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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. And it's ok for anyone to publicly call you out for things you said 12 years ago? I get it, he's in the public eye. And when he said it, nobody shouted him down. Now that everyone is all woke, it's ok to back in time and drag up things said out of context and besmirch their character?
  2. This is very true. He is playing the game, and playing them at their own game. Not sure if anyone watched Below Deck here, but big controversy about a white chief stew sating the N word. As soon as it happened she was fucked. Even thought she was wasted and repeating a song lyric that contained the word. Wasn't directed at anyone, and wasn't meant in a negative way. Same sort of deal with Rogan from what I've seen. He has used the word in conversationa ABOUT the word. It's pretty simple, if the word is that bad, then nobody uses it ever, Not between black friends, not in song lyrics, so it's not allowed to stay in mainstream laguage. Just take it out of the language, and every time it's spoken, it is equally as bad...
  3. Silly statement. Sounds like you are pretty much in the same boat as us. You don't like what the governement had done with covid. I'm guessing the majority of countries are in the same boat. I see protests etc all around the world. To think that we are exclusively worse off in any extreme sense is ignorant and uneducated. Regardless of how I hate what has been happening here (and live in Victoria, the most locked down and restricted place in the world) I still love my country and think of it as one of the best places in the world. I don't say that out of patriotism, nor do I say it out of (and I know you're not going to belive this or be able to comprehend it) the media convinging me that it is. It's not because I am obedient, or out of any obligation. I say it because I believe it. When I went to Torquay beach the other day, and to a local park with my dogs today, I loved every minute. List some of the netter countries to live right now and why. Well you should fucking move to England then. Become a whinging pom. You certainly whinge enought about your country. You'll fit right in there (no offence Glen)
  4. Moonfall Turn off your braina md enjoy. A few cringey one liners, but entertaining enough. Good one for the movies on the big screen.
  5. Really? That's pretty much all I've seen Aussies do of late. It's also making news around the world that we act that way.
  6. Onslaught? Haha, this is fun. Pal, sport,champ, buddy, little soldier. See you're posting like a kid in a playpen. Soon someone will come in and say. "OK, enough, you both look like fools" 😀
  7. 😀 this is great.so you admit yiu said that?
  8. CureTheSane


    Cool, we're playing that game now? Ok sport. You do see that entering into this little stoush with me, just brings you down to my immature level? Don't you? I mean nim surprised that you didn't see what I was doing here. My choice was to play the childish game, and if that's how others saw me then I was fine with it. Buy you, you hold this place in very high regard and like to be seen as a reasonable and intelligent person. And by bringing you down to my level, youre just engaging with me and we both look stupid. Then again, I can see you you couldn't recognise when you were looking stupid 😉
  9. Prove that you didn't say that. Also, stop messaging me apologising for being wrong about Warrants Belly 2 Belly not being a great album.
  10. I mean, I was feeling kinda fulfilled in giving you some shit for the way you make things up and twist comments. When you start telling people they are wrong, rather than discussing, as you generally do, your argument becomes redundant and meaningless. But, if you'd like to continue, I am very happy to take the low road. The low road is much more fun that the high road
  11. CureTheSane


    Whoaaa, hold on. I did it. I managed to show you how people feel when they read your posts misquoting them and others. Sad thing is I'm doing it for shits and giggles. You do it as a way of making an argument. But you raise a value point You literally just said "the most important thing in life is to be well regarded on the HH forum. You have the weirdest way of trying to achieve that ultimate goal of yours...
  12. Guns n Roses summed up arguing with you on track 15 of use your illusion (made you look) Actually that reminds me of yhe time you said GNR were a shit band when didn't have one good song and that anyone who ever liked anything they did was a pro vax fool. How is life today in your little bubble of "covid is nothing, but I got the vax"?
  13. About tue only time I look at the main site. I click on the posted songs that I don't know. This time I ended up with around 5 new bands to check out.
  14. See I got there. I actually do understand how it feels to make posts like you do. It's fun to watch someone try to defend themselves when they have been misquoted and misrepresented. This must be how you feel. I like it, I think I'll continue for a while. One thing that did stick out for me was when you said that covid was created by the US govt, taken to China and released as a population control. Even though it doesn't exactly match your "covid is at best a weak cold" rhetoric, it is food for thought...
  15. CureTheSane


    Geoff says "covid is nothing to worry about" and then gets upset when people complain that they are sick from it filling the hospitals. I read in a post somewhere that you claimed this was brought here by aliens!?!? O also saw, in going through your posts, that anyone who accepted covid as anything other than a government conspiracy was a fool.
  16. And that's fair. As Geoff stands atop the mountain and throws down his commandments, we can start to make a list. 1. Thou shall not vaccinate. 2. All media everywhere is evil and unless you think like him, they have taken control of your mind. 3. covid has never resulted in death, its all in everyone's collective imaginations. 4. Glen has the best taste in music. Let me predict the next one to be released. 5. CTS is an asshole 😀
  17. Which Geoff is this? Is it the one who doesn't read, absorb and understand posts, the one who has been indoctrinated into the anti vax cult and regularly throws hate at vaccinations, or the Geoff who enjoys misquoting, misrepresenting and twisting words to suit how he feels minute to minute?
  18. CureTheSane


