSane


    I've said many times before, my decision to go for Pfizer was based solely on what was likely to be the most accepted vaccine required for travel. Never had an issue with the blood clot thing. Anyone who thought that was an issue should buy a lottery ticket, because you have better odds. Apparently Canadians have been taking doubling up with Astra and one of the RNA vaccines. I'd be ok with that
  8. CureTheSane


    Seems Astra was the better of the bunch after all. Ironically it was able to be manufactured in my state, which us why Australia committed to it so heavily. Just recently they shut down production lol
  9. Never got into BLS, but that song's ok. Sounds kinda like Ozzy if he could sing Sounds like he's trying to sing like Ozzy anyway.
  10. I think that Bad City is an important selectiona nd makes me actually show interest in this list. Aside from Darkness, which is shit, the others I need to hear are... Marcello Vestry - Marcello Vestry (2008) Reckless Love - Animal Attraction (2011) (not sure why I don't have this) Wildness - Ultimate Demise (2020)
  11. Myles last album was his best I reckon, lots of great stuff on it. Look forward to this.
  12. The word is annoying. The movement is annoying There are no longer any verbs, nouns or adverbs. there are only pronouns, and they can be anything at all. The world is fuckeder than it's ever been before in this way.
  13. I was just saying today. How the fuck is Australia Day still on 26 Jan? Indigenous Australians call this 'invasion day' and regardless of how anyone feels about it, I'm genuinely surprised that the wokeness hasn't cancelled this and changed the day. For the record, I am one who says change it, but only because I am sick to all hell of hearing only about this bullshit EVERY SINGLE YEAR. So change it to the 20th or whatever, and people won't give a shit so long as the weather is good, they get a day off and they can have a BBQ Anyway, but on post, how the fuck are real guns allowed on set? Regardless of how you feel about guns etc, surely by now the woke culture has made some inroads into cancelling this?
  14. I'm happy to be negative My wife took me to see Cat Power - do not recommend I saw a Pearl Jam tribute show once at a pub, and knew only one song and everything pretty much sucked, so I'd never do a Pearl Jam show Darkness was a good call. Probably many others, mainly bands I don't really like and don't know their songs, so why bother is you aren't into the songs?
  15. Real guns on a movie set is weird to me.
  16. Kinda with Glen here. You'd expect that there is a range of people who are responsible for potentially dangerous items like this. You'd also think that by the time it gets to an actor, it is 100% safe for them to click it, drop it, throw it etc. Even if there should be some responsibility on the person handling the weapon, that would mean that the weapon would have to be able to used in that way (I would have assumed that all prop guns on set cannot fire bullets - go figure if they allow real guns on set - that's just weird) Also, you'd think that if the above is so, that there would be some standard in place as to protocols. Do actors generally check that prop guns aren't loaded?
  17. Yeah, I know. But from memory the song I listened to was synthy and on the poppy side. Kinda light and fluffy. I'll probably come back to them one day and give a fair go.
  18. This album keeps on coming up in my Facebook feed from music pages. Listened to a song and was very meh.
  19. I heard this earlier. Sounded the same. As I was listening I heard the drums were a little heavier, and as mentioned I'm sure it's less synthy. And I am not a big fan of synth at all. I really like the original, but this cover just sounds like the original updated a bit. Nothing fresh or exciting about it. I love Hell In The Club, but this is an average cover. I'd put it on a best of mix for the band, but only because it's kinda the same as the original.
  20. WOW, that clip make the song kinda suck. I mean we're talking Rock Me Tonite cringe factor here. Soooo hard to watch. Best thing they can do is come outa nd say they were taking the piss....
  21. CureTheSane


    The most fucked thing, is that our state government is taking a hard line of double vax. You lose your job if you refuse. BUT THEN, it's being reported that Australian Open tennis players will be allowed in, with no vax, so long as they quarantine for 2 weeks. The argument would be good for the economy. Guess what else is good for the economy? People working in jobs lol
  22. CureTheSane


    Not sure if it's been the case in other places, but in my state, no double jab = no work in health care, police force, construction & trades, and all retail. Looks like if you haven't had both jabs you also won't be allowed to shop in retail as well. So health care, duh, but all other areas, I mean I HATE mandatory jabs in these areas, and so do many people as well. I know a shitload of people who have been forced to leave their jobs. Now for me this is a fucking stoopid decision, but they are so passionate against having a 5G chip injected into them or whatever, that they are leaving their jobs. Great if you're looking for a new job, they are everywhere. The policing of people in shopping centres will be interesting. We are expected to reach 80% double jabbed on 29 Oct and 90% on 10 Nov.
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