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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. No time for movies. my son and I discovered The Boys. If you haven't seen it, get on it. Seasons 1 and 2 are 8 eps each 1 hr loong Season 3 on its way.
  2. CureTheSane


    As Geoff said, freedom day tomorrow, as we have got to 70% double vaxxed. Will be at 80% around 30 Oct and 90% 10 Nov But the 'freedoms' are pretty limited I mean the curfew is gone. But all retail still closed, masks outside and inside, shitloads of people leaving their jobs because they won't get jabbed. We supply a wholefoods store and they have lost more than half (22) of their staff .
  3. CureTheSane


    Why does he remind me of Woody Harrelson?
  4. I mean I used to watch Celebrity Apprentice. Was always gonna be a ride. But sadly (and this in not a left or right opinion) a lot of what Trump achieved was overlooked or buried by the press and the lefties. I've listed some of what he did in another thread, and much of it was great. He also was a strong leader and countries need strong leaders. China had no idea how to handle him. I am not a US citizen, so my observations are merely that> I didn't live under him, so in some ways don't kn ow shit. But facts are facts and overall, he really should have been treated with more respect. People will always slam their leaders, but Trump was really treated with NO respect by many people and was belittled. Democrats probably through it was hilarious, and jumped on that bandwagon, but all it did was weaken America and make it a laughing stock. Sadly, that had been carried over by Biden. Press seem to be overlooking it all for now, but eventually they will jump on board. Kind of sad overall.
  5. The album Isolation Boulevard is pretty good as well. New York Groove is a bit dodgey though.| Rest of the songs are a little tweaked and fresher.
  6. Paul Manzi (ex Cats In Space) brings it to Sweet Nice song
  7. Creatures Of The Night is one of the worst Kiss albums.
  8. CureTheSane


    Yeah, that's pretty harsh, but kind of funny. Sad thing is that those who broke all kinds of rules and brought copvid into my state from other states were not penalised at all because they cooperated with contact tracers etc. And some of these knowingly travelled with covid. But still, those two dudes got to see their team win the flag. Imagine if they'd lost, that would have really sucked lol
  9. CureTheSane


    Well, the world is supposedly overpopulated
  10. Biden getting a fair bit of press over here. Lots of clips making him look somewhat senile at times. Hard to argue most of the time. I've said before, the thing I miss most about Trump was the entertainment. Biden is doing his best to perform I guess lol
  11. Haven't heard yet. Hopefully the hersh words will lower my expectations enough to like it more than everyone else....
  12. Been watching The Boys, which has been fun. Saw 3 Days To Kill? Kevin Costner. More a daytime TV movie.
  13. CureTheSane


    I saw that clip a couple of days ago. Well worth the watch. Compelling and pretty definitive. Trump himself says it wasn't intentionally leaked from the Wuhan lab in his opinion. In the clip they state that bars can't even be carried by bats.
  14. CureTheSane


    Your opinion is just that. I also have one. I guess I'd fall somewhere between you and Glen, but it is somewhat swayed by STILL being in full lockdown and STILL under curfew. But, I'd be looking at the whole thing a bit more pragmatically as far as the severity of covid goes. Easy to say it's the worst plague ever and easy to say it's a flu. There are stats for everything. But think about this. Every single country pretty much treated it the same way. Individual assessments all came to the same conclusion. So who is right? Darkstone, or every government in the world? That said (and in hindsight) things could have been a lot differently. Unlike Glen, my vaccinations took over an hour each, both with appointments. Lots of other bullshit ways of working through it. Hopefully next pandemic will be easier 😀
  15. CureTheSane


    The hint was in the title of the thread....
  16. Well, federal govt, as well as states of NSW, SA and Tasmania are all liberal (conservative) Victoria, ACT, Queensland, WA and NT are all Labor (left)
  17. I've always considered power ballads to kind of be like 'anthem ballads'
  18. Federal govt is trying to have the whole country open up and live with covid WA are saying "fuck that, we're going to act as if we are a separate country"
  19. Just sittin' around waiting for my website to upload. Listening to Roxanne's Broken Chandeliers which is a fairly positive song. So tell me something good in your life...
  20. Yep, we can say anything we want, and it's just Aussie slang
  21. I started really with The Skyhooks and then Kiss From there it was Twisted Sister, Maiden, Quiet Riot, etc Next up would have been Bon Jovi
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