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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Free Guy - average, poredicatable, well made.
  2. CureTheSane


    First lockdown we had, the streets were basically a wasteland. Kind of eerie they were so empty. This time, no real discernable change, at least when I am out on the roads. Even right now, at 1am - 4 hours after curfew becan, if I walk around the corner to the main road, there is a bit of traffic. Always gonna be nurses etc on the roads, but there is more traffic than there should be.
  3. CureTheSane


    Dare say there is a shitload of petrol in Australia. Although these days the roads aren't too far off non lockdown times. People pretty much doing what they like visiting family and friends I think...
  4. I have the first 30 seconds of Star Eyes by Peepshow as my main ringtone at the moment.
  5. CureTheSane


    Yeah, I'm gonna call it. We have relatively few cases compared to the rest of the world. to say our nurses etc are at breaking point is an insult to most of the nurses etc in the rest of the world. Aside from that, I don't know that they are doing longer shifts, overtime, etc. I'm sure they are working hard all day, does that mean that they weren't before? Talk about the strain of seeing covid cases etc and not letting family in to say goodbye etc, and yeah, I get it, that's tough. but from what we're hearing, shit is about to get multiple times worse when and if we ever reopen. The other day I saw a reporter on TV say to some nurses "thank you for your service" Holy fuck, what an insult to those who usually receive that comment!!!
  6. CureTheSane


    Haha, yeah nothing we can do because we are disarmed. Yes, having a handgun would have diffused all this.... Geoff is right about WA. They are unique in that they are so secluded. And they stopped receiving overseas flights, so it wasn't all that hard to not get many cases. That said, their leader has done a good job to dare, even if he is a tosser. I'm calling it now. Melbourne will come out of lockdown later than is predicted (buy a week or rwo) when we hit 80% double vax. Then we will go back into lockdown when we get cases of unvaried and the hospital system can't handle it. Why? See below...
  7. Actually didn't think that cover was too bad
  8. I think Juno is permanently gone now. Haven't seen him for months.
  9. I really don't think Aussies hate New Zealanders. More just fun jokes both ways. Aussies lay claim to pavlova, Russell Crowe, Split Enz, Phar Lap, Lamingtons which were all really from NZ Even our national flag was supposedly copied from NZ flag. I'm sure they stole some of our shit as well But NZ is an amazing place, I could seriously move there (especially now that Aus is so fucked)
  10. CureTheSane


    Yeah, I'm with auslander Never really cared about flu shot or covid shot. Re Geoffs post, I would pump Gladys up a bit because 1. I think pretty much every leader in every country copped some shit of some sort, 2. she had to contend with endless comparisons to other state leaders and 3. she at least sounded genuine in her appreciation and thanks to her citizens. One thing she did, was to TAKE the health advise and then MAKE her own decisions taking it into consideration, but not allowing it to rule her decisions. We are about to enter week 9 of our snap 7 day lockdown lol So much harder when you are constantly lied to and played. I mean I stopped being played a year ago, but most still believe what they hear... today we had fewer new cases than NSW, we are still ion the incline, you are on the decline. So clearly our harsher measures are a waste of time, and I wish we would follow you guys
  11. CureTheSane


    If it makes you feel better, we are all quite envious of you guys up there. Down here we see Gladys as a bit of a legend. Of course that came about as a comparison with what we have.
  12. Slash said Josh Todd sang out of tune when he auditioned for him. By your argument maybe you'd be the biggest Crue fan if they had a better singer?
  13. I always find it weird when people beg for a 'better singer' Are you all crying for a better singer for Motley, Motorhead, The Ozzy Osbourne band , etc You didn't hear Van Hagar fans crying for him to return to VH when they brought Dave back. There are heaps of bands who have a vocalist that I won't really like too much and I am lucky to find a few songs that I like due to that. I never had any issues with this singer. If I bothered to analyse his singing I could probably be picky, but that's not very rock and roll.
  14. Finally getting to this album. Best since Running With The Dogs. Barman is my fav so far. Lots of catch songs here, great surprise after the disappointing Power Crazy
  15. I kept 4, 5, 8, 9 respectively off the 4 albums. Looking forward to this new one
  16. Meh, just saying how it appears. In this case, it's not really a big deal. I love Kissin' Dynamite and will get the album for sure. More about some band I've never heard of before, and they throw a single in my face, and I decide for whatever reason, to give it a listen. Then it says "come back later" and I can say that unless it pops up again, I will likely never hear the song. So however they intend this to work, it doesn't seem to be for me at least....
  17. I miss a lot of premiere clips because they do this "come back and see in 20 hours" thing. Fuck that, it's just a fucking song, just release it and let me hear it. The anticipation thing is kinda weird and makes them look like they have a pretty big sense of inflated self importance/
  18. CureTheSane


    That clip above was yesterday. Today there was a much bigger protest that lasted 10 hours or so, and they will likely be back tomorrow since they have all been shut down for two weeks. Here's what happened. Government says all tradesmen need to get first jab by Friday or they can't work. Tradies say "fuck off", ask their union ($1000 per year to be a member) to represent them and do something. Union says "too hard basket" Tradies visit union HQ to get answers. Union boss runs and hides and off siders say he'll be out in an hour. They wait, and in the meantime hear him on the radio stating that they are all ring in protesters and not tradies. They get pissed and attack. State leader Dan Andrews say "fuck you, you wanna start shit? How about you're all banned from work for 2 weeks, sites are all shut down. Tradies have nothing to do now, so a 700 person protest turns into a few thousand today, and they shut down freeways etc. The shut down will cost the industry over 2 billion dollars. Also, the tradies are entitles to $750 disaster payment, which will be over 500 million dollars paid by taxpayers. But the state government don't give a shit about that, because it's a federal payment, and state and federal governments are not the same and oppose each other. Think I'll just sit and watch live stream of shit going down again tomorrow, Thank god Victorians have grown some balls and are standing up. A mainstream news reporter was put in a headlock, a bottle of V hit him in the head, and he also had a bottle of urine thrown at him. Lots of people pissed at the way the media have being portraying them and mislabeling them.
  19. CureTheSane


    Here is one of the best videos I've seen of the union 'attacks' on their HQ. The dude who presents this 'news' is kinda extreme right wing who runs around defending people's rights for not wearing masks etc, and also rips on cops a bit. Generally he's a bit of a tosser, but in this video he's ok, and the people he talks to do all the talking and it explains why there was the attack on the building etc Clear in the clip that the protesters are all tradies, not neo nazis, extreme right wingers or anti vaxxers.
  20. CureTheSane


    There has to be a point where federal intervene. There has to be a 'national interest' clause or something like that. But why would they? Look how much shit all the state leaders are getting, why would you want ti inherit that. But yeah, as Darkstone said, Andrews just said "Yeah? you wanna start shit, you 700 people? We fuck it, I'll shut down the whole industry for hundreds of thousands of people, see how you like that?" They are gathering again in the city, pretty sure Labor picked the wrong fight here. Labor and unions go hand in hand, if they destroy that relationship, Labor are completely fucked.
  21. CureTheSane


    There are far worse things I've put in my body I'm sure.
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