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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Not really. Never been a fan of heavy synth, especially syrupy synth. But then VH brought a bit in with Sammy and I was a fan. Depends how it's done. When I started listening to this album I thought I'd made a mistukake. But as I said before, I don't recall it flowing through all the songs and on a second listen some have little or no annoying synth. Good songs are good songs, even ones with synth. Just takes me a whiole to get into them. Guffria is a good example.
  2. Does it really matter? It's just live stuff. Brings in the dollars, and he can buy food, or a car, or whatever. He obviously can do the songs some kind of justice. Looks like bad taste, but EVH died over a year ago. Not sure how long he was planning to do this regardless. I'd probably see the show it it was on, but it would just be another cover band. Not sure why everyone is getting all worked up...
  3. YEah the 'phat ass' Apparently highly desirable these days, thanks to Kardashians etc I'm not a fan. A nice tight ass for me.
  4. CureTheSane


    What happened to herd immunity at 70 to 80% We're at over 90% double jabbed now and this shit is still moving around at 1000 cases per day in my state. Was herd immunity just a pipe dream?
  5. One second in the synth hits. It's the worst kinds as well, the unnecessary kind. I get bands that are all synthy, and that's their thing, but I think they were trying to add to teh songs with something extra and it didn't work. That said, I wasn't noticing them on all sons, so maybe it was just a few that they hit up. Also need to rehear.
  6. So I gave Marcello-Vestry a spin My first thought was that the first song, and a few others, have a Vito Bratta vibe to the guitar, Or even Robert Rodrigo vibe from Airless. Shame the songs are a bit too synthy for me. But only a bit, so I'll give it a few more tries. Were a couple of songs that grabbed me.
  7. CureTheSane


    Not triggered, surprised. Heaps of people hate the cops. They are all equally idiotic.
  8. CureTheSane


    Pretty unlikely to get many fires this year with La Nina
  9. CureTheSane


    Here's my ability to read and interpret information. You say that you no longer teach your kids to respect police. You seem open in your statement "Fuck the pigs" You may say that in front of them. If you don't I'm sure they will pick up on it. Kids learn from their parents. I'm happy with my interpretation. It's sad that people can generalise so vigorously. I would put forward that a MASSIVE percentage of cops are good, if not great cops. we're looking at only a very few cops here who overstep and gain a lot of press. I know 3 people who have applied for the force. One got in, one didn't, one is in the process now. Their requirements are extremely high, and not adhering to just one part of the process 100% equals a fail. In the case of the person who didn't get in, she got through all the psych, fitness, etc, but didn't come across as confident enough in a phone interview, so that was it. Cops are legends.
  10. CureTheSane


    OK, teach your kids to hate the police and you're setting them up for a pretty shitty life potentially. "Fuck the pigs" I so hate the ACAB shit. When you come out with generalised comments like that I think les of your mental capacity and like you a lot less.
  11. CureTheSane


    Pushing the kids was pretty harsh, but there is no context. Judging by the way she was speaking, accusing the police of groping her friend, you'd think that she was likely inciting them. Doesn't justify the shove of a kid, but in a karmic world, possibly got what she deserved. I hate these clips, and the Avi is a fucking dick. He dissipates what he does by leaning so far to the right that he's as bad as the lefties. The cops wouldn't be detaining a young girl unless they had a reason. People honestly think that all 10 cops there was all in on being unfair and persecuting the girl? nope.
  12. I hope nobody is offended by this, but here are my thoughts on religions people. As a general rule, I think of them as those who cannot cope with the thought that life ands and that's it. To be able to successfully make it through life, they need a back up. Something else out there to give them solace that life has more meaning than it does. So they look for an all seeing all knowing creator who will perpetuate their 'life' after their bodies die. All atheists and agnostics go through the journey of coming to terms with their mortality. Religious people seek to avoid this journey and find a blanket belief to do so. The irony is that religious people see themselves as being content and fulfilled with their faith. Non religions people actually are equally as content and fulfilled once they come to terms with what their life actually is all about, and proceed to enjoy it in a fairly pure way.
  13. To be honest, it doesn't really concern me if he did or didn't. I put it out there are a kind of olive branch (ie: not everything is completely imaginary and made up) Not many lives were well documented 2000 years ago. Likelihood is that he existed, and had some small amount of notoriety. Was killed and became a Randy Rhodes or Jeff Buckley. A lot more famous after death than when alive. The bibles changed over the years, his exploits became more impressive and eventually became a demi god. Ironically I love easter and Jesus stories. They make great stories
  14. CureTheSane


    Russell Brand goes on a bit too much about spirituality most of the time for me, and he is very slow to get to the point, compared to someone like, say the awesome Jordan Peterson. I remember when I first saw the Sarah Silverman was dong video blogs, because I thought she was pretty great and funny. And then I saw some, and now I hate her. I hate pretty much everything she says, and I even find it hard watching her movies lol
  15. haha, just what this place has been missing. A religious thread. I don't believe in any higher power, just like I don't believe in ghosts or aliens. Show me one and I will believe, until then.... As far as mainstream religions go, they are all equally silly to me. Defining a 'god' or 'gods' and creating images on them, and worshipping them? Really? Just because you don't know? Christianity is ridiculed in Australia, because like it or not we are a Christian society. Want proof? attend parliament, and they say the lord's prayer before every sitting. Having travelled extensively around the world, I will say that Catholicism is the worst of them all. Money hungry, money grabbing religion that it. Asian religions and much more realistic. Anyway here's the thing. I DON'T KNOW I don't know how we got here. I know how we evolved. But I don't know where our consciousness came from, and I don't know where it goes, if anywhere. And I don't care, because I can't change it anyway. For me life is more about being a good person, doing right by others and living a happy life. I've said for years, the secret to life is in two parts. Stay healthy and he happy. That's it. Worship whomever you like. Doesn't affect me. You guys create some great temples and churches and I enjoy visiting them. Interestingly, even 10 or 15 years ago, not many dared to come out and admit they had no faith. These days, this is common, but rare for people to come out and say they are Christian, or whatever. Jesus was real. His life is fairly well documented. Was he the son of a god? lol If anything he was a magician of sorts. Probably a decent bloke though. Scariest thing I've seen recently was the NY mayor talking about covid and how god has chosen it and people should get immunised to serve god or whatever. Damn, I would HATE to live in a bible belt of the US. Hell, people in my country don't ever really get a flag out except for one day a year that everyone hates because it's now all about invasion etc. I've been through the US and was amazed at the amount of flags on front lawns, letterboxes, and everywhen. You guys care about your country far more than us
  16. CureTheSane


    Yeah, I mean that's a fair call. This is what people originally were concerned about and it's gradually happened and not many people have really noticed or cared. Tracking everyone everywhere they go. (if you scan in )
  17. CureTheSane


    If somebody could stop covid for me, that would be great.
  18. Red Notice. Was pretty good. Ryan Reynolds usual slapstick, but if you turn your brain off, a decent flick.
  19. Nothing I'd like more than for a group of guys from here to piss all over my face Seriously I don't get the fascination. I mean I've peed on a mates leg under the toilet stall wall and the did the same back to me, but that was a couple of completely wasted guys not really having much of an idea of what they were doing, much less caring. Never got the waterworks porn, or even worse scat shit (pun intended)
  20. Is covid transmitted via urine? Asking for a friend
  21. I love Babymetal. This is their best Also did one with Rob Halford (skip to 7:15
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