    I just wanted to see what it was like to make arguments like Geoff does. Ironically it made you type a lot. Apologies for that. But I guess that's what Geoff gets - a lot of typing in response that is kind of a waste of time. But no, I'm 100% with everything you wrote.
  19. CureTheSane


    Man, you've been fed lies from the media. this is the media speaking. You are word for word saying that unvaccinated people are a lesser part of society. Can't you see the hypocrisy in saying that you are against mandates but fuck them if they get the virus? Sorry, just wanted to see what it was like to make arguments like that from drawing from small pieces of information and twisting them to suit an agenda
  20. Not only have the media misrepresented this, but also the governments. Remember when it started? Masks are bad (when they are in short supply) Masks are mandatory (when there are shitloads) covid is transmitted via contact, so supermarkets must steralize self checkouts and trolleys etc. Then this all stopped. Why? How transmissable is this via touch? Any mask is good. Only really high end masks are good. covid is not really transmissable outside Masks are mandated outside, all the time I could go on, but the most fucked thing is the lack of definitive information considering the amount of transmission there is. Where are all the percentages of reduced illness from vaccination? Where are the proven stats?
  21. Did I think it might hit me hard? Don't recall that and too lazy to look, but if I did, then I changed my mind. You do know that you're allowed to do that? Regardless, in reality I have no idea how hard I'll get hit, until it happens. Yes, I do alter my life to suit perceived dangers. I generally don't get a flu shot, but if there is a bad flu around I will, because I don't wanna get sick. I wear a seat belt in a car. I have never smoked, it was always weird to me that people would harm themselves like that. I've never done drugs, and these days only drink 4 or 5 times a year. I'd love to skydive, but don't know if I ever will. Once in the UK, I was on the subway and my daughter and I changed carrages because I saw what i believed was a danger (not going to describe it as it is easily seen as racist) I don't text and drive. I won't get into as car with someone if they have drunk too much. Not sure if you do these as well, or if you just live life on the edge... Don't confuse my opinion with me really giving a shit. If you think my opinion on this makes me a hypocrite in some way, then so be it. Maybe next week I'll be on board with you. Sometimes I hate that we still have boat people sitting in detention, sometimes I think "fuck them they shouldn't have tried to junp the queue to get here". Sometimes I think both things at the same time. That's pretty hypocritcal, so what? Who cares, I won't deny being a hypocrite at times. Doesn't ever make anything I say less my opinion. Rwally? no the governemnst reacted to a virus around the world, all pretty much the same way. So yes, and this might be a weird concept for you, effectively covid shut down the world. ie: if covid didn't happen the world wouldn't have shut down. ie: it was the cause. Not sure I can explain more. Yes, a shame that many people choose not to want to help these vulnerable people. Let me summarise for you. all people get to go to hospital due to getting this virus. Vaccination helps you not end up in hospital, and helps you not get severely ill. Vaccination supposedly reduces the spread of the virus. People with pre-existing conditions are more vulnerable. You think this info came from the media and is wrong? OK...... Really I said unvaxxed poeple were a lesser part of society? OK And yes, vaxxed people are doing the right thing by society and unvaxxed are not. this is my opinion. so what? I'm allowed to think that. I'm not running around preaching it, only stating it when I need to like right here. Just because you don't agree doesn't make my opinion less valid. Fuck, I'm niot quoting you any more. It's redundant. You think I am controlled by the media. Irony here is that the only media I ever watch is the odd sky news clip on youtube. And they are far right. You probably think I sit watching the ABC or the Project. That's ok, think what you will. I've found that my argument here with you is basically me defending my thoughts and you telling me that they aren't my thoughts, but thos of the media nad hysteria and maybe some sort of sheep cult mentality. Sad that you couldn't discuss it without having to constntly default to some sort of brainwashing all the time. Smacks of weak arguments to me, so I'll just leave it alone. Until I feel like arguing again. Hypocritical maybe, but I;m cool with that Just keep in mind that any comments to you on this from now on are either taking the piss, having a laff, or just provoking. I will enjoy that far more.
  22. Is that the drummer who goes nuts waving his arms around and putting on a big show? If so I've seen some clips and he's mesmerising
  23. I mean, it's not like people aren't dying from this. Every time you turn around there's someone else you know of who's been taken. https://www.perthnow.com.au/entertainment/music/music-industry-titan-glenn-wheatley-dies-aged-74-c-5529301
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